My Super God QQ

Chapter 523: Du Jinlong and Demon King Lin

"As long as you say it, even!"

Li Qing looked a little unhappy about the young man, with a dead face, as if he owed him tens of millions.

No, it's more like a prisoner in prison. When you announce to the prisoner, you have to be cut off. However, the other party came to complete the task, he can only be patient.

"Okay, then come with me!"

Li Qing followed him out of the city center, and then boarded the "spiritual beast car", probably walked for an hour and a half, came to the door of an auction house.

Above the auction house are written three large gold letters "Wan Baozhai".

"Wouldn't you just like to say that Buddha Heart Lotus Seed has an auction here?"

"Yes! Maybe the other party knows that you are eager to seek medicine, so take that thing out and put it here for auction, it should be bad news!"

"Really bad news~"

Li Qing smiled bitterly.

This is equivalent to a floor price!

Knowing Li Qing's mission, he didn't contact Li Qing directly, but went to the auction house to auction. Obviously, he wanted to pit Li Qing.


Li Qingsi asked him suspiciously: "How do you know that Buddha Heart Lotus Seeds will be auctioned here?"

"The owner is my friend!"


Li Qing is speechless.

From then on, he can conclude that the other party is definitely a business-minded person, who can not only sit on the floor and start bidding, but also not let go of this 10,000 task reward. It seems that his dead face may be due to rewards, and he didn't divide much before it was caused.

"Okay, when is the auction!"

"This auction house has already prepared an auction, and the lotus seeds are added later, three days later! Also, to remind you, this auction house is the premier auction house in the entire Star Nest, there are many rich people, I hope you are ready to contribute more points at that time!"

"it is good!"

As for the Buddha's heart lotus seed, Li Qing is bound to get it, even if he is a little annoyed in his heart, he can only promise.

Who made himself badly in need of this thing, so even if the other party made a high price and dug out the pit, Li Qing had to jump.

"Can I know the owner?" Suddenly, Li Qing asked.

"Do you want revenge?" He squinted at Li Qing.

"No, no, no!" Li Qing said with a smile, "No, I just wanted to get acquainted with your friends."

"Okay, then I might as well tell you that my friend's name is Du Jinlong!"

"Du Jinlong?"

How does Li Qing feel this name is a bit familiar.

"Does it sound like you have heard it?" he sneered.


"Because, after his brother Du Yinlong was lowered, he was killed by you, and my friend didn't know where to find it, and he always wanted to start against you, but he had no chance."

Du Yinlong!

Li Qing set off an uproar in his mind.

This guy, he remembered it clearly, because after Li Qing killed him, he was also asked to use the "Chaser of Death". Almost Li Qing was killed by the red light shot from the upper realm.


He had never imagined that this matter had spread to the upper realm and to his family's ears.

This is someone else's revenge!

damn it!

"It seems that this guy is not a dead face, but has hatred against himself!"

Li Qing was secret in his heart, but it turned strange: "If this is the case, you are his friend, why would you tell me that he would strike me?"

"Because, I hate the second ancestor of his brother!"


This reason is extremely powerful and sufficient. Li Qing can only write down Du Jinlong, who will be careful in the future.

Li Qing handed him the task reward of ten pieces of stone, and he left by himself.

In this way, Li Qing thought about what was happening.

"Wan Baozhai? It seems to be the property of the Secret Star Palace. The young woman with the surname Huan also sent me a sign saying that you can get a 50% discount if you go in?"

Li Qing looked through the storage space and finally found a purple brand, which seemed to be inlaid with diamonds, dotted like stars. In the past, Li Qing did not know that he thought it was a diamond. Now he understands that these are broken stars.

"It seems that this brand is quite precious!"

When Li Qing asked Wanbaozhai, he realized that it was actually a top-notch VIP token, with a 50% discount. Of course, what was bought at the auction was not counted.

The things sold in Wanbaozhai are also all kinds of strange things, everything is there, and the price is not cheap.

"It seems they are all high-end goods, and I don't know if they will get a 50% discount, they will lose money, but forget it, they didn't want to buy anything."

"The distinguished guest is coming, there is a far-off welcome, and the little old man is rude!" Don't dare to neglect the tunnel.

"It's okay, I want to ask you something. Was the Buddha Heart Lotus Seed named Du Yinlong used for auction?"

"There is indeed this product. Rong Xiaolao let people check it..."

Three minutes later, the shopkeeper nodded: "We were not able to disclose the seller's information in accordance with the regulations, but you are our VIP, and naturally it is not within the scope of this requirement. Please also keep it confidential for us."


Li Qing nodded, his face full of thought.

"In addition to this, he left two other things, but we can't identify He Bao..."


The shopkeeper took out a picture book and showed it to Li Qing: "This is a tripod of what and what, and there is a book that does not know what the word is..."

Li Qing looked at it curiously, and found that the tripod and the book were written in oracle bones.

"Isn't it brought on the earth?" Li Qing finally decided to check on the third floor of the bookstore at that time to see if there are any Oracle learning classics, so I know what these two things might be, maybe I can pick up a leak.

After a while, Li Qing asked the shopkeeper.

According to him, the treasures of Wanbaozhai are all-encompassing, and there are treasures everywhere in the cultivation realm, but unfortunately there are many that they cannot recognize. These treasures that they cannot recognize, Wanbaozhai will discuss with the owner, whether to sell them at a low price. If the owner agrees, it will be bought. Therefore, there are many treasures in Wanbaozhai, but many of them are unrecognizable, and some cannot be recognized. They will also be auctioned at the auction to see if someone recognizes the goods.

"If you are knowledgeable and have a good understanding of the realm, you can pick up a lot of leaks!" Li Qing was more and more excited.

Suddenly he found that he had one more way to earn treasures and earn contribution points.

Yes, there are books on the third floor of QQ Book City. As long as he can read more books in it, he may pick up the leaks if he knows these treasures.

Suppressing the little excitement in his heart, Li Qing said goodbye to the shopkeeper.

He returned to the city, his new house, Jiejie Yuzheng was busy decorating his new home, and he found a room to enter the third floor of QQ Book City.

"Look for it, is there a book that introduces treasures of the cultivation world..."

Li Qing's eyes brightened, almost turning over the box.

In the end, he found hundreds of books, all introducing the treasures of the cultivation realm, not only the cultivation realm, but also those of the lower realm.

He began to make up for the leak.

After receiving the reward, the young man with "coffin face" returned to a mansion in the city.

This mansion is bigger than Li Qinggang's, and it is more magnificent. It can be seen that it is of great value. Two fierce black spirits and a guard are squatting at the door.

He directly walked through the courtyard without notice, and entered the most central hall.

The interior of the hall is more exquisitely decorated and as expensive as possible. At this time, a man dressed in golden ray cloth lay half on the purple chaise longue, and let a charming woman move her head up and down between her hips.

The voluptuous woman wears gold silk tube top, triangle trousers, and a devilish curve, which can cover the intimate place.

"Come back? How?"

"Fortunately, it's not humiliating! I have approached him, quietly taking advantage of the close-in opportunity, and placed the tracer on him."

"Okay, so good..."

"Then you will have the full power to do this, and I hope that when he walks out of the star's nest, it will be the moment when the head comes back to me!"

"Yes!" The young man with a flat face looked at the woman who helped him solve his physical problems, a flash of greed flashed in his eyes.

"Go on~ I understand, let her help you feel better after a while!"

So he retreated even more happily.

"Hehehe..." The man lying there half-heartedly sneered, what he had to say, and suddenly the words came to an abrupt end, with an ecstasy on his face, and his body shivered violently.

But I don't know there are a pair of eyes outside secretly watching here.

It was the man with the coffin face. At this time, there was no greed on his face, but a rage of hatred in his eyes.

"I wish I could eat your meat, drink your blood, and dare to call my uninformed cousin to help me... Someday, I will kill you!"


"Yes, kill him, kill him, Wang Lin, you can!"

In an unknown wild forest in the realm of truth, Wang Lin is killing someone on a ring.

At this moment, he showed a skeleton body all over his body, which actually exudes a strange silver holy light. Wang Lin folded his hands together, and a golden flame slowly lit in his skeleton hand. To grow stronger.

"go to hell!"

Seeing that the other man on the opposite side was carrying a black sword and grinning at himself, Wang Lin seemed to use all his strength to throw the golden flame out.

In an instant, the big man screamed that there was a blazing fire all over his body, and within ten seconds, he burned a jelly-like red thing.

Wang Lin stepped forward with difficulty, his eyes widened, he picked up the thing at his will, and stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

While chewing, the red thing overflowed from the corner of the mouth, as if the human flesh was being chewed by him, bleeding...

At this time, Wang Lin was like a murderous demon, with a terrifying face and evil spirits!

If you don’t give a recommendation ticket, let Wang Lin eat you! Just ask if you are afraid...

(End of this chapter)

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