My Super God QQ

Chapter 606: Law Enforcement Disciple

"I don't know. Is my soul enough to use Wushuang mirror now?"

As soon as Li Qing appeared, there was no one in the house, so he took out his unparalleled mirror.

Enter the true energy first, then come and join the soul together.

Gradually, very eeriely, a light appeared from the double mirror, and a figure slowly emerged.

Ten percent...

Twenty percent...

Fifty percent...

Until 100%, finally succeeded.

Li Qing is also divided into two parts, and half of them appear on the figure. It’s not right. It’s not a figure, but a real person.

"So sad!"

He tried to manipulate the human body, but it was as if his brain had been cut in half, which was difficult to deal with.

Li Qing wants "he" to raise his leg, sometimes it becomes a hand outstretched, sometimes he wants to sit down, but he jumps...

Helpless, he can only try to get used to this feeling and constantly adapt.

After trying for five or six hours, Li Qing felt that he couldn't bear the sense of confusion, and then stopped.

The head is messy like a paste.


Li Qing entered the QQ Book City and slept directly for three days and nights.

When he woke up, he found that the spirit of the gods had once again increased and strengthened.

In order not to disturb Wang Lin, Li Qing went to the outside world again to get used to this doppelganger.

After eight hours...

He went back to the qq book city to sleep.

This process, he continued three times...

Thirty times!

The total time spent is one and a half years!

Li Qing was fully adapted to the existence of another doppelganger.

What will happen to human beings as long as they have their own avatars? Anyway, Li Qing felt quite novel, so he used this avatar to find Jieyu.

Jie Yu didn't realize that it was a doppelganger, and kept asking when Li Qing's brother would show up. She was ready to prepare a sumptuous banquet to entertain others. It seems that she is quite attentive to this matter, also for the purpose of saving the country by curves, and wants to make Li Qing's brothers have a better impression of themselves, so that indirectly they seem to love Li Qing more.

Next, Li Qing also found Bai Xiaotian with his avatar, and Bai Xiaotian didn't recognize it, and worried about asking Li Qing, what Li Qing was worried about, as if he had not found anyone to monitor Li Fu in these two days. .

Li Qing was overjoyed after the two people finished the experiment.

Suddenly he had a good idea.

That is to leave the deity on the third floor of qq book city, learn more things, practice more, and let the avatars do things for themselves.

The idea is simply amazing!

At the moment, Li Qing returned to the qq bookstore, while watching the jade jade, while controlling the avatar to walk out of the house.

The **** beam of light in the sky has disappeared. He did not know about this matter. Later, the Star Alliance resolved it. However, on the street, there were two or three times more disciples patrolling in the sky than before.

They looked down at the following eyes, as sharp as an eagle, as if to make everyone think they were suspects and were stared at.

Next, Li Qing went to find Tiandan Master, Zhengdong.

"You have just come, the antidote you want, I have practiced it, and I have accepted the part I deserve, this is yours!"

He smiled and took out a porcelain bottle.

Finally, it made Li Qing a little excited, thank you quickly.

"No need to thank you. If you didn't find the Buddha's heart lotus seed, I'm afraid I can't make this medicine. With it, I believe that the poison of the holy bone can cure the disease except..." Tian Dan Master Zhengdong looked confident Said with a long beard.

"That is, we Zheng Dongbo personally shot, how could there be no cure for the disease!"

Li Qing patted a small fart, making Zheng Dong laughed with relief.

After getting the antidote from him, Li Qing went to look for flowers.

But when I went to the auction house, I was told that Hua Banrong was not there.

Think about it, there are many days from the originally agreed month, and you can only continue to wait.

After walking around, no one found himself an avatar, making Li Qing secretly happy. It's as if the child just got a fun toy.

But, just after returning home, he immediately gloomy all over his face.

Because his home has been surrounded by dozens of disciples.

Among them, Jie Yu was arguing with someone who looked like a team leader, and Bai Xiaotian was also held by them, looking very indignant.

"Who are you!" Li Qing shouted angrily as soon as he came back: "Why did you catch me!"

"You are a first-class star, Li Qing?"

Their leader is also a young man wearing a golden jade belt. At this time, Li Qing is being looked up and down with his gaze.


"There is a life on it, saying that you may have missed the black robe suspect that day, so let's come and search."

Li Qing is not afraid that they will find someone!

So, sneered: "Did you find it?"

"Looking for!"

"Okay, if I can't find it, I will definitely pursue you today!"

"up to you!"

"Also, let go of my brother!" Li Qing pointed at Bai Xiaotian.

"No, he is suspect!"

As soon as Li Qing heard this, he was furious: "What is the suspicion? Where is the evidence?"

"Because as soon as we came here, he kept looking at something, so now I suspect he is suspect!"

Li Qing was almost angered to vomit blood.

What is this, obviously it is to find the ballast!

In his mind, he filtered it again and again, who was looking for his troubles, but he still could not think of who would deal with himself.

Helpless, Li Qing had to send a message to Hedingtian.

Hedingtian heard the ins and outs of this incident and hung up in anger, saying that he would arrive soon.

In this way, Li Qing felt relieved and waited for Hedingtian to come.

Looking at them, they are almost holding the feather feathers as arrows, Li Qing is really indignant, and feels like being in China on earth.


This is like an expanded version of the earth. China has those official missionaries, and here there are disputes and conflicts, as well as these law enforcement disciples.

If it weren't for Li Qing's relationship with Hedingtian, today, there will be a big trouble.

The leader's first-class star also heard Li Qing's words, but he was not afraid and looked at Li Qing with a sneer.

Hedingtian didn't come. In the end, a person unexpectedly came to Li Qing.

It was actually Dao Feng who cultivated and killed ~sheng~.

He came over with frowns, obviously when he came from a distance, he also saw Li Qing confronting them.

"Feng Fan, what are you doing here?"

He actually knew the leader.

"Why are you here again?" The leader's flashed a light of vigilance in his eyes, but he was not afraid.

"I'm here to find my friend. Why did you come here to make trouble with my friend? Did the kid from Zilong let you come?"

"Zilong? Let me tell you, now my friend's identity is not ordinary. Don't mess up, otherwise, I won't let you go!"

What Li Qing thought at once.

It turned out to be him!

He really didn't expect that this guy was still entangled. At first, almost Li Qing thought that it was over, but he didn't think about it. He came to trouble today.

"Master Zilong can call me, but, do you really think that Master Zilong called me to come?" The young leader of the law enforcement disciple laughed young, seeming to say, you are really ignorant.

This made Dao Feng do not understand, and did not understand who Li Qing offended.

Then, he suddenly thought of something, and his face changed, and he leaned on the edge of Li Qing: "Brother, did you offend an old lady? You performed very well in the Star Fortress, and that old lady might have trouble you. Now..."


Li Qing is puzzled!

What wife?

It wasn't until he thought for a long time that he remembered that on the wall of the Star Fortress, there seemed to be an old lady who had been aiming at herself.

"It seems to be the old lady with the surname Zi, who has been targeting me~"

"That's right, the old lady, the grandmother of Zilong, that is, grandma!"


Li Qing suddenly realized.

I was actually stared at by a star owner! **** it!

In fact, Li Qing did not know that he was not completely stared at by the old lady named Zi, but that when the old lady returned home, her grandson also mentioned Li Qing, saying that he had hatred against Li Qing before it would cause immediate concern. In this situation!

"This is a big trouble!"

Dao Feng's face changed slightly, and I really couldn't imagine what Li Qing would encounter when he met the difficult wife.

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