My Super God QQ

Chapter 686: Wizards Seen in Ten Thousand Years

Adai really panicked!

At the beginning, in order to write down this handprint, he spent two months. Now, this guy is so powerful in front of him, he doesn't need to remember, can he apply it easily? Is it true that your qualifications are so bad, so stupid?

It’s not just Adai, the one called Chubby Fat, the same is true, the fat face is full of sweat.

The pressure is great!

People are more psychological, especially young people, this kind of competitiveness is stronger.

Seeing myself as inferior to others, how can you be reconciled, as if you have been humiliated in person.

"It's a disciple of immortals..." Bells don't have so much thought, there may be a difference between men and women. Her eyes are full of envy and optimism.

"Well, fairy, natural vision is like a torch." Li Haoyu, also known as Li Xing.

Immediately after remembering something, he said to Adai seriously: "In the future, don't look down on the people in the lower realm. The people in the lower realm are not as unbearable as the rumors. Otherwise, there will be no trace of the fairy in the lower realm. The fairy who appeared in the lower realm must be the most powerful among the fairy. They can all be optimistic. Why do we discriminate against others?"

"Yes! Follow the instructions of the master."

Adai's eyes flashed unwillingly, but he nodded.

His mind involuntarily recalled when he was a child, when he first practiced, he often listened to people mentioning the lower realm. As long as the qualifications are almost the same, they will be teased as the lower bound.

"how can that be possible?"

Ah Dai struggled with his brain and couldn't figure it out.

"People are more dead than popular!"

Like fat on the side.

It seems to be young people. In fact, I don’t know how old he is than Li Qing. However, not even half of the other party can be reached, which is really too shocking.

Li Qing is completely caught in crazy practice...

Until the tenth day!

His achievements in sword escape technique are indistinguishable from that of Adai, which is the evaluation of Li Xingzhu.

"Stop it!"

Lord Li Xing finally let Li Qing stop and interrupt his practice.


Li Qing reacted for a while before turning back from the situation of devotion.

"how do you feel?"

Li Xing asked.

"Very good!" After Li Qing came back to his mind, he remembered himself again, as if he is now showing off his sword skills, which has become a natural reaction and habit of the body.

"Well, that's all right. I didn't expect your qualifications to be so good. Actually, when you are practicing, you can enter the state of unity of heaven and man. Very good, very good. You have already practiced sword escape in ten days alone To this level...Now, you learn from me, and I will show it to you again, with a view to allowing you to practice sword escape to the extreme."


Li Qing bowed.

"You don't think that you have already practiced the fire, and sword escape is not as simple as you think. Now, you are just a first glance at the path, come, look good!"

Master Li Xing stepped on the flying sword!

There was no fireworks, just like the gods, and as soon as he stepped on the flying sword, he slowly blew into the sky with the wind.

Knotted his handprints, his body was like a willow in the spring breeze, unintentionally swaying anywhere.

It will be a figure for a while, a sword for a while, and gradually faster and faster, Li Qing's eyes widened, because he found a lot of Li Haoyu's figure in the entire sky.

That situation seemed as if several people suddenly appeared.

One hangs on the far left sky, tens of thousands of meters away, and another...

The sky is full of his shadow.


Half an hour later, Master Li Xing gave him a jade jade, and let him learn from it.

"This jade simplicity is the original version of the sword escape technique, but it was handed down tens of thousands of years ago. I hope you can one day be better than blue, better than blue!" Li Xingzhu said with great hope.

"Yes! Thank you Master Houci!"

"Master leads the door, the practice depends on the individual, OK, you are practicing..."

Li Qing bowed to the ceremony, and then put the jade jade directly on the forehead.

"Okay, let's not disturb him!"

In this way, they accompanied Li Qing for ten days before letting him practice on his own. Only when Li Qing's sword escape technique could be approved by Master Li Xingzhu would he teach others.

During the day, Li Qing practiced by the lake.

In the evening, find a place to rest, enter the third floor of QQ Book City, and continue to practice.

While looking at the jade jade, he realized that time was really not enough.

It was not until his realm was enough to support the progress of Jian Dunshu. Li Qing then reported to Li Xingzhu that he was limited by his strength and could no longer progress.


After learning the news, Li Xingzhu's heart hardly believed it. How could it be possible?

It's only ten days!

Like fat, they came to join in the excitement. When Li Qing said this, they couldn't believe it. Even Adai almost scolded, thinking that Li Qing was in favor of the crowd.

This time, even if it was a bell, she couldn't think from Li Qing's point of view anymore, because she thought it was impossible.

"Hey, this kid is really a little bit floating~" Xiang Chuan touched his chin and laughed.

Seeing that they didn't believe it, Li Qing didn't say anything. After Li Xingzhu told him to demonstrate, he began to use sword escape.

The expert knows whether it is there or not!

When Li Qinggang spread out, their eyes were sullen, and then this sullenness turned into surprise, even panic.

Just like being fat, because of his fat body, he hasn't achieved much success in sword escape techniques for more than ten years. In this way, Li Qing has already surpassed himself a lot.

Next is the bell, which is also ashamed.

Like Adai, he was astonished, dumbfounded.

"Little monster, little monster..."

Master Li Xing shook his head and smiled bitterly. I really didn't know if he found such a little monster to be a good thing or a bad thing.

But how to say, for the public, that is Xingmeng, this is definitely a good thing, as long as Li Xing grows up, then, will definitely become the mainstay of Xingmeng.

After half an hour...


Lord Li Xing also took off the sword, and the two chased in the air.

Often, Li Qing will be hit in the air, however, over time, Li Qing is constantly familiar with this feeling, and the frequency of hits continues to decrease.

Sullen face, Li Qing's eyes are like Black hair fluttering, white robe like immortal, he stepped on the sword in appearance than Li Xingzhu, I don't know how many times it is floating, the two hands turned into a magic The afterimage of the entanglement wrestles constantly.

Within a minute, he was hit more than fifty times!

Ten minutes later, more than forty!

An hour later, more than twenty times...

If it weren’t for Li Qing’s strength that he couldn’t go higher and farther in “sword escape”, I’m afraid that Li Xingzhu wanted to hit him, and it would be difficult for him. This is more and more shocking to Li Xingzhu!

He really wanted to put Li Qing under his door and become a formal disciple.

The more he thought about it, the more distressed he was, and he didn't know that such a good young man was on the Nether Earth.

If he knew it already, he would have to go to the lower realm even if he was desperate, bringing Li Qing to him!

What a good doorman means means that in the future, he may become the top power in the cultivation world, or even be able to fly into a fairy. At that time, Master Li Xing will be blessed by him.


This is the practice of many people who are self-cultivators!

First of all, pull people to be disciples. If the disciples have good talents, they will feed themselves back later.

I almost want to beat my chest!

Before, how many people wanted Master Li Xing to be accepted as a disciple. Now, instead, he wants to accept people as disciples, but because of the rules, he cannot accept Li Qing as a disciple.

damn it!

How could fate be so teasing!

A round of beautiful jade is in front of you, but you have to miss it!

Not to mention the depressed and uncomfortable feelings in the heart of Master Li Xing, all three of his disciples are dumbfounded. Looking at Li Qing is not like looking at people, yes, he is not a person, he is a monster, that monster that comes up on earth!

Uncontrollably, they became curious about the earth, and what kind of place was there in order to appear such a genius that has been rare for thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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