My Super God QQ

Chapter 447: Li Qing of the monster lineage?

About two hours later, finally, they ran to the other side of the city, and they were still the city gate.

Li Qing looked at Tiande suspiciously.

"Don't you think that this city is the Star's Nest?" Tian De laughed a little.

"Isn't it? The population in this city is so lively?"

Jie Yu was surprised.

"Of course not, this city is just the city of the arched guards of the star nest. The star nest is divided into eight directions for entry, and at the same time, it is such eight cities of the arch guards!" Tiande introduced: "There is only Such eight arched cities are enough to protect the Star Nest."


Li Qing was a little bit stunned.

There are eight in such a big city?

It's a bit exaggerated!

In ancient China, there were many examples of this kind of "satellite city", but he had never seen such a big city used as a satellite city.

I can't imagine how big the Star Nest should be!

Think about it, Li Qing feels that her heart trembles extremely. Sure enough, this is a very magical cultivation world!

"Okay, next, we are going out of the city and entering the main part of the star nest..." As we were about to leave the city, Tiande said.

At this time, the gate to go out was clearly guarded and was very strict!

A total of nearly twenty soldiers were guarding them. They were wearing armor and holding various weapons. They were almost armed to their teeth. The momentum emitted from their bodies surprised Li Qing a little, all of them were based on the perfect level.

Li Qing looked at Tiande in amazement.

"Yes! All the soldiers here are monks with perfect foundation!" Tiande nodded and said: "So, you, you, after entering the star nest, you must be low-key, because the masters in the star nest are like clouds, even me It's a role that can't be smaller, if my uncle had a higher position in it, I'm afraid I would die there too early." After he finished, he felt palpitations and a flash of sorrow flashed in his eyes.


Li Qing took a deep breath and nodded.

When their spirit beast arrived at the city gate, the passengers naturally got off the bus. When they got off the bus, the soldiers immediately came to check.


Suddenly, Li Qing heard howling sounds coming from above.

He looked up and saw five huge grey spirit beasts flying in the sky, eagle heads, lions and tiger claws, and there were three monks standing on the spirit beasts.

These three monks are obviously strong in the heart period, their eyes are as bright as electricity, and they are watching everyone below with vigilance.

"Come, come one by one!"

There is a captain among the soldiers, which makes people walk by one by one.

A strange spirit beast lay beside him. This spirit beast had a horn, a dog ear, a horse body, a lion head, a unicorn like a non-unicorn, and a dog like a non-dog.

As long as everyone walks past, this spirit beast needs to be smelled and smelled...

"Uncle Tiande, what does this mean?"

Li Qing asked curiously.

"This is the heart beast, can judge whether a person is a good person or a bad person, whether entering the star's nest harbors dissent!" Tiande introduced.

"So powerful?!"

Although Li Qing doesn't understand the principle of this, he feels very powerful.

"Don't be wordy! Come here!"

The captain saw that they were whispering, scolding doubts in their eyes and scolding.

"A bit arrogant!"

Seeing this, Jie Yu was cold in his eyes.

It stands to reason that Tiande is also a member of the Star Alliance, and his position may be higher than that of a guard soldier. However, Tiande just smiled and said nothing.

"Sister Jie Yu, people are also responsible..." Li Qing patted Jie Yu's shoulder to make her not angry.


Whispering at the gates of other people's cities is a bad phenomenon.

Sure enough, the investigation of their group was much more troublesome and cautious.

The captain even made the heart beast stand up, stroking its head and making it serious. The kind of performance seemed to be that they suspected Li Qing that they were skeptical.

This makes Jie Yu more angry.

"where are you from?"

The Dingshishan people were pointed by two spears and stepped forward to be investigated.

"I came from a small world!"

"Oh? It was originally from the country! Which small world?"

Just as the Ding Shishan people were about to answer, the captain interrupted him again: "Forget it, you don't need to say, I definitely don't know. After entering, don't do anything small, hear it!" There was a trace of intimidation in the voice .


Ding Shishan people dare to talk, quickly nodded like a chicken peck rice.

Next, is the boneless lay.

In the same way, he also received the disdain of the soldier captain and was almost pushed away.

Come again, it is the fairy bauhinia.

The captain of the soldiers was a little impatient. Next, he stopped talking and gestured to check one by one.

Until Li Qing's turn.

When Li Qing walked over, the heart beast seemed to be a little commotion, and the lion's head was constantly swinging and smelling on Li Qing's body. The situation seemed a little scared and a little skeptical.

"what happened?!"

Seeing this, the team leader raised his vigilance, looked at Li Qing with suspicion, and extended a **** with his index finger to make a gesture.

Immediately, a small group of soldiers rushed over and surrounded Li Qing, looking like a big enemy.

The guards at the heart stage standing above the five flying spirit beasts all stared at Li Qing.

An atmosphere of daggers suddenly emerged suddenly!

what happened!

Feeling the hostility from them, Li Qing wondered. Fortunately, he will not be a guilty conscience, so he is fairly calm.

Dingshishan people, their faces are now tense, and their hearts are very uneasy.

"You, come aside!"

The captain pointed at Li Qing and asked him to step aside, as if to wait for a careful cross-examination later.

"Uncle Tiande, is this?"

"Are you carrying spices?" Tian De frowned deeply and asked Li Qing.


Li Qing spreads his hand, he never sprays perfume or perfume.

"That's weird...Pause, you're waiting on the side, I'll be with you, it's okay!" Tian De said, then, he took out an identity brand similar to jade and showed it to the captain .

"Oh, in disrespect, it turned out to be the messenger!"

The captain clenched his fists and said disrespect on his mouth. However, he still looked serious, official, and did not give face.

"Yes! This is a kid I brought up, it should be no problem, I can guarantee it with my identity and life!" Tian De said.

This seems a bit serious, and actually used a life guarantee.

Hearing this, Li Qing felt a little moved in his heart.

The captain didn't eat this kind of thing, his face flashed with thought, and he was an unselfish look: "Sorry, the responsibility is still to be asked clearly. Rest assured, we will not injustice any good person, But he will never let go of any bad guy!"

This is not to face Tiande.

A touch of anger flashed across Tiande's face, but he was helpless and could only walk aside.

When all the passengers in the "get off" have checked through, the captain of the team walked to the edge of Li Qing, holding the head of "Distinguishing Heart Beast".

"Where does it come from?"


"Never heard of it! Why did you come to Star Nest?"

"I was brought by the lower realm, not by the messenger. I want to enter the Star Nest to test my own Daoji and join the Star Alliance!" Li Qing thought for a while.

"Test Dodge?" He looked at Li Qing up and down, and looked at Tiande again: "Because the strength of this heart beast is a bit low, he seems to have a problem. I am going to take him to Star Hell to find a more advanced one. Check out the Heart Beast!"

Star Hell?

When Li Qing heard it, he felt that this should not be a good place.

Sure enough, Li Qing's expression suddenly changed and became very angry, so Li Qing could feel it.

"Where can people enter the Star Hell casually? I'm afraid it's not suspected. I can't get out as soon as I get in! You are so, can't you pass it?" Tiande began to speak with anger, if he changed to something else Tiande can be ignored regardless of the individual repair.

But Li Qing is different. He owes Li Qing three favors, so he must be responsible for the end, not to mention that Li Qing is his optimistic person.

"Otherwise, what do you say?" Speaking of this, the captain narrowed his eyes and sneered: "I even suspected Li Qing's has the blood of the monster!"

"Pedigree? How is it possible! You are simply slandering!"

Tian De suddenly became furious and shouted in a deep voice.

"You, what do you want to do!" He seemed to be frightened by coercion, staggering back two steps, and immediately, angrily angrily, shouted: "Don't say you are just a messenger, even if it is a higher position, duties I will never compromise where I am! Come here..."

All the soldiers around him immediately took up their weapons and came around with the clang of armor.

The five spiritual monks in the sky are also staring at Li Qing and Tian De.

Trouble is coming!

Seeing this, Li Qing couldn't help but groan.

Although Li Qing didn't quite understand what they meant by the dialogue, he clearly felt it, and the captain seemed to have the meaning of framing himself.

Damn it!

Li Qing couldn't help but clenched his fists, and he never thought he would be so unlucky, causing this.

"what the **** do you want?"

Tiande took a deep breath, suppressing the rage in his heart.

"I didn't want anything! It's you, it seems that you want to be!" The captain saw that they were all around, and he felt a little guilty in his heart.

"I didn't think about it, but it's always bad for you to scorn a person like this!"

"Oh, let's not say that he has a heavy suspicion, even if it is framed, but it is just a low-level person from the small world!"

Under et al!

When talking about this word, his face was full of contempt and contempt, as if looking at not a person, but a pig and a dog, a beast.

It's so deceiving!

Seeing this, Li Qing suddenly rushed to the crown, and there was a fire burning in his heart, and he wished to go up and slap the fan on the hateful face.

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