My Super God QQ

Chapter 482: Pick a mission occupation

"Discipline Dormitory" is a building with a good location and ample aura.

Each person has a house of about 30 meters square, which can be used for living.

Entering his spiritual power into the identity card, Li Qing followed the route and found his room to live in.

Tables, chairs and wardrobes are readily available.


Suddenly, the door was knocked.

Li Qing is strange. He is the first person who hasn't met him since the first day. How could the door ring?

Just opened the door and froze slightly.

It was actually his teammate "Joy".

"How do you know I live here?" Li Qing asked doubtfully.

Joey is also at a loss: "I don't know!"

"Don't know you still knock on the door?"

"I heard the sound of opening the door next door, thinking of being a neighbor, coming over to say hello, I didn't expect it to be you!"

next door?

Li Qing thought that all of them were male disciples, and he didn't think about it.

This is 666!

Are you not afraid of what happened to men and women?

"Hee hee, you are very good~"


"Go, I've cooked something delicious, shall I come and eat it together?" Indiscriminately, Li Qing was pulled by her to the next door.

As soon as he entered the room, Li Qing smelled a scent of food.

She actually cooked a good table in her room.

"Originally, I thought of saying hello in the past, but I don't want to be an acquaintance, then eat it together!" Joey said with excitement, like the kind of lonely girl who was suffocated and broken.

"You just pull me into the room easily, so you are not afraid..."

Li Qing means, are you afraid of being eaten with tofu?

If this leads the wolf into the room...

Li Qingwei glanced at her. She was wearing a home uniform and had a low chest. She could still see "Xiao He only showed sharp corners" during the vague movement. It was really tempting. Not to mention, this one is still a type of little loli, which really makes the man have a kind of protection and a reverse aggressive desire.

"Don't be afraid! Tell you, the management of this place is very strict. As soon as I call, ten disciples in charge of patrol will arrive. Do you believe it?"

"Patrolling? Disciples?"

"Yes, they patrol here and can earn contribution points."

"That's it! I didn't expect to earn contribution points..." Li Qing nodded and expressed his understanding.

"Yes, all kinds of work in Xingmeng can earn contribution points, so in addition to practice, everyone will pick a job to earn contribution points!"

"Then did you pick a job?" Li Qing asked.

"Plucking medicine~ It seems that this job is the most suitable for our girls. This is also the most popular occupation for girls. For you, have you ever found a job..."

Seeing Joey's serious look, Li Qing was a little ashamed.

It seems that I am here to cultivate, to become strong, how can I become a part-time worker?

The brain is a bit overwhelmed!

"We are still weak, and we can't take the task of killing monsters or enemies. Looking for treasure or something, we can only do these professions!" Joey seemed to see Li Qing's thoughts and smiled. It is quite natural.

She also made sense.

This made Li Qing think, what kind of career should he find first to earn contribution points?

"You certainly don't know what kind of occupation? Forget it, after dinner, I will show you how?"

"Okay, then trouble you!"

Li Qing looked at her warmly and warmly in her heart.

So, the two started to eat while chatting.

According to Joey, collecting medicine is also a very good job. If you get the best medicine, you can break the record and get a huge contribution point. This contribution point can be much more than the memory breaking record, actually up to 100,000 contribution points.

At the same time, if you look at the value of medicines, if you are lucky for a day, you will get good medicines, which is worth the hard work of many people for several days.

Of course, many men will not choose to pick medicines, thinking that this is the work of girls.

In general, they will work as apprentices and earn contribution points by doing chores, such as battling refining masters, such as patrolling and guarding.

And if you want to earn more contribution points, you still have to rely on strength.

One, if the strength is strong, you can hunt monster monsters in exchange for contribution points, the more powerful monster monsters can be exchanged for more contribution points.

Second, you can also play in the ring or go gambling.

Third, you can win the top three in the heaven and earth people. If you can rank on the top, you can still get a certain amount of contribution points according to the ranking of each month.

Li Qing listened and opened his eyes.

I really did not expect to be able to contribute points for so many things.

"At the same time, I can also make a small business and make money!"

"For points?"

"No, except for points, there is another thing that can be exchanged for, that is the star stone. A star stone is one thousand contribution points, which is also the currency of contribution points."

"Star Stone~ I haven't heard of it!"

"Well, it's generally used by rich people, it's normal that we haven't seen it before!" Joey said mockingly.

Li Qing listened, thinking about what kind of occupation he was suitable for to earn contribution points.

"Is it difficult to pick medicine?"

Joey can only pick medicine, Li Qing can only ask her first to understand this profession.

"It's difficult! Because there are so many kinds of medicines, too cumbersome, and there are a variety of identification methods, which is just a lot of knowledge. Very often, we have seen an elixir, because we will not Know and miss."

"Oh, need to remember well?"

Joey remembered Li Qing's abnormal memory, and suddenly nodded: "Yes, you have such a good memory, and it's appropriate to pick medicine."

Li Qing also felt quite appropriate.

In the eyes of others, it is difficult to distinguish the appearance of the medicine and write down the appearance of the medicine, but he has the help of qq and can really remember all the medicine in his mind.

At the same time, he is also an inexhaustible alchemy master. If he can find some good medicine, can he try to refine some medicine? Because the elixir of refining can also be sold!

Unconsciously, I ate for about two hours...

Joey just threw out his tongue and touched his round belly: "Go, I will take you to the mission hall!"

"Trouble you~"

"Teammates, haha! You're welcome~"

Joey has a bold look, but he is cute, making such a movement is very strange, but also very interesting.

Mission Hall...

I heard that it was the largest building in the entire Star Nest, except for the God Tower.

The facts are too!

After Li Qing entered, he saw that the mission hall was as big as the football field.

The crowd is also very crowded~ You want to go to a place, almost all of them are crowded.

"It's like a talent market!" Li Qing spit out: "No wonder, it is necessary to set up such a big building!"

As Joey progressed, Li Qing followed, walking and watching.

Various missions!

It is the most common to help people watch the nursing home.

There are also people who help people find certain things.

The most wonderful thing, Li Qing actually saw a task, is to accompany sleep.

Er, the content of the task is a man, and then sleep alone, looking for a female to sleep.

"It's just blatant blessings!" Li Qing set off an uproar in her heart.

Looking at the task reward, it is also very high, with a thousand contribution points.

There are also tasks to help people design.

There are also missions to help kill people.

Anyway, only you can't think of it, there is no task not here.

Li Qing has been shopping here for several hours until the middle of the night, which is really eye-opening.

In the end, apart from looking at those tasks, he set two options in his mind.

One is to collect medicine.

Second, the beast master assistant.

Why do you think of beast master assistants later?

Because, he thought of his QQ pet function, there is a synthetic function.

I might be able to synthesize useful pets by the time, hey, I can make a big smile.

He was fed up with the discomfort that sent Jie Jieyu to the fence. He must make a lot of money and find a most comfortable place to house Jieyu.

My own woman, if you can't try your best to give him the best, then how can you be a man!

Grand masters, this must be the case!


Is it that the grandfathers are domineering, dare to come to recommend tickets...

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