My Super God QQ

Chapter 204: Brother, help

"What on earth do you mean?"

Li Qing's heart gave birth to all kinds of thoughts.

Kindness, that must be kindness. What does Qilin Zhiren Qingyun Jue mean that he must be kind?

Or is it necessary to do good deeds?

In Ren's words, being kind should be kind. Li Qing is basically certain that he is absolutely fine.

It's auspicious, Li Qing still can't understand, what exactly does this auspicious mean, is Anxiang or something else. Anyway, it’s not always Xiang...

And, that's kindness!

This is what Li Qing feels the most difficult to do today.

After all, if he is kind, he and good people must be able to get along and be kind and beautiful. But if he is not a good person, Li Qing will only be angry, and if he wants to kill, he will naturally not be able to be kind.

Spent three hours in the grove...

Li Qing still didn't get a clue, so he had to take A Kun and they went back to dinner.

"Oh, what do you want?"

As soon as he ate, Zhang Min felt something was wrong. Li Qing always seemed to be absent-minded. Occasionally, he was dazed and almost ate the meal into his nostrils.

"It's okay!" Li Qing responded casually.

"Aren't you thinking of Spring?"

Suddenly, Teacher Ning whispered.

As soon as this remark came out, the entire dining table suddenly became quiet.

This is an inexplicable quietness that seems to coincide.

Then, Li Qing looked at Teacher Ning in shock, as did Zhang Min.

Not to mention Akun, they made Master Ning feel embarrassed and buried his entire head in the table.

"Oh, won't the teacher say the truth?"

Zhang Minxin thought it authentic.

"Mom, how can I do this to cultivate the immortal exercises?" Li Qing smiled bitterly: "If you really think of Sichun, you said, there is such a beautiful girl as immortal next to me. Get Sichun~"

"That's true!"

Zhang Min thought deeply and smiled, making it a happy thief.

Looking at the eyes of Li Qing and Ning Shishi, weirdly ridiculed.

Ning Shishi, she carefully looked at her figure, she was thinner and thinner, but her buttocks were uplifted, definitely the kind of good health, Zhang Min was still very satisfied!

"Aunt Zhang~"

Seeing Zhang Min looking at herself with a different view, Master Ning was so embarrassed that she threw down the chopsticks and hurried away.

After running away from the restaurant, Ning Shishi's heart was still beating fast and his face was hot.

"What's wrong with you? Do you really like that guy?"

Master Ning asked himself.

She had never thought that such a thing would happen.

Once upon a time, she thought that she would never take the initiative to like which boy, and she had never been tempted by anyone. Like many classmates who liked XYZ, but she was unimpressed. Sometimes, she is also worried about whether she will grow old alone...

But fate is so wonderful, she actually has a feeling of liking Li Qing.

"Can't be like this, me, I want to take control of my memory..." Master Ning said to himself, constantly covering his high chest with his hands, but the more he covered, the faster his heart would jump, and his mind Li Qing's images are more and more clearer.

She just felt like she was going crazy and hurried back to the room to take a shower.

But in this washing, she seemed to be enchanted, touching her body while washing.

The water continually flows through the jade-like, curvaceous and graceful body. She actually covered her mysterious part and imagined Li Qing's shadow twitching.


It wasn't until she gritted her silver teeth that she was trembling for a while, and finally she sat on the ground with her long legs, so that her whole heart slowly calmed down.

"It really killed people~"

Looking at the terrible wolf on the ground, and the shameful things she had never done, she covered her face and didn't dare to face herself. She just thought she was so cheap. Immediately, Li Qing blamed him again, all blaming that guy, and he was always around.


"A Qing, even if you don't go to school, do you have to go through a formal school suspension? In the afternoon, let me go with you!"

Suddenly thinking of this, Zhang Min said.

Her thoughts were obviously still in the past, when Li Qing was taken to school.

Li Qing said helplessly: "No, I just need to make a phone call!"


He is now a major general, and he must be devoted to everything.

"It's still going to go, that's the school, it's not a place, let's say, we also have a reputation for respecting teachers!" Zhang Min considered.

Li Qing realized that the problem was that he was negligent and nodded: "That is the time to go."

"Akun, Ryoko, prepare the car!"

After eating, Li Qing was ready to go back to Jianjiang.

I haven't seen my little daughter Guoguo for several days, and I don't know if I'm having a good time. I really miss her. Otherwise, let her live with her mother, Li Qing thought to herself, in that case, her mother also has a companion. As for Teacher Ning, that is still an outsider.

Yes, Guoguo, if it wasn’t for the stone she gave herself last time, she might have gged herself. Although the stone had slowly shattered after reflecting the light, Li Qing could not owe her daughter .

"Akun, when you come to Jianjiang City, look for the big mall first."

"Okay, Chief!"

"After waiting for Jianjiang City, I will tell you two kinds of exercises. Don’t be happy first. This is not a practice of immortality. But haven’t you heard of innate? If you practice well, you can also go to innate, as for practicing exercises, I haven’t realized it yet, if I can, I will teach you later!"

"Yes! Chief!"

Akun suddenly shouted excitedly.

Liangzi was holding the steering wheel and almost took his hands up to salute. The steering wheel was so excited that he turned around and made Li Qing smile and curse.

"Don't be excited!"

"Chief, can I tell you something?"


"I and Liangzi came out of a small mountain village. We can get into the top soldiers of the army, and we all rely on hard work and diligence. Because we have thought that we can’t compare with others. We only have the strength to go with sweat. Fight with others! But even though we are top soldiers, we still envy those soldiers from the big family..."

"Oh, do you mean that there are family members in your army joining the army?"

"Yes! These young soldiers all have martial arts or the like at home, but it's not rumored..." Speaking of which, Akun looked a little sad.

"But now it's okay..." Liangzi took over: "I believe that if the head teaches us, we will not be worse than them!"

"You still want to return to the army?" Li Qing asked with a smile.

The two immediately shook their heads like a rattle, and immediately sweared that the excitement was like pulling out their hearts to show Li Qing, saying that they would follow Li Qing for life.

They know that there is a future for Li Qing!

"Well, as long as you follow me, and I have a bite, you will definitely be in your hands!" Li Qing nodded.

He has thought about the past to cultivate the realm, so the earth is his base camp. He must train some good hands to help protect his loved ones and friends. Akun and Liangzi are not strong enough and need to be strengthened.

Cultivation world?

I don’t know how wonderful it is...

Li Qing thought of this and looked out of the sky from the window of the car. Suddenly, there was an unstoppable longing.

On the highway, they drove very fast, almost as long as they were in a safe location, they were driving to a speed of two hundred, so it didn't take long to enter Jianjiang City.

Go straight to an Olma mall...

Li Qing purchased a lot of toys and clothes.

For toys, pick the children's favorite ones, such as single-row shoes, scooters, robot dolls, as long as they are played by children, buy them regardless of their price.

For clothes, let the shop assistants pick them.

While buying, Li Qing felt the thoughts of those parents even if she was not That is about her own children, you should try to buy the best for them.


Upon returning home, Li Qing hadn't seen Guo Guo yet, her milky and milky voice had already sounded.

Li Qing smiled, she had rushed over and threw herself into her arms, let Li Qing hug him.

"Dad, I miss you~"

Xiaoguoguo's milk was milky and authentic, and his eyes turned red, watery, and it was a pity.

"Hmm, I know that Xiaoguoguo is the best, and my father also wants Xiaoguoguo~" Li Qing touched her head and loved it authentically.

Someone is waiting for himself at home, but Li Qing only feels really happy and satisfied.

With Zhang Min and Xiao Guoguo, Li Qing felt that he needed more effort.

"Dad, what about the necklace I gave you?" Suddenly, Xiao Guoguo saw Li Qingkong's neck.

Li Qing was worried that she thought she had thrown away, and quickly explained: "Guo Guo's necklace saved his father's life. I would like to thank Guo Guo for this matter, but I'm sorry, Guo Guo, just because I saved my dad, that necklace broken……"

Guo Guo's eyes flashed with surprise, and seemed to be frightened. Instead, he patted Li Qing's head with his small hands: "Dad, it's okay, you're okay. The necklace doesn't matter. I will send you another one with the consequences..."

This coaxed Li Qing's ridicule.

What kind of treasure is that stone?

But turning to think of Guoguo's lucky attributes, Li Qing couldn't help but look forward to it.


If you take her around, I don't know if you will get any good treasures.

As soon as I thought of this, the phone rang suddenly.

After Li Qing took over, the whole figure shook suddenly and his face changed greatly.

It is Wang Lin!

"Brother, help...!"

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