My Super God QQ

Chapter 700: famous

Lin Huang is the owner of a grocery store. He made a lot of spirit stones with his cleverness and vision, and slowly became a monk in the foundation period by relying on his own abilities.

He married a wife, auntie Sanfang.

However, after becoming a monk, it was difficult for him to have children because of cultivation.

It was difficult to give birth to a child, but it was the fire and wood spirit roots with very low qualifications, not only the double spirit roots, but also the intermediate spirit roots.

At that time, his entire world was almost dark, almost collapsed.

He himself knows the suffering of low qualifications, and he has to cultivate to this level. He does not know that it is more than ten times more difficult than others! Thinking of his son's suffering in the future, he only felt that his life was dark.

But no matter what, life has to continue, he can only say that he will not die by himself, desperately saving some capital for his son.

In the past two days, he also heard rumors about the "Qualification Pavilion". At first, he always laughed and smiled, but he heard more times, and inevitably gave birth to a trace of waves in his heart.

"Then it was unsuccessful, it doesn't seem to have to pay? Why not try it?"

The more he thought, the more reasonable it was, so he brought all his circulating funds and hugged his son to check it out.

When he entered the shop, he was still evasive, fearing that his acquaintances would find him laughing at him. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he entered Li Qing's office.

"Hello, are you afraid of being seen?"

Li Qing looked at him with a smile, still sitting on the sofa.

This may seem rude, but Li Qing really doesn't want to be a businessman. Besides, this kind of person doesn't trust himself or give him any politeness.

"Yes, it is!"

Lin Huang nodded embarrassedly.

"Well, that's good, under Li Feng, I don't know if you are here to consult or change your qualifications?"

"I just want to know first, can it really change?"

"Really, people outside don't come to try, it's their loss. You are the first customer. I can help you change first. It will be effective when the time comes, and you will pay."

"How much is it?"

"Two thousand stars and stones is not enough for you to be the first customer. You only need one thousand stars and a half discount. How about that?"

One thousand?

Is that equivalent to one million contribution points?

Think about the list of disciples in Star Nest, there are few who can have this contribution point.

Lin Huang was also taken aback because the money he brought was simply not enough.

"I, I, I..." He was embarrassed to say enough, but he just talked.

"Then how much do you have?"

"I have seven hundred, but if it really works, I can get you together within three days, can I be graced for three days? My shop is there..." He said an address.

Li Qing knew that he had a shop, so it was much easier to handle, nodded and said: "Yes, if it is invalid, naturally there is no money, then, you first sign an agreement now, that is a cooperation agreement."

This agreement was made by Bai Xiaotian.

Because, this can save Li Qing from helping the other party to change his qualifications, the other party will not recognise the account, not to mention testing the qualifications and running the "testing station", then there is such an agreement when the proof can save those It's a shit.

"it is good!"

Lin Huang took a look at it and decided to come down.

"Then do you want to change the qualifications of your son or yourself?"

Seeing him sign this agreement, Li Qing asked.

Suddenly, Lin Huang was an agitator, only to realize that I didn’t know that my son could change his qualifications, but could he himself?

"Can I?"

His eyes suddenly turned red, just like a calf.

He is so excited!

Think of yourself trapped in this realm for decades now, and really dream about thinking of being able to rise to another realm.

So much so that his heart couldn't stand it anymore, his breathing almost didn't stop, and his face flushed red.

Li Qing can understand how he feels, if anyone, one day he hears that his dream of breaking soon, and reappearing, will be like this.



Li Qinglian said it three times before he was sure.

"So what should I do?"

Li Qing thought about it and asked him to come to an interior room in the studio.

When the inner room is originally used for boredom, you can practice what you use. Here, the "casting" seems to be more powerful.

"Close your eyes and you can't move no matter what happens. Rest assured, I won't seek money and kill lives. You must have mentioned it before you came here?"


"Okay, then close your eyes relaxed."

Li Qing let him sit cross-legged on the ground, and then summoned the phantom monster.

So, he fell into the dream of a mirage monster.

He found that he suddenly came to the very center of the universe, where there was darkness, but there were stars shining brightly, and the Milky Way hung upside down. I don't know how magnificent it was.

He floated in the universe like this until there were thousands of golden lights in the sky shot down and enveloped him. Then, a hand enough to cover the sky and the sun came down from the sky and placed on his head.

This is how he is in the illusion.

In fact, Li Qing just took a picture of him, applied for a QQ account, entered the account on the QQ system, and helped him change his profile picture.

"Oh, forget to ask him what spirit root he wants...Forget it, it seems that he is not too young, just give him the best wood spirit root." Li Qing looked at his old look and made up his own mind. Hehe smiled, and replaced his head with a piece of Tongtianmu.

Tongtian Shenmu is the strongest kind of wood treasure he found on the Internet. I believe it should not be a big problem to change a wood-based super spirit root.

Then, he let the phantom monster Jiao act in the illusion.

So, Lin Huang saw a big tree rising from the sky, slowly shrunk into a small point, and entered his eyebrow, that is, into his eyebrow, and his body also shone with thousands of gods~www. He fell into a coma...

When I woke up, I only saw Li Qing looking at him with a smile.


The first time he asked nervously, for fear of failure.

"Okay~ feel it yourself!"

So, he was agitated and quickly crossed his legs on the ground.

Seeing that, he burst into tears and knelt down to Li Qing on the spot to kowtow.

That excitement!

He felt that Li Qing was his regenerative parent because he found that he was on the fourth floor of the foundation period, and he jumped to the sixth floor of the foundation.

What this proves is the change that occurs after the talent changes.

In an instant, a little old man cried like a child, and looked at Li Qing like a benefactor who saved his life.

Not to mention, Li Qing still has a bit of beauty in his heart.

In this way, he let Bai Xiaotian hand over to him, and then, when he tested his qualifications, he then settled the payment.


After doing all this, Li Qing went back to the office and let a girl at the front desk hang out.

The sister didn't understand why Li Qing let him go out, and then, two hours later, she ran back and entered Li Qing's office excitedly.



"Famous, we are famous..." she exclaimed happily while panting.

"What's famous? Tell me more?"

"Just our first guest, didn't we go to the testing center? Then, after returning home, he said that his qualifications and talents were changed. Then, in less than a moment, there were people talking on the streets everywhere. We're'Talent Pavilion', we, we seem to be famous..." She throbbed her chest in excitement.

In that case, it seemed that it was not the Talent Pavilion that was famous, but her own.

(End of this chapter)

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