My Super God QQ

Chapter 431: Supergirl first kill

Yanshan, a place without people...

The head of the Jiang family looked around, except for all the stones, looking at Tiande in doubt.

Other homeowners were puzzled, but they dared not ask, fearing that the inquiry would become a question.

Tiande turned his backs on them and said nothing.

After a while, finally, the Jiang family head spoke.

"The fairy is on top, I don't know, where is the body of the little thief? Forgive the old and awkward, it seems..."

Before he finished, he was interrupted.

"He's coming soon!"

almost there?

The five old people are all stunned. What do you mean?

Isn't it a corpse? Is it possible that the corpse will still be flesh?

"The fairy said laugh..." Jiang Lao smiled ugly.

"I'm not kidding! He's down!"

As soon as Tiande's words were finished, there was a figure in the sky, who is not Li Qing? !


When I saw Li Qing, the five elders seemed to see the end of the world coming, their bodies were frightened, they pointed at Li Qing, and there was even a direct frightened **** sitting on the ground.

After Li Qing landed, he stunned all the soldiers on the helicopter.

"I heard that you are looking for me? Hahahaha..." Seeing that they were almost scared of urine, Li Qing couldn't help but feel refreshed, and was swept away by their stagnant air.

"Aren't you dead?!"

"Impossible! Xianchang, what's going on?"

"Ah, you, are you guys?!"

"Yes, that's right!" Li Qing laughed: "Don't blame you for being stupid, you can only blame fate for making fun. Who knows, I just know my uncle Tian De!"

In one sentence, they determined what was going on.

Among them, three old men turned and fled.

The other two, with a pale face and a trembling body like a sieve, couldn't accept the real glare at Tiande.

But how dare they?

I was trembling with anger, but I dared not to speak.

Seeing that the two wanted to run, Li Qing wanted to chase, but they didn't expect a beautiful shadow to fall from the sky, grabbed their collar directly, and threw it over.

It is Xia Mo Can Yue.

"How did you get down?"

Li Qing was a little surprised.

"Jiang Fengrou said to me, she said, if all this on the earth needs me to protect, then, I must do something!" Her eyes flashed, but she was firm again.

"you sure?"

Li Qing couldn't bear it, but had to say that Miss Sister was thinking right.

If you don't see blood on your hands, let's talk about helping Li Qing guard all this.

It's just that letting a woman who was just an ordinary white-collar worker or a charming Didi kill them, it's really awkward for Xia Mo!

Li Qing shook his head, it was really unbearable.

"I'm sure! Leave it to me!"

Li Qing pondered for a while, only nodded and walked towards Tiande.

"Uncle De, let's go, let her handle it here!"

"She?" Tian De smiled: "This little girl doesn't have a bit of anger, you let her handle it? You know, these guys seem to have guns on them?!"

As soon as this remark came out, two of the five old men shivered and realized that they had been found. They quickly pulled out their guns, one facing Tiande and the other facing Xia Mo.

The old man who was facing Tiande seemed to find something wrong and aimed at Xia Mo.

So, they shouted: "You let us go, otherwise we will shoot!"

They wanted to arouse Li Qing's regret or vigilance, but they were destined to be disappointed. After shouting, Li Qing was simply too lazy to take care of them.

"It's all right, Senior!"


So, Tiande and Li Qingfei went to UFO, paying attention to it all.

Seeing Li Qing and the Immortals leaving like this?

The five old men stunned for a while, and laughed for the rest of the life.

They didn't look at Xia Mo and Yue Yue at all, as long as they had guns, they were not afraid.

"Hurry up!"

"Wake up the two drivers!"

"Quick, so as not to have too many nights!"

They directly ignored Xia Mo's crescent moon and urged each other to hurry to get on the helicopter.


Xia Mo Can Yueyue's eyebrows were upright, and he said angrily.

She was really angry, so these old guys didn't even look at themselves. They were a little hesitant at first, and they didn't dare to start. They became angry and murderous.

"Smelly, I really think of myself as garlic, or onion!" Jiang Lao scolded and raised his gun.

"Kill her, hum, let's go!"

The other old man picked up the gun, as if killing the chicken and slaughtering the dog.


The gun hit Xia Mo's stomach.

But it seemed to hit the iron wall of the copper wall, making a metal impact sound, Xia Mo Can Yue retreated three or four steps.



Don’t look at Xia Mo Can Yue as soft as usual, but that’s right too!

Thinking of these old people being so inhumane, if they want to kill themselves at will, Xia Mo Can Yue's anger!

With one punch, an old man flew out tens of meters directly.

On one foot, an old man's head was kicked "tipped" and died suddenly.

The five old men were frightened, only to find out that Xia Mo Can Yue was not an ordinary person, but a monster!

They were frightened, begged for mercy, and wanted to escape, but, under Xia Mo's anger, they were all killed in one blow.

In this way, Xia Mo Can Yue froze in place, looking at these bodies, froze for a long time.

"Brother, what are you doing!"

Seeing Li Qing going to the UFO, Murong Fengrou's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"It's okay, Miss Sister, as long as she breaks the ring, then it will do!" Li Qing smiled gently.

Under Li Qing's comfort, she vomited, but the state was still very good, just a little stunned.

It can be said that it was Li Qing's love that made her not much stimulated.

And this also started, Li Qing believes that the next time, even if it is a murder, she will not be soft-hearted.


Next, Li Qing originally wanted to clean up the people of these five families. Whoever thought, was informed that the people of these five families had been killed by the masters sent from various countries. Only few people were left.

And the country also released news.

Not only to condemn the people of these countries, but also to withdraw the general title of Li Qing and put up a wanted order.

Li Qing had thought about such a day, and Mr. Zhu also mentioned to him, because these five families will definitely retaliate as long as they are not dead, and they only dare to do so.

However, Li Qing does not matter, he has been mentally prepared.

Anyway, he was about to leave China, and he was also killed. The mouth of others grew on him, and he couldn't control it.

It's a folk. A lot of Chinese people don't know much about Li Qing. Under rumors, he thought that he had killed five highly respected leaders and kept condemning and scolding.

For a time, as long as he knew Li Qing and was somewhat related to Li Qing, his life was affected somewhat.

This is society, this is the heart of the people.

Under the means of the superior, they have no way of using their brains, they will only be brought into the pit and run.

UFO, in the study...

"Our company was shut down, it seems that it can't be opened!" Xia Mo Can Yue was angry for several days. Today, I got this news again.

"A Qing, my dad was dismissed by his company~" Di Di said timidly.

"It's okay, didn't I give you a sum of money? Let him go to our island. I believe that our island can be built soon!" Li Qing comforted flute.

"Did we just forget about it like this?" Ning Shishi was also so angry.

Murong Fengrou and Jie Yu both shook their heads.

"Yes, this can only be done temporarily for now. If you really want to get rid of his crimes, it will only work again later!"

"My grandpa said that he was looking for evidence. As long as he found the evidence, he could prove that five of their families were guilty of death, but it took time, and many of them were people, a little trouble..." Tang Yanyan also Very angry. Almost every day I was calling Mr. Zhu.

"Oh, that's it!"

Li Qing shook his head, what can he say!


That's it, only a small number of people can stay awake and doubtful. Most people don't use their brains and can only be kept in the dark.

"It's just that I watched a lot of people sing about those **** old I was so angry!" Teacher Ning exhaled.

"Even, some people went to our villa in Xiamen to scold!" Master Ning said: "If the villa is not in the name of the aunt, it might be blocked!"

"This can only be handled after the emotions of the people are calm!" Su Xiaoxiao calmly analyzed.

In fact, Li Qing said that he was not angry and was absolutely impossible!

However, what can be done? Kill all the ignorant people? Still find someone to deal with?

Li Qing didn't have that leisure time. He believed that only after the time had passed, Mr. Zhu would help clarify his own, there would be such a day!

Nowadays, Li Qing's thoughts are all on the cultivation of the realm and the construction of islands.

With the butler that Su Xiaoxiao invited, the island is constantly improving living facilities, and the castle is constantly expanding.

Now, Li Qing has only one idea, that is, how to raise more merit value and buy that future city.

As long as the future city is in hand, then this island will be famous all over the world, and his and Li Qing's name will follow the world.

Dou Zhuanxing, time, day by day!

Just as Li Qing devoted their mind and body to the island, a bad news reached Li Qing's ears.

Wang Lin’s parents were poisoned and entered the hospital.

At that time, after Li Qing was published by the state, he had already mentioned to his relatives and friends that if he wanted to come to the island, he would be responsible for all his life.

However, although Wang Lin's parents believed in Li Qing, they were reluctant to leave their former residence.


"What does the hospital say?" Li Qing asked Xia Mo Can Yue, and the people who stayed in China were controlled by her.

"No way, the doctor has never seen such a strange poison!"

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