My Super God QQ

Chapter 303: The giant gate from the sky

The energy ball is constantly expanding, exuding a dark and negative atmosphere.

Faintly, I can still see from it that there seems to be some monsters and monsters to be drilled out, howling wildly, screaming frantically...

"Is this the day?" Li Qing was a little surprised: "This day is too small!"

The word "bar" has just fallen, and the other party has thrown that "day" towards Li Qing.


Li Qing's expression suddenly turned serious, and Feijian returned to his hand automatically. Immediately, he held his hands on the hilt of the sword, and he moved forward.

"Oh, how can ordinary flying swords..."

Upon seeing this, the other party laughed, but the voice stopped quickly.

After the flying sword touched the energy ball of black energy, the black energy ball continued to split with the sharp edge of the sword, and the original hissing and screaming turned into screaming and crying. Dissipated, it seems to run away.


The energy ball burst!

Li Qing was pushed to the rear directly by a force.

He flew for five meters before he knelt on one leg, propped up and stood up again.

"There are really two brushes!"

Li Qing's chest was blown to **** flesh, not only that, but black things seemed to be corroding his flesh, and the pain of his old blood was just spurting out.

But as he transported the Qilin to Renqingyunjue, the black thing was like the ice that met the blazing sun, slowly dissolving into gas and dissipating, and there were noisy voices in the ears.

There are really two brushes!

Just now, Li Qing used all the defensive exercises, but despite this he was bombed into this way, and he knew how powerful this was.

Did you even see the surrounding land?

A turquoise grass was stained with a little black energy, quickly withered and turned into decay.

"Your sword..."

He looked at Li Qing, his eyes full of disbelief, as if dreaming.

"My sword is used to kill people, but today, it is also good to slaughter dogs! Three strokes have passed, the dog's head is brought!" Li Qing shouted, the flying sword was thrown out, and he slashed at him.


A few times, Feijian was blocked.

He was constantly retreating, because the flying sword was not manipulated, but it was very fast, and I was afraid that it would exceed his reaction.

"can not be like this!"

Dayejun began to fear, and bit his hand again, spitting out a lot of blood.

This time, he not only took a bite, but tore a long piece of flesh from his hand, and a huge amount of blood was sprayed out.

Perhaps it is the effect of sacrifice, the dark power in the body becomes more and more vigorous.

Not only that, his figure also seems to be stronger and taller.

Originally it was one meter eight, it was actually grown to two meters, and it is still growing...

"His power is beyond the gas refining period!"

Liu Changqing reminded loudly.

Duan Yue is also a hippie smiling face that has turned his back to seriousness.

Seeing that his strength is still increasing!

Li Qing withdrew Feijian and shouted, "Nine, nine, and nine swords!" He also burst out with a fierce sword spirit!

Sword rushes to the sky!

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, Li Qing seemed to turn into thousands of swords, and the sharpness even stabbed everyone's eyes.

Then Li Qing stabbed forward.

Obviously it was a sword, and then it became three, and three became nine!

Three in life, three in six, six in nine!

The sword in his hand actually turned into nine sword shadows.

The sword shadow grows bigger and bigger, each handle is five meters long and three fingers wide.

Fiercely, these nine sword shadows penetrated into his body.

"Me, I'm not willing!"

He shouted sternly.

The black mist shrank suddenly, Li Qing quickly retreated.


His body exploded like a bomb.

After he exploded, a piece of black energy did not explode with it, but turned into a black ink-like face, with facial features, eyes, and stared at Li Qing deeply, as if to blow him Remember, this disappeared.


Seeing Li Qing killing each other's leader and second leader, the monks were excited and no longer afraid of anything this time. There were grievances, vengeance, and various weapons to kill the three little devils.

Some even killed foreign devils who had been stunned in the distance.


They also suffered from the fish pond.

"Force! Shock!"

One of the blond men glanced at Li Qing and they made a decisive decision, as if to push away.

Immediately several monks rushed over, as if hitting something, and then, covered with rickets, as if back pressure.


Fearing that Li Qing would chase them over, he ordered that the five foreign devils get into the car and turn around, and fled the place immediately.

The monks laughed, and then greeted Li Qing for a while, flattering.

"Still flying swordsman!"

"It's so powerful at such a young age, it's a promising future..."

"Not only the flying sword, but also the terrifying resilience, it is simply amazing!"

"Just now it seems to be kendo. It is the most difficult kendo to be understood by all beings. Hey, if only I could understand a little bit, it would be more dead than popular!"

"Flying swordsman mighty, flying swordsman domineering......" Some stinky shameless, even really shameless, shouted slogans.

For this, Li Qing shook his head, smiled, and turned to leave.

In fact, this time, let alone these monks, even the demon wolves and their latecomers took a close look at Li Qing.

They were shocked in their hearts, no wonder Li Qing could kill Yue Po, but it was not clear that Li Qing also gained strength from behind. It would not be so simple to change it to the fact that he is not in the gas refining period and has the Kirin to Renqing Yunyun formula.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Jie Yu stretched out a small hand worriedly, groping on Li Qing's chest.

Li Qing was so touched that it made him feel like a horse, but when he thought that this was a concern, he gave a warm smile.

"It's okay, I was just trying out new exercises. In that case, I can save my life by entering the ruins!"

"Is the ruin dangerous?"

"Well, according to Bai Xiaotian's calculation, it is a dangerous sword, but it's okay to be blessed with misfortune!"

"Otherwise, shall we not go in?"

"No, my brother's life and death are still unpredictable, I must go in!"

When it came to this, suddenly, there were cheers from outside.

"It's's broken, everyone look at it!"

"There is sunshine..."

Li Qing looked up over there.

I saw that a mountain of golden light suddenly appeared in the mountain range that seemed to be another world.

The beam of light is grounded!

That is the beam of light that the sun pierced the dark clouds.

It’s really spectacular, even beautiful. Immediately, the mountain scene gradually emerged under the light beam...

The first is endless withered vegetation...

Yes, there were some big trees over there, and they all disappeared, replaced by bare peaks.

Then, as if the peaks were roasted, they all turned black.

In the endless black, a white and immaculate giant door does not know when, as if falling from the sky, standing high up there...

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