My Super God QQ

Chapter 381: Awesome rune?

He checked his QQ functions one by one.

QQ hard drive is used to store things.

Book City, not to mention, is often used.

Mailbox, this can deliver things, but it is not needed.

Music can't always sing, and it can't solve the problem.

QQ photo, can not remember.

QQ mobile phone, in the pocket.

QQ avatar, just used.

QQ screenshot, QQ memo, QQ pet, QQ classroom, QQ live, QQ group...

Suddenly Li Qing thought of QQ screenshots.


Isn't there an octagonal crystal about to explode?

Then, if you take a screenshot of it directly, you will avoid an explosion.

It's not too simple.

However, Li Qing's eyes rolled twice, before that, he wanted to ask one more thing.

"Master Messenger! Since the crystal is about to break, why not go in and take it out?"

"No one dared to go in the temperature of the flame, even if it was me, it would be instantly gasified when I entered, hey..." The messenger of the Nether was still busy, sighed, and his expression was all dignified. : "I'm afraid I can't hold on for too long..."

"This way? Okay!"

Li Qing has thought of ways, but if you use the screenshot function, it will definitely make people feel that something is wrong.

The QQ system is his biggest secret, and that definitely needs to be done carefully.

You have to find a scratch!

Disguise this ability.

"You can do it! If you can't do it, get away! I don't believe in what you pretend to do!"

Chi Rongzi watched Li Qing walking around here, and with a look on his face, he was upset and uncomfortable, and he even said something in the sand, and blamed the messenger of the lower realm for believing him.

"To shut up!"

The nether messenger was displeased and slammed.

Chi Yuanzi dare not speak again.

Li Qing ignored him. The crazy dog ​​barked at himself. You wouldn't bite on the ground.

On the contrary, Li Qing had the idea to think of his "master" again.

So he pretended to touch something from his arms and found a piece of rune paper.

This is what he used to see other people's charms, so I bought it and wanted to paint it by myself.

At this point, it just came in handy.

"This symbol?"

The young woman with the surnamed Flower in the Misty Palace looked over curiously.

"This was given to me by my master. He said that this symbol has the unpredictable power of the devil, the attack power is extremely powerful, and can directly annihilate people..."

Before Li Qing finished speaking, Chi Yuanzi laughed.

"Did you want to use this rune to attack that spar? Do you know what that spar is? It is the hardest basalt crystal in the realm world! The countrymen don't have any culture, it's really scary!"

"Chi Yuanzi, you are also an elder anyway. Is it appropriate to target such a junior?"

Suddenly, the Huahua young woman was upset and whispered.

Chi Yuanzi also wanted to say that the person next to him seemed to despise his eyes a little, but he could only shut up.

"Li Qing, there seems to be no energy fluctuations on your rune? Can it really work?" The young woman with the surname finished, and turned back to Li Qing, asking worriedly.


Only then did Li Qing know that Fu Fu's words and the strong words could feel the fluctuations.

What should I do?

Is it going to be taken down?

Li Qing has a headache. I really want to say, can you let people pretend to compare well...

Fortunately, he didn’t answer the question, but he just turned his head and thought of something. He said: "My master said that this Fulu rank is too high, and it has reached the realm of return to simplicity, so there is no point. Energy will leak out."

"Oh, it turns out that I have heard that some Fu Lu is very advanced, even if it is put on the earth for thousands of years, it will not fail. Is this the kind of Fu Lu in the legend?" The young woman Hua was shocked, her eyes full of beauty Unbelievable.

Similar to this type of rung, the value is very great.

More valuable than a magic weapon.

Thinking about this, most people are surprised and jealous.

Surprised that Li Qing actually had such a powerful Fulu, jealous that he could have it.

Of course, there are also doubts.

Such as Chi Yuanzi is very skeptical, because, he doubts who is so stupid, will collect such a **** spirit root kid as an apprentice? Isn’t this too silly?


Looking at them in surprise, Li Qing was a little embarrassed. He felt like he had lied to others and could only laugh.

"You are so willing?"

Uncle Duan Yue came over and whispered.

"For everyone, for your own life, what can't bear..."

In fact, Li Qing laughed secretly in his heart.

These powerful people in the heart period are unaware, and all of them show an inexplicable feeling of being touched.

"Good boy, there is you, so generous, if you are righteous, I am optimistic about you!" Duan Yue's teacher said: "If you can save our life, I owe you a favor!"

"Well, there is me!" said the young woman Huahua.

"As long as your kid can really save our lives, that is the great grace of life-saving, and also counts as our Canglan Sect!"


All four of them jumped out at once and looked at Li Qing with a little excitement.

Really touched!

People can use this kind of good things to save everyone and save their lives.

That is to say, as strong players in the emotional period, they always feel rescued by a monk in the foundation period, which is strange in their hearts, otherwise, this moving feeling will be more exuberant.

"Save it first before talking!"

Chi Yuanzi came out and said such a cool word.

At this time, it is different when he speaks again, unlike Fang Cai, it doesn't matter if others listen.

Several people stared at him angrily, with unabashed threats.

There was nowhere to vent his suffocation.

"Okay, don't say it, since you have a way, then you can help me get rid of that crystal. By then, I owe you three favors." The messenger of the lower realm interrupted them and said solemnly.

He was almost unsustainable, and if he didn't hurry, he really couldn't hold on.


In order to show its power, Li Qing was sitting on the side cross-legged, acting like a god.

First, he bowed his head to read, and then, he gestured a few gestures with that symbol.

He didn't want to, but it was the only way to save everyone.

"It seems very powerful..."

The two strong men in the emotional period were a bit stunned and couldn't help but took two steps back.

There are others, but they are alert, just in case.

The same is true even for Chi Yuanzi, who says unbelief in his mouth, but still guards quietly.

"The God of Destruction of the Ancient Universe, listen to my call, annihilate everything, and turn all that can't be contained in your eyes into nothingness..." Finally, Li Qing seemed to have finished reading, and his true energy exploded in his hand. Fu Luo paper lit, thrown forward.

At the same time, he also started the screenshot function...

When the fulu disappeared, Li Qing shot a flame into it.

It is also strange in the eyes of everyone. They clearly saw that the flame was melted into one after they entered. However, the crystal they paid attention to suddenly disappeared.

Missing? !

It seems as if there is an invisible flame that continues to annihilate directly.


It's really weird, and it's confusing.

And after the weirdness, everyone's heart is a little hairy.

so horrible!

What kind of hard thing is Xuan Gang Shi Jing, which can be directly annihilated, the power of this fusi is really terrible.

"All right!"

Li Qing withdrew his right hand and pretended to shake it with a very difficult look. In fact, he was quite weak now, and he fell down on the ground.

"it is good!"

Seeing that the crystal disappeared, the messenger of the lower realm looked overjoyed and suddenly sighed, and the whole person was like blood of chicken.

More than him, many people were also excited with excitement.

Because, this means that the biggest hidden danger disappears, and the biggest danger is gone!

Their eyes turned bright, all blushing and ears red, and slowly recovered from the fear and fear of Fang Cai...

Until the crystal disappeared, the flame was slowly pressed by the nether messenger and sealed.


A strong heartbeat ~ ~ gave a long scream in excitement.

Another name followed Chang Xiao's voice.

Their screams drew questions from the disciples on the side.

"Okay! Now this hidden danger has disappeared, Li Qing, I owe you three favors!" The messenger of the Nether solemnly said to Li Qingdao.


Only those disciples who had heard the test and accepted the test reacted. When they heard the news, they cheered.

The atmosphere of terror and depression was swept away from the top of the mountain.

"Hero! Hahahaha, you are our hero!"

Duan Yue's uncle happily patted Li Qing's shoulder, a look like Rong Yan.

"Well, Li Xiaodao, I owe you a favor!"

"me too!"


A few sects of the strong heart period, including the flower young woman, came up and sincerely thanked.

This is equivalent to life-saving grace!

Even the envoys of the lower realm are grateful, if they don't show anything, wouldn't they look like a dog's heart?

"Chi Wanzi, what else can you say?" Li Qing looked at them with a sneer.


Chi Yuanzi turned his head and ignored him.

"Little Daoyou, you still have that character, if any, just give him another note and kill him!" Duan Yue's uncle suddenly said.

In an instant, Chi Yuanzi froze, his face changed drastically.

He whispered, how could he forget this?

If this guy still has such a character, wouldn’t he be killed without help?

Think of the Xuan Gang Shi Jing, which turns into nothingness in one click, and it is even more impossible to support it.

His panic started, his heart accelerated, and the cold sweat on his forehead slowly oozed out...

"What should I do? Apologize to him?"

But he couldn't hold his face!

Chi Kuroko is also upset, slowly moving back...

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