My Super God QQ

Chapter 473: ?QQ new features, pet synthesis


Clouds are light and windy!

In that way, it seemed as if Li Qing blocked not his fist, but a little fist that was hit by a little doll while playing.

So shocking!

Almost everyone in the team was stunned and looked at this scene in disbelief.

Even Coach Chen, the same is true.

"Li Qing!"


After Li Qing blocked his fist, fortunately he responded a bit, enough to see how relaxed it was.

And this made Wang Lei feel even more embarrassed. I just felt that the whole face was like sprinkling with chili water, screaming angrily, angrily, and shouting again.

However, this time, his fist has not yet reached, and Li Qing's hand has come first, grabbing his fist.

Like a vise gripping his hand, he couldn't move anymore.

"Report your strength!" Coach Chen shouted.

"The second floor of the foundation period!"

In this way, everyone in the team was in an uproar, and this was reflected. It turned out that Li Qing's strength was so high.

Most of the teams are in the gas refining period, and three or four of them joined in by the Need Daoji, such as Wang Lei, which is the tenth floor of the gas refining period. Where can I beat Li Qing.

"Then suppress your strength to the same level as Wang Lei!" Coach Chen said.


Li Qing thought about it, he didn't seem to have any real energy, it all depended on strength.

Next, they continued.

As Li Qing thought, he didn't use any strength at all, so he blocked Wang Lei's fist.

And Wang Lei?

Even with the strength of nursing, Li Qing could not be hurt.

"Have you ever practiced physical exercises?"

Coach Chen couldn't help but ask again.

He felt that Li Qing was the most curious of all the newcomers he had received.

Not only smart, but also strong, the most important thing is to be able to withstand temptation, like Fang Cai, if the elder named him by his surname and asked him to teach, he must be happy, and weeping and crying.

"Well, yes!"

"How long have you practiced? See you are not old..."

"Practice for a few years!"

"Then you must be practicing good exercises!" He should not look at Li Qing again intentionally.

Next, Wang Lei loses.

Wang Lei was not reconciled. This seemingly unwillingness seemed to be driving him crazy, and he yelled, "How can the lower class win me? I won't lose to you!"

At this time, his fist burst into a terrifying golden light, which was very dazzling, that is, in the golden light, his fist actually became more than ten times larger.

Yes, it was as big as his fist, blasting to Li Qing.

Feeling the terrible power and Jin Geng's breath, Li Qing didn't dare to support him, but jumped hard with his legs. The next second, he was already on the side of Wang Lei like a ghost.

Lifting his legs high, Li Qing's feet were drawn on his shoulders!


The sound of an explosion sounded, and in the next second, Li Qing's feet were like nails in a nail, directly nailing Wang Lei into the soil.

In this way, Li Qingcai said to the group of dumbfounded players: "I am not inferior! I am from the great earth!"

This is the first time Li Qing has officially issued his voice in the realm of truth!

Attacked those colored eyes fiercely!

And many years later, this sentence also made countless people feel the shock of the soul, and the news was frightened, and since then it has been known that the people of the earth are not so annoying.

Of course, this is something.

Now, Li Qing cleans up Wang Lei on one foot, and instantly makes many lives awe.

Of course, there are also disdainful, they all have the best Daoji.

"Oh, Earth, what's it for? Can it be eaten? Or can it be played!" said a tall, thin young man.

"Maybe it's a ball for playing! Haha!" A fat, slightly older youth laughed at the edge: "If there is a chance to go, I must kick the earth to play!"

They didn't speak very loudly, but they clearly passed into Li Qing's ears.

Kick up and play?

Upon hearing this, Li Qing took note of the two men's appearance.

He swears that if there is a chance, he must also play the two well as a ball.

"Okay, Wang Lei, don't be embarrassing, continue to compare!"

Seeing that Wang Lei was kicked directly into the soil, it was impossible to get it out for a long time. Coach Chen grabbed his collar with disgust and pulled it up like a radish and threw it out.

So, continue to compare!

This is a game that must separate the level of force.

Only in this way can Coach Chen record the characteristics and strengths of all the players and upload them to Xingmeng.

In fact, it is said to be a coach, but more often, their job is to record these newcomers, including observing their morals and habits, as well as weaknesses.



These weaknesses are recorded by the Star Alliance. If they can help correct them, they will be corrected. Some of them will betray the Star Alliance. These weaknesses will become swords in the Star Alliance, enough to chase down these traitors.

On the field, playing with pleasure!

Li Qing found that the strength of the two guys who spoke bad things about the earth seemed to be in the foundation period.

In addition, Joey is also in the foundation period.

I don't know where the little girl Joey got this spirit beast, it was terrified and terrifying! Li Qing thought about it for a long time, maybe his fierce power of the phantom monster Jiao might not be as high as the other party.

Thinking about this, Li Qing entered the QQ pet space.

He hasn't entered it for a long time. He has only been called and never entered this functional interface.


After coming in this time, he actually found that his function interface has an additional The option is: "Synthesis".

"Synthesis?" Li Qing sees the function details and clicks to view it.

This function can be used for pet synthesis. After pet synthesis, due to the fusion of lineage genes, new species of pets may be generated, or they may directly fail into waste or die! Of course, there will be gains if you take risks. If the genes explode after the fusion, there may be pets that are even more powerful than dragons and beasts.

The function says so.

When he heard the dragon and phoenix, Li Qing was stunned, and then a little excited.

Spirit beast!

Who doesn't want to have a good spirit beast, so if they get a dragon or a phoenix, wouldn't they want to be happy? That is definitely a good hitter on one's own body!


Still not compatible?

Li Qing has an impulse, so close it now.

As for what to use?

He got a Haidongqing spirit beast, which is the worst spirit beast.

Come again is Atan!

The third head is the Mirage Fairy.

A Tan is a little bit reluctant, because A Tan is the best with him and the first spirit beast.

And Hai Dongqing and the Mirage Fairy?

Hai Dongqing is useless, but Phantom Demon Jiao is definitely a good spirit beast! After looking at it alone, it is so fierce and majestic that it can be known as a block of human soldiers.


Li Qing figured it out, and it was a bit difficult to shoot.

In addition to Li Qing stunned, Coach Chen said, let him continue to compare.

This time, his opponent is the fat guy who said he would kick the earth to play!

"This time, see me not killing you!"

Li Qing sneered.

He will never be soft on those who insult his hometown.


If it is not enough to beat him, Li Qing is going to make him look like a foreigner.

(End of this chapter)

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