My Super God QQ

Chapter 369: The first stress test that made Li Qing

"Line up! One by one!"

Chi Yuanzi saw Li Qing about to come over and immediately shouted.

If someone else, you might be scared and dare not make mistakes. But Li Qing glanced at the messenger of the lower realm, seeing that his look did not change at all, sneered, and walked towards Liu Changqing.

"Li Daoyou~"

Liu Changqing smiled, not knowing whether the smile was polite to Li Qing, or was he taking this to laugh at Chi Chi Zi.

"Master Messenger, this..."

Chi Rongzi only felt that his punch was like hitting a cotton flower. There was no stress on it, and he was ashamed of what he said. However, the messenger of the lower realm did not look at him at all, causing him Very embarrassing.

At this moment, he looked at everyone, as if secretly mocking him.

"Ah, mad!"

An unstoppable flame flashed in his eyes.

"Quiet anger, Uncle Master!" Chi Heizi saw this and hurried to persuade him, lest he really get angry, and spread the fire on himself.

"Fuck!" he whispered, "a bunch of bastards!"

"Uncle Master, you must be angry! I feel oh, the messenger of the lower realm is a bit eccentric, so we still don't want to do it with him. After the Li Qing test fails, we will clean him up!" said At this point, he whispered to his uncle's ear and said: "Netherworld messenger is not covering the sky with one hand. After we go up, complain to him again!"

"Okay! Then first!"

After biting his teeth, Chi Yuanzi could only swallow this anger first.

"Liu Daoyou, do you know how to test this method?" Li Qing asked, pointing at the gossip jade pool.

"Actually, I don't know very well, but I heard my uncle explain..."

"That's right!" Li Qing suddenly thought of a question: "Why this time, it is your master uncle, not your master?"

"This is decided by Zong Men, and it may be related to the interests of the people in each Zong Men. I'm not too sure..." In this connection, a trace of disgust flashed in Liu Changqing's eyes. : "Come, let me explain this test to you."

"it is good!"

"This jade pool like gossip is a very powerful magic weapon. I don't know how strong it is. My uncle doesn't tell me. However, this magic weapon has a name called Xiantian Bagua Xiantianchi!"

"Xian Tian Ba ​​Gua Xian Tian Chi!"

"Well, it is rumored that this is just a replica. If it is a genuine product, it is a fairy-like presence. It can manifest the heavens and the world’s information. It is a fake. It can only test us. 'S training qualifications..."

"Cultivation qualifications?"

"Yes! As soon as everyone is born, talents are doomed, and human cultivation qualifications are about spirit roots! The meaning of spirit roots is like the existence of five elements in the human body. Call it five kinds of spirit roots...Everyone will have spirit roots, or two or three, or five kinds of complete roots. Among them, the qualification of single spirit root is the fastest cultivation!"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because it's miscellaneous and incomplete, you can't chew too much! For example, if you are a fire spirit root, then in addition to absorbing the natural energy of heaven and earth, you can also eat all kinds of fire materials. Your strength will be promoted quickly."

"Tiancaidibao also has sub-attributes?"

"Well, most of them have, in addition, there is a gap in the spirit stone. In the cultivation world, because the spirit stone is universal, it will be more expensive than the single-line spirit stone. If you are the talent of the fire spirit root, you can Buy fire spirit stones with a lower value than spirit stones to practice."

"Oh, the spirit stone also has five elements?"


When Li Qing heard this, he remembered the "Wannian Hengbing" he had obtained. No wonder Duan Yue would say that the water properties would enable him to practice by leaps and bounds. It seems that Wannian Hengbing is also similar to the existence of water spirits.

"What if there are more spirit roots?"

"If there are many spirit roots, cultivation is extremely slow. However, in the same state, in terms of true energy, it is several times stronger than a single spirit root!"

"That's awesome?"

"However, the investment they put into the cultivation of a realm is several times that of a single spiritual root!" Liu Changqing sighed: "I am a wood character, but my eldest brother has all five elements, and now I am in the foundation period, And my elder brother is still in the gas refining period..."

"That Liu Daoyou, can you sum up, what Linggen is the strongest now!"

"In the cultivation realm, the strongest spiritual root is the mutated spiritual root, and some are the spiritual roots that reach the extreme variation. If the fire reaches the extreme, it will become the thundering root. If the water spiritual root reaches the extreme, it will become a different. Ice Spirit Root. There are also mutations of Spirit Root, such as Wind Spirit Root, Light Spirit Root, Dark Spirit Root..."

"So many spiritual roots?"

"Yes, there are many kinds of things, but compared with hundreds of billions of people in the realm world, the variation roots are pitiful!"

"Ah, hundreds of billions of people?"

"Well, the realm of comprehension is vast and immense, and this number is still calculated by some top-level master. Like our level, hey, it's like you, let you fly with a sword, maybe you can't go from the realm of comprehension for a lifetime. On this side, go to the other side!"

"Is it so big?"

Li Qing was really shocked, and there was an uproar in his heart.

"Well, the cultivating world is rumored to be composed of countless worlds, of course it is big! And according to some great experts, when some planets collide with the cultivating world, they will be instinctively swallowed by the cultivating world instinctively, increasing this area. Bigger!"

"Will swallow?"

This reminded Li Qing of some small planets hitting the earth.

"If the speed of the planet is too fast, won't the real world be destroyed?"

Liu Changqing smiled and shook his head: "It's like you are a person, a grain of sand hits you, will you be smashed?"

Li Qing immediately understood.

After all, the earth is still too small. If it is really large, it is indeed not afraid of planet impact.

"Hey, everything is off topic. Do you really want to know what qualification you are now? What root?"

Liu Changqing said with a smile, he always had a kind and elegant smile, really a kind of elders, coupled with his knowledge, this is the real reason Li Qing wants to ask him.

As for asking Duan Yue? He didn't think about it. This guy is a little clever at times, but certainly not a guy who loves reading.


Li Qing is also very curious, and would like to know what spiritual root he is, and whether his talent is good or bad.

"I was like this, excited and scared..." Liu Changqing said of his previous experience.

Listening to his experience made Li Qing have the illusion that it was as if the college entrance examination candidates were about to enter the college entrance examination. After the test, it was time to decide whether life was good or bad.


Li Qing looked at the more than 30 people, all of them looked nervous.

Some breath in big mouths, others clenched their fists tightly...

Some people's legs were shaking, and those legs were shaking, and they were bent tremblingly, almost standing unsteady, like a dry branch with a weak wind.

Murong Qingcheng looked okay on the surface, but Li Qing, who was sharp-eyed, could still see her face flushed a little, which is what she looked like when she was nervous.

Even the golden sheep fairy, this usually unruly guy, is nervous.

"I also seem a little nervous. Could it be that I was infected?"

Looking at it, Li Qing's heart accelerated, and his heart thumped, as if the deer bumped into it.

How long have you been nervous?

It seems that Li Qing hasn't been nervous even after the QQ system has passed. But it was on this occasion, when he encountered such a thing, he began to be nervous.

Because this test represents a lifetime achievement!

It may be an exaggeration to say that it is a lifetime achievement, but it is just an spirit root is essential to every instructor.

"Don't be nervous, the gift of spiritual roots is destined to be good! As the saying goes, people, haven't injected life yet, **** Yan's life and death book has your name! This is called, not annotated, first annotated Dead, so talent cannot be changed!"

"Then were you nervous? Did someone persuade you?" Li Qing looked a little weird, and asked back.

"Nervous, what's wrong? My elder brother has been persuading me."

"Then why do you persuade me..." Li Qing smiled bitterly.

Liu Changqing reacted, and followed with a wry smile.


No one can be nervous, and it's a matter of their own talents. It's really not persuasive.

The congenital Bagua Xiantianchi's shining light became brighter and brighter, and finally, it turned into ten ray lights of various colors and settled.

"These rays each represent a kind of spirit root! And the strength of the spirit root, the stronger the light will be more prosperous... If you have earth spirit root, water blue spirit and fire spirit root in your body If you plant it, then there will be only yellow, blue and red light above this Xiantianchi! Then, there are four kinds of spiritual roots: upper, middle and lower root products. If your fire roots exceed earth roots and water roots , Then the red that appears above will account for most of it."

"Oh, I get it!"

"Your spiritual root is very important, but don't forget, you still have to test the Dao foundation. If your Dao foundation is not good enough, it will also appear. As for what is the manifestation method, I don't know!"

The test begins!

Ordered by the Nether Messenger!

Thirty-eight people began to line up and walked forward to the pool one by one!

"Did you jump into the pool?"

Seeing this, Li Qing couldn't help but wonder.

"You know when you look..." Liu Changqing smiled mysteriously.

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