My Super God QQ

Chapter 519: Game 1

Thinking of the Star Alliance’s list of heaven and earth without the name of the earth, Li Qing once vowed that one day, everyone would dare not look down on the people in the lower realm, even if there is no way to do everything, the earth will be an exception. !

The Challenge of Heaven...

It is still so lively. Although there are no more than a hundred masters fighting against tigers today, there are many who come to watch or gamble.

These people are here for years.

Of course there is no lack of good disciples who want to learn from others.

Since Li Qing's time to go to the ring has not yet arrived, they need to wait again after they arrive here.

On the small ring, there are two young boys fighting.

"On the ring, only weapons and spells can be used, magic weapons or runes are not allowed, no sneak attacks, no secret calculations, and no death, otherwise, they will be expelled from the Star Alliance directly!"

Standing in front of this team, Coach Chen explained the rules of the game.

"Can it be crippling?"

Wang Lei stood up and looked at Li Qing in the corner of his eye, as if he was calculating something with a bad intention in his heart.

"Uh, it's okay in case of a miss, so those who are in the ring are better to have enough points or drugs to treat themselves, otherwise, don't go into it lightly." Coach Chen seriously said: "I must do this again. Seriously warn you, it’s best to go ahead with certainty, don’t be crippled when the time comes, and you will really lose your life."


"The stipulated time for a ring game is half an hour. If there is no victory or defeat within half an hour, then the ranking will not change!"

"The ring has local restrictions, as long as you are beaten out of the ring, it is considered a loss!"

"You can't attack the referee who decides to compete in this match, otherwise, you will lose the game!"

"There is also a magical function of the Zhutian Challenge, which is to suppress the strength of the two people to the same level. However, this kind is usually used in gambling or life and death battles, and it needs to be approved above."

After talking about a lot of regulations, Li Qing's competition officially arrived.

Li Qing's opponent is a disciple who is ranked at 6,831, a disciple in the mid-term foundation.

When he saw Li Qing on stage, he smiled and nodded at Li Qing: "Are you a newcomer who has not been in the ring yet?"

"Yes! Hello!" Li Qing nodded in response to seeing him politely.

"My name is Deng Yang, from'Meteor State'!"

Meteor State is also a continent in the realm.

He reported the name and place name.

Coach Chen Chen said that this is to let the opponent remember that if he loses or wins, he also knows who the opponent is, and he can get revenge as soon as his strength is reached.

"My name is Li Qing, from the earth."


He was puzzled. He had never heard of this name before, and he felt funny. How could a place name be described as a "ball". The word ball in their hometown is generally a derogatory word that is almost clumsy.

"Earth is a small planet!"

Li Qing introduced that he would not admit that the earth is the lower bound.

"Oh, it turns out to be the lower realm! Hahaha, it's pretty good, with courage! I heard that the lower realm is not very talented. I hope you will win me the first time and become famous in one battle!" He laughed He said, but looking at the expression on his face, he was talking back, but sincerely meant nothing, more like mocking.

"I will!" Since the other party is like this, Li Qing is not polite, and nodded hard: "I will step on you and step on the peak!"

This tears his face!

Li Qing didn't like the hypocrisy of hypocrisy, and simply tore his face.

"Take your own shame! I will let you know what cruelty is!"

Suddenly, his face gloomed down and looked at Li Qing with anger.

"Then I might as well take a look!"

Li Qing sneered.

At this moment, the referee came out.

"Bet it away!"

It turned out that he came out to seal the plate, and only after the plate was sealed, then the competition could start.

Many people in the team beat Li Qing to lose!

Only Li Qing, who won by coach Chen, has won a thousand contribution points. If you think about it, he is also shy.

It's Joey, a little fan of money, but at this time he didn't go down, his face was annoyed.

"Qiao Yi, then, I will win all the contribution points inside!" Li Qing didn't know, for the last bet, she had already put all her money on and borrowed usury.

Today, the above reward has not yet come down, and Joey does not know that Li Qing has broken the record.

If she knew it, she wouldn't know how happy she was.

"it is good!"

She was able to participate in the bet. She was so happy that she pushed down Li Qing's contribution points, 80,000 integers.

Someone said, Li Qing does not need to play so much, because the number of talent in the team, the newcomer must have no money. If you think this way, you are wrong. According to Joey's investigation, there are still several family backs on the team, with many stars and stones on their bodies.

Not to mention, anyone on the ring can make bets.

"I'll also join in the excitement and give me a hundred thousand!"

Suddenly, a voice appeared.

Li Qing was stunned, and it was Dao Feng.

He is here too!

"Brother, are you here?" Li Qing smiled gently, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Well, isn't it a surprise, I heard your game time last time, it's okay, I'll come and have a look!" Dao Feng smiled, took out 100,000 contribution points, and his eyes were blinking. .

Li Qing is actually quite curious about him. He doesn't know his strength. His net worth is very generous. Coach Chen is also a vigilant and taboo look to him.

Fortunately, Li Qing didn't feel his hostility towards himself, so he was quite easygoing!

Now, Li Qing doesn't know. Afterwards, Li Qing knows Dao Feng's character and personality, and is shocked. After all, one cannot just look at the surface.

"Too rich!"

"This Dao Feng came to see it again, and it's impossible. He really has a good relationship with Li Qing? It's just a person in the lower realm, won't he?"

"It is impossible to voluntarily lay down people who are in contact with the lower realm. I think this front must have a picture."

"Why don't you figure it out, hurry up, bet more, this time the odds have turned again, we bet more, ha ha ha..."

At this time, the magnification has become 2 to 18.

It seems that the people in the ring are only concerned about the big ring, not paying attention to this small ring, and not many people bet on this situation.

Li Qing and Dao Feng, a total of 180,000, bet on Li Qing to win.

This led to Deng Yang's winning, and he would be able to double his principal 18 times.

A lot of money!

This is how people are easily tempted by huge interests and lose their minds. At the moment, many people put all their unwillingness to come up with.

Later, it becomes six to eighteen!

"Seal and seal..."

After the next game, they were afraid that someone would come to press Deng Yang to win, and someone on the team shouted.

Seeing the time is running out, the referee has just closed the Okay, then, the game begins! "

He yelled and waved.

"kill him!"

"Quick, win him, ha ha ha, we are going to make a lot of money!"

"Money, money, don't waste time, fight!"

Several of the team crushed Li Qing's loss and shouted.

"Shut up! It's ashamed!"

Coach Chen was very angry and shouted directly.

He felt that his education was still not enough. He made the team so disunity. He secretly took note of these people. He secretly wanted to find a time to talk to them. Otherwise, the team will die all the time sooner or later. Under the mouth of the beast.


In this way, the talents in the team are quiet, they are not stupid, realized that this is wrong.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Deng Yang laughed: "Even the teammates in the team are going to let you die. It seems that you must die today! However, unfortunately you can't kill people here, so you can kill you!"

With that said, he took out two small swords from behind.

"The two swords, named Yin Yang, are actually the sun and the moon. I will call it..."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

Li Qing was too lazy to listen to him.

Directly interrupted, Deng Yang almost didn't faint. It was irritable. He didn't speak anymore and attacked Li Qing.

"Yin and Yang flash!"

He crossed his swords together, and actually two spells of ice and fire appeared simultaneously from the tip of the sword and shot at Li Qing.

Li Qing sacrificed the flying sword!

The ice and fire had not yet arrived, and the flying sword had broken into a flash of lightning.

Seeing the flying sword, many people watching this game are all condensed...

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(End of this chapter)

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