My Super God QQ

Chapter 475: In the end, win!

Ordinary swords cannot be put into the eyebrows, only flying swords.

For a time, everyone was in an uproar again, red eyes, envious jealousy and hate flying all over the sky.

"Is it a flying sword?"

"Wow, so rich!"

"I didn't expect this class of people to have flying swords, **** it. Isn't flying swords so valuable now?"

"It's just a flying sword. If you're so fussed, aren't you afraid of people making jokes?"

"Feijian? Do you have, bragging, you take a look?"

Not to mention, at this moment, no one really can take out the flying sword.

Because in the realm of comprehension, the flying sword is really too precious, maybe the material is difficult to find, or the manufacturing process is relatively difficult, it is really difficult to find a flying sword. Li Qing believes that when you are free, you must ask carefully why there are so few flying swords in the real world, and what causes it.


Seeing Li Qing pull out the flying sword, Zeng Po's throat swallowed the sound of swallowing saliva, with red eyes and a little fear. But in the end, confidence still prevailed, because his skill was not just a casual sword that could be punctured.


How can one increase the ambition of others and extinguish one's prestige? !

The more he thinks, the more confident he is.

In the end, he laughed loudly: "Where did you find a broken flying sword that was picked up by the roadside stall? I tell you, my skill is not something you can pierce with a broken flying sword..."

After hearing him say this, all the talents found out that it was really the case. Li Qing's flying sword was bland, not as gorgeous as others, nor as sharp as others.

It's just that they haven't heard of it, and is there a higher level of "restraint"?


Li Qing sneered with disdain for his statement.

To say someone else's flying sword, Li Qing is not sure if he can pierce this guy's body, but his own? Even the hard character like Wannian Hengbing can be cut off, this guy's body can really puncture in minutes, OK?

"Then you can try it!"

Li Qing raised his sword and laid it slightly in front of him. He had a chic style of an ancient chivalrous man.

The clothes on his body are a little weird. Everything here is old-fashioned, but he is wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

"Try it, I will let you crush you!"

He yelled and exhaled twice. The whole person, no, the whole ball struck Li Qing like lightning.

But, isn't he hitting the stone with eggs?

Really underestimate Li Qing's flying sword!

Just after his body just touched Li Qing's flying sword, at that moment, there was a trace of obstruction in his body, which made him overjoyed. But only for a moment, extreme pain spread into his stomach.

Feijian thrust into his body, not only into his body, but also into his intestines...


Coach Chen couldn't see anything right. If so, Li Qing's Flying Sword could pierce him directly, shouting, saying that it would be fast and time, and his hand shot forward.

Like a shot in the air, this "ball" did not rush forward, but was directly shot back by coach Chen.


With a roar, his body was leaking quickly.

When the air leaked out, he was already a dead fish looking at his belly, lying on the ground, rolling his eyes.

"This won?"

Li Qing shook his head and said in a very helpless way: "How powerful is it! It seems that it can only bully the unarmed old people and children!"

Li Qing's words spread out. I don't know if he heard anything or not. Zeng Po's old blood lying on the ground was like a fountain, spraying three feet high.


Almost lost to grandma's house!

At this time, everyone looked at Li Qing's Flying Sword again, and no longer dared to look down, all with respectful and awe-inspiring eyes.

"I have a sword of Kunwu, and I want to be a master of Confucius. Baihong cuts jade and Ziqi night dry stars. He moves on the hibiscus, frost and snow in the box. Yitian holds the name of the country and draws his name."

Coach Chen suddenly read such a poem.

Li Qing couldn't see it, this guy actually had some ink in his stomach.

"Don't look at me, this is the poetry that our Sword League swordmaster often reads..." Seeing the team members looking at themselves, Coach Chen's eyes flashed an unnatural look: "He will read it as long as he plays against people. It’s really impressive to have such a poem."

After finishing his speech, he asked Li Qing as if to digress the topic: "What name does this sword call?"

Li Qing was startled: "Uh, I didn't name it!"

Upon hearing this, everyone almost vomited blood.

Such a good sword, did not give it the name of the sword, this guy is just a violent disaster!

Coach Chen really wanted to **** it over, soothe it well, and give it another powerful name.

"Really did not take the name of the sword!" Li Qing grinned helplessly, scratching his head.

"Give it one, otherwise, if one day you meet with which sword, your sword is nameless, it may be a kind of disrespect to the other party!" Coach Chen said this, and said quietly: "Too pretend~ "

Very loaded!

If he knew how to say that, he wanted to express such a meaning.

Looking at the other side of Li Qing's victory, the two are still fighting.

On one side is Joey, on the other side is the little, dark-skinned little boy.

Joey's golden rabbit has grown bigger and looks very fierce, but the other party is not stunned, holding a scythe with an iron chain in his hand. It is really like the black scythe that cuts weeds. Fighting.

This black sickle is a bit big, with a full length of two meters. Holding this weapon, he can actually use its curvature and length to avoid the rabbit's bite in a constantly changing position.

Just like the blade of a sickle is crescent-shaped, he can put the sickle directly on the ground, swing it hard, and swing it to the other side. He can throw it away and chisel on the ground, and use the chain to let him fly over. This time, his speed and evasion ability are really very strong.

"Xiaojin, the trick is--"

Seeing that Li Qing had ended the fight, Joey's small face was anxious and twitched.

The golden rabbit opened his blood basin and screamed terribly at the teenager.


Unexpectedly, many people quickly covered their ears, covering them slowly, the eardrums seemed to be shattered and bleeding.

Li Qingdu was stunned with blood and a little shock, not to mention the guy who was the first to be stunned by the roar with a terror flow.


Li Qing was a little dumbfounded.

He had never seen anyone stunned by such a wave.

This reminded him of the "Lion's Roar" of Buddha's magical powers, and he did not know whether they had the same effect with different songs.

It's now, only me and her...

How do you fight?

Li Qing is a little ignorant, he really hasn't met such an opponent.

Use roar?

Shock yourself?

Li Qing was a little worried, not knowing how to deal with it.

Soon, as Li Qing racked his brain, his duel with Joey finally began.

"I surrender!"


Li Qing was a bit caught off guard and didn't understand what this meant.

"I said, I admit defeat!"

"Why do you admit defeat?" Coach Chen asked.

"Because, I don't have the kind of treasure that can resist the illusion..." Joey said with a small face in aggrieved face, sincerely.


In this way, Li Qing simply won the matchup.

Although Joey raised his fist and said that he would get a piece as soon as possible and then play with Li Qing, Li Qing still won the game.

"Okay, let's do it today. Let's take a day off, go back and prepare yourself, and test your luck tomorrow. Then, if the training does not meet my goal, you are not allowed to leave this city!" Coach Chen finally announced. .


Many players cried in surprise, expressing puzzlement and discomfort.

Because the words in the city are too free, not to mention that some of them have friends and relatives who live outside the city.

Compared to outside the city, the city in the city is really too restrictive, too free, and inconvenient.

"If you don't want to obey, then you don't have to come back after going out today!" Coach Chen said after dismissal and disbanded on the spot.

Looking at his back, Li Qing also grabbed his heart.

He rushed up quickly and asked Coach Chen.


"what's up?"

"I have a She joined Star Alliance and became my maidservant. Now, can I bring her in here? She's out there, safety issues, I don't worry." Li Qing is tangled. Started.

When he first came to cultivate the real world, he was really worried that his sister Jie Yu was alone.

It's so dangerous here, it's almost a fist, and the law is at most a decoration. If something goes wrong, if you are unfamiliar, Li Qing will be crazy.


Coach Chen said indiscriminately: "Unless you can complete all the tasks I set in the early stage, then you can be regarded as a real member of the Star Alliance, and she can also officially become a maidservant. Walk freely in town!"



Li Qing sighed inwardly and could only stop.

He had to think of a way.

(End of this chapter)

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