My Super God QQ

Chapter 440: The foundation of the battle is complete!

"Remember the person who provoked us last time? Hahaha!"

"Who remembers, it was decades ago, let me think, I only remember being a woman!"

"The woman, Gee, thought it was a genius in the lower realm, and it was still on the top. It wasn't we who did it in the end..."


"Don't talk so loudly about this kind of thing, so as not to be known by the above, hasn't it been a women's corps recently? Let her hear it, and I'm definitely not happy."

"Deputy Corps only!"

"Deputy Headquarters? Ha ha, they come here for gilding. Didn't you see that our headquarter had to give her a three-pointer? She is not a Raptors but Jiang, it must be a ruthless character with a background!"

"I said where did you all go! Hurry up..."

The three went to Li Qing while talking and laughing.

Seeing three people approaching, the people along the way quickly made a way.

There are even people with thieves and eyebrows who take advantage of the opportunity to slap their **** and bend over to run in front of them, shouting loudly and letting everyone go.

In this way, the three people walked in front of Li Qing and first looked at the two soldiers.

"A Tong!"


A Tong was beaten by Li Qing in front of him. At this time, he was climbing from the ground, his face twisted with pain, but he responded quickly.

"What's going on? Is this?"

"They come from the lower realm, because they have been standing still since they came up, and I will let them leave..." Speaking of which, his eyebrows turned around, and he composed the story: "But They not only leave, but also speak badly, I will teach them, and they will shoot!"

After speaking, a grieved look.

This is obviously right and wrong!

Immediately, Jie Yu was so angry that Liu Mei raised his eyebrows, breathing hurriedly, and his pretty face flushed.

As soon as she went out, Tiandela lived.

"You are not allowed to go!"


"Look at Li Qing, he is so calm, how about you?"

Suddenly, Jie Yu was stunned.

She didn’t say anything, but Lv Jiandao was angry too. He was young and he didn’t understand any smooth accidents, so he yelled, “It’s clearly not the case! They wanted to bully my sister. Fight them!"

"To shut up!"

Tiande stopped drinking.

Lu Jiandao, who wanted to speak, closed his mouth resentfully.

Lv Jiandao was thin, and looked like a child. As soon as he spoke, there was a commotion in the crowd, and he believed most of them.

At first glance this will not work! The head of the three men, with a low face, asked again, "A Tong, is this the case?"

"No, really not, Captain Hong, look, we are all beaten up like this! How could we bully them..." The soldier cried out, his voice full of suffocation.

"That is, Captain, no matter how they do, they can't beat people!"

Another soldier also rushed over, looking as if he was wronged.

"Well!" So, the captain asked Li Qing, "Where did you come from?"


Li Qing is also a little angry, but the surface is quiet and authentic.

He wanted to see if the Star Alliance was unfair.

"Earth, I haven't heard of it! My team member said you beat them, what can you say?"

"I fought!" Li Qing admitted positively, with serious words: "But even if it is not the earth, I have heard of the name of the Star Alliance. Yes. I want to ask the three captains, is this true?"

"Naturally is a place with rules!"

"Well, may I ask women here to tease at will?" Li Qing asked.

"I can't!"

"Well, I helped Xingmeng maintain the rules. These two soldiers molested my friend. Am I doing this right?"

"Yes, it's not right!" The captain of the surname Hong smiled: "Is there any evidence that he is molesting your friend?"

If it were to be replaced, Li Qing would really be in trouble.

Because, there can't always be a monitoring function!

But recently, he has an extra QQ function, that is, QQ movies, as long as everything that happens around him will be recorded.

So he secretly asked the QQ system to copy this picture and copy it to the QQ mobile phone.


Li Qing nodded.

Tiande froze.

The three captains, including the two soldiers, were stunned.

It seems that Li Qing can really come up with evidence.

"This is the evidence!"

Li Qing took out the QQ phone and played this video to them.

This is not an ordinary mobile phone!

Still with a projection. Suddenly, as long as they have eyes, they can see it. How do they tune the world jade?

Suddenly, the faces of the three captains were gloomy, black as if there was ink to drip.

These players are also their men.

If we can say that Li Qing can't find out the evidence, even if it's really ridiculing the good women, they don't think it's okay. But the point is, you can’t expose it. Where does it go? Where does Xingmeng's face go?

They really lost their faces. At this time, they looked at the two soldiers, together with Li Qing, and they all wished to kill them directly.

"Captain, this, this is definitely not true, there must be something wrong with this machine, he has fouled us!"

"Yes, this inexplicable machine was not seen just now, we are wronged!"

The two soldiers also wanted to deny.

The captain surnamed Hong directly ignored him and declared loudly to all: "The two soldiers violated the rules of the Star Alliance. As law enforcers, they knew the law and violated the law.

Both soldiers were so frightened that they farted!

Li Qing did not expect that the punishment would be so heavy.

Just make fun, die?

This is a lot heavier than the laws on earth.

However, he didn’t need to plead for the two soldiers. Just die, and the next second, another captain standing beside Captain Hong, moved under the shape, and rushed towards the two.

The two soldiers wanted to escape and begged for mercy.

However, as the figure moved, as the captain of the foundation period, he easily screwed the heads of the two down and put them on his hands.

"Now Fa-rectification!"

The captain of the surname Hong said that the skull in his hand was still spurting blood, and Su Xiaoxiao looked pale for a while. Then, as soon as the captain's eyes turned, he stared at Li Qing with murderous intent: "You provoked the guards here and actually beat them. The same is also the death penalty!"

With that said, he jumped high with his own hands and grabbed Li Qing like a goshawk spreading his wings.

After the foundation period was completed, the coercion unfolded on his body, as if he were thrashing like a tiger.

Li Qing also wanted to explain, but knew that it was not appropriate at this time, so he had to use the Xuanwu Zhen Jing, and turned into a Xuanwu, blasting him.

"Xuanwu Corner Shot!"

"Oh, don't do it yourself!"

"court death!"

The two captains watching from a distance sneered.

Isn't it funny that a country country gangster dares to fight against them?

However, facts are better than imagined!


Li Qing's fist hits the opponent's claw.

Li Qing stepped back seven or eight steps, and the opponent was beaten and flew back, his eyes full of disbelief.

Not to mention him, even Tiande, who knew Li Qing well, did not believe it!

One basement period on the second floor, one basement period complete?

How can it be comparable?

In fact, what they did not know was that Li Qing's body and blood were tumbling at this time, especially his fist was about to break.

"The other party's strength is really strong! Is this the strength of the foundation period? Damn it!" Li Qingqiang resisted the shaking of his right hand.

He knew that he must not show his disadvantages at this time. If he did, he would definitely be beaten to death without reason.

This is the realm of self-cultivation!

If you have no power, you will be Only when the power is equal to the other party, you have a certain right to speak.

This is really the case!

Just knowing that Li Qing could contend with his strength, the captain no longer dared to kill Li Qing at will, but looked at him squarely.

"Yes!" He gritted his teeth secretly.

"Can I say a word?"

"Do you want to defend?"

"Yes, I am violating the rules of the Star Alliance. Why do you want to kill me regardless of whether you are right or wrong?! Do you have such a rule? Do people who maintain the rules of the Star Alliance also die?"

"The teeth are sharp and sharp! But you are obviously in vain. Although this one does not, but there is no one, saying that you can use this to beat our soldiers at will! So, you still go to die!"

Captain Hong is sure to let Li Qing die now.

Under the eyes of everyone, he didn't actually kill the other party, but was beaten backwards. Where did he hang his face? So, no matter what, this face will be found back!

The only way to get it back is when Li Qing is dead!

After coldly speaking, he shot again.

"Eagle hits the sky!"

He jumped up again, and the strength of his body turned into a huge golden eagle.

It was ten meters long, and the huge claws could grab a house and grab Li Qing...

On the edge...

"Adult, can my brother beat him?" Jie Yu's whole heart hung in his throat, and he cried out in a hurry.

"No!" Tiande shook his head and had no confidence in Li Qing: "Even if Li Qing's exercises are better and more magical, the gap in strength is the gap!"

"What about then?"

"Wait for him to beg me!"

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