My Super God QQ

Chapter 550: Have embraced Li Qing's thighs

The anti-piracy chaos chapter will be revised after ten minutes If you can't see the normal chapter, you can go to the genuine website! There is no way, the big tiger will really starve to death, even if you don’t subscribe, even if you don’t give me a recommendation ticket, this makes me really feel bitter about how to explain to the site editor, please forgive me!


Li Qing even called twice, always looking forward to her reply.

There are too many barrage, Li Qing can only stare at death, however, ordinary barbarians, that is not the barrage of the housekeeper, disappeared all of a sudden, and waited a long time to find.

"Is it possible that something went offline?"

He was thinking in his heart.

"If you are here, give me a small gift!"

Not reconciled, Li Qing tried to cry again.

Sure enough, in the next second, someone sent roses, and while her name appeared, Li Qing quickly gave her a housekeeper.

Thinking of his mother, Li Qing's eyes were moist, and she hated it very much.

That skull black robe, he must one day apply all the most vicious methods of this cultivation realm to him.

This hatred is not common!


"Di Di, you said, A Qing, is he really cultivating the realm? How did he communicate with us?"

As an elderly elder, Zhang Min still does not understand what this is. She has thought about whether it is high-tech. However, thinking that it is the realm of truth, not the earth, she is embarrassed to say it and is afraid of losing herself. Son's face.

In this way, Li Qing can speak clearly in Li Qing.

"Brother Li Qing~ Are you okay there? We are so worried about you!"


Li Qing also wanted to ask, who knows, she asked first, Li Qing can only answer.

"How about your life on the island, have you encountered any difficulties?" Li Qing asked.

In the castle on the future island...

Hearing this question from Li Qing, Yan Di, Tang Yanyan and Ning Shishi didn't know how to answer.

to be frank!

Their current situation is very bad. Li Qing's mother has to die every day for a while, and she must die alive.

Xia Mo Can Yue was in a coma again, like a vegetative, not yet awake.

Not to mention that Lin Mengjie has left the island.

As for why did Lin Mengjie leave?

Di Di asked, Lin Mengjie could not wait any longer before leaving, as for feelings? At that time, Lin Mengjie said a word, leaving Didi with nothing to say.

She said that feelings will always be forgotten over time, and she can’t wait, afraid she won’t.

Di Di didn't speak anymore, and after discussing with the women, let her leave.

Everyone has their own ambitions!

No one can force anyone!

However, Yan Di did not dare to tell Li Qing to listen to all these things. When Li Qing was asked to listen, it would definitely be uncomfortable.

In addition, they did not dare to mention that Xia Mo's becoming a vegetative man. Today, Ning Shishi directly drives the ufo to guard the entire castle, and also hires the second and third place mercenaries in the world to protect the future island.

If Li Qing knew, he would be worried and nervous.

Good news, no worry!

Yes, so Li Qing doesn't know these things yet. It's nice to see them saying they are all right.

"You are all okay, then I can rest assured..."

Li Qing nodded.

"Well, brother Li Qing, they said let you be there, take good care of yourself, pay attention to safety, don't care about us!"

"Okay, let my mom talk to me, is she there?"

Li Qing missed his mother too, hesitated a moment, and said.

"Shall I help the aunt to type out the words?" Yan Di said, obviously, Zhang Min was also on the edge.

"it is good!"

"Er, there, do you have to pay attention to safety? Do you know that Mom has been waiting for you to come back, even if it is painful and painful, I will wait for you to come back!" Zhang Min said.

Sometimes, the pain made her want to stop on her own.

However, when she thought of her son, she had a faith to stick to the dangerous realm.

She wants to see her son again!

"Okay, mom, okay, okay..."

"I don't know!"

Yan Di asked Li Qing.

Li Qing was not easy to answer, diverted the topic, and asked the situation on the island.

In the live broadcast room, the water friends watched their conversation, and they were puzzled.

It turned out that the mother of the fairy master is here too? And the flute, who is the master of the fairy, girlfriend, or wife?

They all tried to be close to Yan Di. Yan Di's eyes were only Li Qing's. Therefore, what other people said was ignored by Yan Di.

"Smelly watch, can you, I called it several times, haven't you heard it yet?"

"What to pretend!"

"Pretend that the whole family will die! Little watch!"

"As soon as the little watch comes, the anchor can't take care of us. The anchor should also die of the whole family!"

Several water friends scolded because of Yan Di's disregard.

Scolded Yan Di and Li Qing by the way.

However, they did not wait for them to scold, and in the barrage, they were all scolded by them.

It turned out that it was those water friends who couldn't see it anymore, or they wanted to pat Li Qing's flattery and took the initiative to scold those people.

"Spray, go!"

"Keyboard Man, who is funny on the Internet all day, don't you worry about the health risks of your family?"

"Believe it or not, Lao Tzu's flesh comes to you, hacks you to death, dare to scold me the family of Master Xianren!"

Li Qing also saw that these people were scolding Yan Di, and he also scolded that his family would die.

Immediately, Li Qing's eyes narrowed, and an extremely cold killing intention appeared.

"Don't let me go back to earth, if I were on earth, just you guys, I will let you know what regret is!"

Actually, what do you say?

Li Qing is also quite a real person online.

At the beginning, if someone wanted to steal his QQ, he went directly to those who steal the QQ and beat them up.

Now, when someone scolds his family, Li Qing is also angry.

Seeing the host angry, the water friends scolded more fiercely.

Even, some people said that they wanted people to come out and kill them.

"My dad is from the Dragon Party in Hubei. Master Xian, I will help you kill them!" Suddenly, a water friend shouted.

Next, many people shouted.

"I am Hong Gang, although I am only a little boss, I can teach them to be good people!"

"It's under the gang!"

"I am Ye Jianhui, and I will let them know how powerful!"

Many people bragged.

"A group of people will pretend to be a match on the Internet. In reality, it must be silk. Come, beat me, kill me, a group of fools! Get home, go online, do good things every day!" A black fan jumped out again and shouted, the tone was very proud, as if to say, he would brag, and there was a kind of beating me.

Naturally, there was another wave of curse.

As long as the women in his family, including their immediate family members, were all carried out and scolded, all kinds of screens floated.

"Okay, so be it!"

Li Qing couldn't stand it anymore, and directly shut down the broadcast.

Seeing that the anchor was really angry, and shutting down the broadcast, those water friends were even more angry, scolding the black fan as bloody.

Reality, Shanghai...

In a villa, a handsome young man in his twenties, wearing a black casual suit, threw the ipad on the sofa. UU reading

"King Butler!"


"There is a screenshot in the iPad, there is an id called "Rotten Electrician", you go to the live broadcast company for me, find out the address of this guy!"

"Master, you are complaining with others online? Not worth it! If the master knows, you will definitely blame you..."

"You don't understand Wang Guan, this is a chance..."

The young man smiled: "My dad said that there are so many chances in life that many people see but don't care, and let them float casually, but this time I believe I have seized a great opportunity!" As he said, the smile on his face became more confident and brilliant.

(End of this chapter)

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