My Super God QQ

Chapter 467: 5D test

"I have to say, you are very lucky. The rookie squad in Star League was originally a team of 20. If you miss today, then you will have to wait for the next team to recruit..." Coach Chen glanced at the team , Suddenly an inexplicable smile appeared in his eyes, slowly and honestly aimed at Li Qing.

When Li Qing heard this, it was wrong!

Twenty people in a team?

So now, when Li Qing joins, it becomes 21 people.

Of the twenty-one people in the whole team, there are only three or four people. Like Li Qing, there is a doubtful look. Others don't think anything is wrong.

Sure enough, Li Qinggang was puzzled and Coach Chen spoke again.

"So, today, in order for our rookie team not to violate the long-standing traditions and regulations of Xingmeng, there will be one person who will be eliminated!" he said loudly and powerfully.

The words came out, and the team suddenly rioted.

"Coach, do you mean that someone has been eliminated?" A fat man was worried.

"Yes! It's impossible, you can't understand people's words?" Coach Chen's face was cold, and his eyes were like a knife across him, so the fat man shuddered and dared not say anything.

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Coach Chen Chen shouted.

"Coach, I have something to say!"

A thin, handsome man in white.

"The next time you speak, raise your hands first! Come again!"

"Coach, I have something to say!" The thin man could only come back again, raised his hand and called again.


"Why is he coming from behind, and it's not fair to push out the people in our team!" he said a little angrily.

This is also the main reason for the team's commotion. Almost everyone feels that this is very inappropriate and unfair.

"Unfair? Hahaha..." Coach Chen laughed and walked towards him: "What do you think is fair?"

"Fairness is..."

Before the words were finished, the thin young boy was directly hit by a left hook, and the whole right face was swollen, and blood oozed from the corner of the mouth.

He screamed, covering his mouth and screaming.

"What is fair? This is fair! My fist is fair! You can't beat me, it's fair! So, fairness is not fair, I have the final say!" He looked up and glanced at all the students with domineering power. Pressure is also born suddenly, covering all students.

In an instant, under pressure, all the students, including Li Qing, felt that the air seemed to be solidified and could not be sucked into their noses at all. There was a kind of suffocation, and the feeling of falling into the quagmire appeared.

This is at least the Jindan period...

Li Qing was secretly awe-inspiring.

Coach Chen at this time seemed very vicious, especially the scar from the forehead to the corner of the other side of the mouth, it was really like the devil's head, and even some people almost called out.

Fortunately, he stopped and saw that everyone was in awe, before he continued to speak.

"Now, no one has any opinions! And, if you haven't gotten my permission, you guys will be just like that, just don't blame me! You have heard it!"

"heard it……"

"Be loud, are you a waste, even the voice is so quiet?"

"heard it!!!!"

"Well, now, we start the squad test, and the last one kicks out of the squad! Also, let me know what type you are!"

Types of?

Li Qing doesn't understand what this means.

Seeing others is a similar expression.

"Okay, now I start to measure your five dimensions, so that they can be recorded in your identity brand! In the future, if there is a requirement in the Star Alliance, if you want to choose people from you to do any tasks, it will be used as a basis!"

"Coach!" one student asked with his hand raised.

Li Qing was a little surprised at first glance, but she was actually a woman.

The figure is petite and exquisite, with blonde hair but Asian faces, with a ponytail braided up, not only heroic but also very cute.


"Excuse me, what is five-dimensional?"

"Commandership, intelligence, political power, force, and luck!"

Li Qing is a little unclear, why does Jinxing League still need to test five items, that is, five dimensions.

Next, seeming to know their doubts, this coach Chen explained: "Our Star Alliance is not like a sect, we are more like an army, so the army must have a leader, as well as logistics and management, then, You definitely need to use these things to characterize a person."

"Just, coach, how do you measure your luck?"

"Here I will take you one by one to test out, first of all, to test the commanding power! Follow me!" Coach Chen walked in front, followed by the players quickly followed.

Finally, they walked through the training ground and led him through many buildings to one of the halls.

Inside, Li Qing saw some places similar to sand table military exercises, and there were many small puppets.

It's also very powerful. Li Qing saw a sand table, and two young men were sweating and fighting. Among them, the puppets with big thumbs were able to understand people's words, forming a team, fighting each other. stand up.

Here, fighting is also divided into tactics.

Some are swarming, this is second-hand behavior.

Some will stand a few first and attack from the side, while others will be inserted directly like sharp knives.

"Isn't this the ancient time? Will some troops use the military formation?" Li Qing thought of this, and remembered the TV dramas of the Three Kingdoms that he often saw on TV. number.

Compared with Li Qing's contemplation, some of the other players also remembered something, but most of them only sighed for the novel puppet.

Just like the ponytail girl at this time, she was pointing at some puppets and wondered how cute they were.

Until Coach Chen sipped a "collection", all talents stood in front of him again.

"Now, we start testing!"

Twenty-one of the team are assigned to a team, Li Qing is the last one.

For this, Li Qing is also a little helpless.

Those members of the team saw that, they were all happily gloating, because in this way, Li Qing seemed to be isolated and could not be tested at all.

Li Qing wanted to ask, but remembering that this coach seems to have a bad temper, he will only arrange people, but can't help but wait.

Sure enough, Li Qing also made arrangements after they were in luck.

That is the first loser, against Li Qing, and the second loser, also against Li Qing!

Li Qing can only stay if he wins two players in the match.

"Do you think I'm unfair?" Coach Chen asked, looking at Li Qing's shocked

"Do not!"

Li Qing quickly shook his head.

Even if his heart is a little defamatory, he will not say that it is unfair.

Because, as Coach Chen said, there is no public injustice in this world. The big fist is fairness. Now, Coach Chen has the biggest fist. What he said is fair.

There are still a lot of drills in it, with more than 20 sets.

So, they went to fight one after another. According to the coach, every puppet can only be attacked for ten times. If it is ten times, it will automatically leave the field. Then, this is their victory goal.

Li Qing watched them compare.

In the first game, he saw someone lose. They actually fight for luck. The two took a baton and conveyed their thoughts to the puppets. All of them were swarming.

No skill at all!

Coach Chen didn't speak, let them start to compare, so Li Qing can only wait.

The loser was stunned, and then almost cried out with red eyes.


Because Coach Chen said that if they were eliminated, they would never be able to join Star Alliance again.

At that time, if he loses again, he can...

Thinking about this, he stared at Li Qing with hatred, seemingly resenting Li Qing's sudden joining the team, which brought him such risks.

Li Qing spread his hand, it doesn't matter.

Blame yourself?

Who would blame yourself?

He couldn't help himself!

For about ten minutes, ten losers stand together.

Then, coach Chen looked at Li Qing: "For you to play, you need to win two consecutive games this time, otherwise, you don't need to compare!"

As soon as this remark came out, almost half of the people on the team showed Li Qing a look of gloating and misfortune, as if he was saying, boy, you are dead!

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