My Super God QQ

Chapter 573: Battlefront

"What material is this city wall made of?"

Looking at the city wall in front of him, Li Qing's mouth was wide open, and he couldn't close it anymore. He had never thought that the city wall could be so high and so thick.

At least 500 meters high!

Five hundred meters is equivalent to the height of the Oriental Pearl Tower in China.

Used to form a wall, is it exaggerated? Exaggerated!

At its thickness, it is 100 meters!

In other words, it takes at least a few tens of seconds to walk from side to side.

Having seen the wall of the Star Nest, Li Qing has been shocked to be a man of heaven. Bye bye to the wall of the Star Fortress, I only know what it means to see a big witch.

Especially the material seems to be metal. Li Qing pressed hard and did not move at all.

"All of them are made of starry meteorite, and the fortress wall is a miracle of our cultivation realm!" Wei Chishuo introduced to Li Qing, even if he watched it several times, every time he looked at this wall, he could not help being proud. .

Because this city wall represents the pinnacle of human civilization.

"It was only by it that we slowly resisted the attack of the monsters, otherwise, I am afraid that the situation will be even worse now." Chen Jiabu said with such a sentence, said with exclamation.

"Brother, let's get out of the city. My hammer of the sea has to be out of control!" The sledgehammer held his double hammer in his hand, revealing his white teeth, hehe smirked.

"Go, then let's go to the front line! The city wall is the last line of defense for our human beings. If we want to kill the monsters, we still have to go to the front line!" Wei Chishuo explained to Li Qing.

"I kind of want to see the city wall!"

Li Qing curiously said.

"We can't go up unless we have a responsibility, or a first-class star or above to get on the city wall. Moreover, there is nothing beautiful on it, don't need to go up, just see the side, densely guarded magic weapon of the city! "We Chishuo said.

Imagine Li Qing, as it should be, no more words.

The more people walked toward the gate of the city, the greater the number of people. When he arrived at the gate of the city, he saw countless practitioners.

They were in droves, or they were holding arms with great enthusiasm, going out to kill the monsters with blood, or returning with wounds, with excitement or sadness on their faces. According to Wei Chishuo, most of these people are enemies with monster beasts, but they really want to contribute to humans, accounting for only one-tenth.

More than that, in order to kill the monsters and make money, it also exceeds this one-tenth.


Killing monster monsters can be exchanged for contribution points, and the skin and bones of monster monsters can be used as refining materials. It is indeed much more rewarding than doing other tasks in Star Nest.

"A lot of people!"

"A crowd of people!"

"The killing spirit is everywhere, it turns out that this is where the war is!"

"It seems that the anchor is going to take us to see the battle between humans and monsters, ha ha ha, the show is here!"

"I can't wait any longer!"

"Think about it, without the evil of monsters and beasts, we Chinese people are really happy!"

"The weather here is really not good, why the sky looks dim."

"That's death. As an ancient battlefield, one can imagine how many dead creatures there should be."

Li Qing opened the live broadcast.

In order to earn merit value, he naturally opened it, for the future smart city.

As soon as he opened the live broadcast, he was nearly hundreds of millions in popularity. Unconsciously, these people have become hardcore. As long as they are reminded of the start of the broadcast, they will usually come in immediately.

Some people have their computers on. As soon as Li Qing starts broadcasting, there will be sounds for them to see.

Just like a mall outside of China's Kyoto, such a big screen was played and Li Qing's live broadcast was playing. When the big screen lights up and the screen appears, the passing crowd is immediately attracted to the past, whether it is a car or a person, they are stuck, want to see what Li Qing will broadcast today.

Most audiences have the "Five Elements of Qiankun" for repairing luggage, while a small number of audiences are purely lively and fresh.

Not to mention, a lot of people who practiced the Five Elements of Qiankun have recently been on the news. Some say that after practicing, their bodies have become much healthier, and some have even reduced their illness.

Those who originally worked in fitness have frowned, and if they go on like this, where else can people exercise?

The smarter people have opened training places for everyone to exchange their experiences and retreat. Once this kind of place was opened, it was very popular, and other imitation operators sprung up one after another. Even if it is abroad, there are many open.

It can be said that Li Qing's live broadcast has gradually changed the world.

United States of America...

In a platinum palace located in the capital of the country, their president is listening to the report of the head of the intelligence service below.

"Sir, the intelligence has come out, there is all information about the people in charge of the future island."

"Huh? Say!" The president sat on a leather sofa, drinking an early cup of coffee.

"According to our investigation, the Huaxia who opened the live broadcast is the owner of the future island..." The head of the intelligence department stroked the cold sweat of his forehead: "So, look, do we want to give the Delta special troops to Call back?"


With a sip of coffee, the president was shocked by the shock, and his face was unbelievable.

"Admiral President, you?" This is a black man, but his face is all white.

"real or fake?"

What the President thought about was a bit cold.

He remembered that the troops he sent seemed to have shot a woman living in the castle.


"Then send it back~ The comprehension of the comprehension is not something our abilities can deal with." The president thought again and again.

"Master President, I had thought that this was also a fear!" The head of the intelligence department was very scared when he first heard the news. However, now he has a new idea: "The Chinese innocence is no longer on the earth, what's the matter? I’m so scared, not to mention that it’s a cultivator, the God of China, no, like the fairy, there must be some treasures left. I think we still don’t give up the blow, continue...”

"Treasure, yes, otherwise that woman will not be like the superman in our movie, invulnerable!"

"Maybe there are medicines that can increase lifespan~ Rumor has it that Oriental China has a legend of immortality!"

"Then fight!"

The president's eyes were full of light, and finally he ordered to die.

This is the result of Li Qing's live broadcast, which is indeed gradually changing this society. However, it has attracted more people with coveted hearts and extended their greedy hands to the future island.

In the future, only the old and weak women and children of Li Qing’s family are left. If there is still UFO, I am afraid that they will be razed to the Qing does not know these things...

Outside the city wall, they hurried for an hour before they reached the front line.

Li Qing had thought of flying directly with a flying sword, but none of Wei Chishuo's flying magic weapons had to be done.

The closer to the front line, the more powerful the killing atmosphere, the more dignified people's faces.

Finally, when they reached the front line, they saw countless camps, and besides the camps, there were a large number of simple prevention facilities.

It is simple, for the innocent, in fact, there is also a city wall, which is completely made of magic. Then out of this wall, Li Qing heard the sound of killing and the roar of the beast.

The **** smell came from all over the place.

Into the eyes, there are countless monsters and corpses and humans, blood everywhere, as well as broken limbs and flesh, various bright weapons and black scorched earth. .

Farther away, the battlefield, Li Qing turned his head from side to side, full of people and monsters, as well as all kinds of glorious destruction, blooming everywhere.

The whole world, filled with a word, is to kill!

Li Qing was a little stunned and asked Wei Chishuo: "Shall we go directly to kill the monsters?"

"No... you see!" Wei Chishuo pointed to the distance and his face was very ugly: "It seems to us that we are going to return, according to our strength, we can only return."

Li Qing followed his instructions and looked far away. I saw a hundred kilometers away, the sky changed suddenly, and there seemed to be a layer of overcast clouds that covered the sky again.

He looked far away, and found that the gray sky in the distance was like a haze.

"Retreat! Rewind!"

"Those with low strength, rewind..."


There was a lot of exclamation, and then, one after another, as if to see some of the most terrifying things in the world, countless people were panic-stricken and turned and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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