My Super God QQ

Chapter 353: I'm proud of flying

In the southern suburbs of Kyoto, the headquarters of the China Special Forces is stationed here.

Here, there are thousands of acres of land. Rows of three-story white buildings stand up, and the rest are used as training grounds.

Occasionally, there will be a group of energetic young people trotting by and singing the noisy military song.

At the center, the only five-story office building...

Wu Yifan is also a young man. He is taking his young girlfriend in a simple but luxuriously decorated hall and chatting with his cousin.

"Yifan, you should take it away. You said you have changed a few girlfriends this year!" A middle-aged man with a Chinese character faced his face and taught him something.

"Hey, old uncle, how come I am, this is not just a dozen? Uncle, wouldn't you be envious of me? Ha ha ha..." Xiao Ye wickedly smiled and teased.

"It's too bad for you. If you change to an uncle, you might be killed by your aunt."

Hearing more than a dozen, the young girl sitting next to the young man's smiling smile that had always been kept suddenly suddenly stiff. But thinking about what he loved was his money, his handsomeness, hesitated for a moment, holding back the temper he wanted to lose.

She believes that as long as she tries hard to give the truth, there will always be a means to tie him firmly around.

Almost every woman has such self-confidence.

"Oh, I'm afraid it's just like that. As far as I know, uncle, you have raised more than three outside..." The master lowered his voice and said this in his old uncle's ear.

The middle-aged man in Guozi face was stunned, and he laughed and scolded: "Well, you, even dare to investigate even uncle, believe it or not, I'll shut you down!"

"Uncle, no, I know that since childhood, you hurt me more than my dad! I'm still scared!" The young man begged for mercy.

In this way, the middle-aged talent of Guozi face compared with him and laughed.

"Men, what is rich and important, there are only women left. But as usual, Uncle advises you, there is still a woman at home, the colored flags flutter outside, and the red flags do not fall at home!"

"Uncle has learned the lesson, the lesson has..."

Seeing the uncles and nephews discussing this kind of topic in front of themselves, the girl sitting next to the young man couldn't pretend to be a little bit, and his face was slightly smelly, and he pulled on the young man.

"Master, otherwise, shall we go back?"

"Go back, I will talk to my uncle Xing Zhengnong, don't bother me!"

"Then don't say this in front of me, where do you put my face!" The girl was really angry and stood up and stomped.

Middle-aged man with Guozi face saw this, and the whole expression gloomed.

The girl thought that the uncle would speak for himself. Who knows, he said: "Our Wu family's men speak, and it is not your turn to interrupt your women!"


The girl was completely embarrassed. She always thought that as an elder, she should be able to teach some good, positive energy. However, he not only failed to teach, but actually said so.

What did he think of a woman? As a new generation of women, she can't believe it, and there are people of the National People's Congress who think so.


But what made her even more unexpected was that the young man also stood up and gave himself a slap.

Snapped! She was beaten two steps at once, sitting down on the ground, with an unbelievable look on her face.

You know, he also hugged her last night, swearing with affectionate money, and asked the two to hold hands and keep the old oath. Who would have thought that she, who is known today as the most beautiful school flower in Kyoto, was beaten to the ground. She is a school flower, how many people spoiled it, she ignored it. If you don’t look at the handsome young man, you will talk sweetly and you won’t be able to catch up with her.


What made her even more unexpected was that he had a cold face, as if a stranger looked at her, and made her roll.

Suddenly, she just felt that her eyes were turning, her tears could not help but burst out.

"Cry what cry, come here, take her out!"

Middle-aged man with Guozi face frowned and shouted outside.

She was immediately inserted by her two soldier elder brothers directly at her waist, and went out mercilessly.

"Oh, this kind of woman really can't get on the table. Don't bring any school flowers in the future. They are all boring characters. Find some girls, don't you know?" Guozi face middle-aged man reprimanded.

The tone seemed to be not a woman, but a commodity.


"This kind of woman you take out will only embarrass our men, the big men talk, the women talk, and don't look at our family..." He still had to reprimand, and the phone rang.

The young man dared not speak, looking at his uncle expectantly.

However, he looked at his face more and more gloomy and ugly.

"Uncle, what's wrong?"

When he hung up the phone, the young man quickly asked.

"I got a phone call from above. Actually let us all leave here immediately. What do you mean by that?" Guo Ziren said middle-agedly.

"What do you mean? No, uncle, who called?"

"The old man with the surname Zhu above!" The middle-aged man in Guozi face pointedly pointed at the sky with his index finger.

"Ah, why? What did he say?"

"Say we have offended him, leave here quickly, they will try to convince him not to find us in trouble, shit! What are you talking about!" The middle-aged people clapped the table at hand and banged: "No Look, where are we, planes, artillery, nothing!"


The lord is also a little confused.

According to the news that the young man has always been, Li Qing is just a congenital strongman, not afraid of guns, then afraid of guns. But if this is the case, why call the instructions above and let them leave immediately.

"Forget it, the above command is to let us go, we can only go. But, don't worry, coming from that secret department will take some time..."

"Or, uncle, is there a helicopter? Let's go by helicopter?"

The young man suddenly had an unknown hunch.

"What are you afraid of? Our Wu family, when have you been afraid of others, don't look at our innate strong family of Wu family, not much Murong family, but in terms of power, the gun is held in hand, I am not afraid of them! "

"Uncle, just listen to me!"

The lord's hunch is getting stronger and stronger.

"Okay, let me explain!"

The middle-aged man confessed to a guard around him and took the young man directly to drive the helicopter.

At the same time, Li Qing landed on the ground with Wang Lin on his back. He had arrived here, and ordinary people had not discovered that his sword was flying.

"Hello, please show your ID!"

He was stopped before entering the gate.

Li Qing thought about it, and took out his major general's rank certificate: "I have asked your captain to discuss things in detail."

Seeing that Li Qing had a general card, the soldier did not dare to stop it, so he gave way.

However, let a soldier take it, to stare at the situation to lead them.

Just when Li Qing was going to the red building, a black helicopter rose slowly in the roar.

"Wu Yifan, don't run!"

Li Qing's eyes were sharp, he was now a monk of the foundation, and at a glance, he saw Wu Yifan and snarled.

The little master also heard that he thought he was suspicious, but he could look at it, completely dumbfounded, and then panicked: "Uncle, let someone stop him!"

"Stop him!"

The middle-aged man in Guozi face was so surprised to see his nephew so scared.

Isn't your nephew usually not afraid of heaven and earth?

Immediately, his guards and those leading the way pointed at the submachine gun on Li Qing.


Li Qing scolded, and when a hand knife hadn't responded, he stunned the soldier in front of him.


Two guards beside the helicopter have shot!

Seeing this, Li Qing only kept dodge to avoid hurting Wang Lin.

"Hahahaha...Let's go, don't accompany you!" Seeing Li Qing was stopped, the young man relaxed and laughed proudly.

Middle-aged man with Guozi face is also smiling.

Because, their helicopter has been raised and flew into the air.

In this way, can Li Qing catch up with them? impossible!

"Brother, it really drags you down, hey..."

Listening to the gunshots, Wang Lin was very scared at first, but I thought he was so useless and really If you are a brother, don't mention that! You have forgotten that you said that if one day you become a girl, will you make your brother happy? Hahaha! "

It was in the school apartment, they were discussing what they would do if they became girls one day.

Wang Lin was very saucy at the time, went to take a bath immediately, and then refreshed the good brothers.


Although Wang Lin is so disgusting, his brother's friendship will not change with time.

"Yes, hahaha..."

Wang Lin also laughed boldly.

In this way, in the rain of gunfire, the two youngsters were still able to talk and laugh, making the two guards who shot were scared with cold sweat on their foreheads.

This is not scientific!

Who is so powerful and still not afraid of bullets? Don’t be afraid, just kidding?

Before they could think more, Li Qing had approached and knocked them out. They are also ordered to act, according to Li Qing's temper will not hurt the innocent.

So, he looked at the helicopter in the sky and sneered.

"Nephew, who the **** are you doing? It's too casual to face machine guns? This innate strong man is not easy!" The middle-aged man with Guozi face looked at the distance, and finally a little worried.

"Uncle, me, me, I am not very clear!" Xiaoye Zhiwu Wuwu dare not tell the truth, for fear that this uncle blamed him for attracting strong enemies.

"Hey, it seems that this time things are a bit troublesome! But rest assured, we will leave here, he will definitely not be able to find us, and then he will be with him again!"


Suddenly, the young man screamed, his lips trembling, as if desperately wanting to speak, but said nothing, and there was no blood on his face, only flickering.

"What's the matter, you?" The middle-aged man was puzzled, thinking that his nephew was mad at sheep.

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