My Super God QQ

Chapter 701: Heavenly God Li Qing

"It hurts me!"

Wang Lin's entire facial features were distorted by pain, and the green roots of his forehead burst like a dragon, and the sweat of big bean grains all drooped towards his face.

He scolded, trying to divert his attention and relieve pain in this way.

However, no matter how he scolded, the bones were constantly being dismantled and thrown aside.

The pain of peeling bones and bones must be the same!

"Go to death! I think you died under my paws. It's an honor, goodbye!" It finally put the paws on Wang Lin's head, completely disregarding the small skulls that were constantly biting on his body, maybe , It is also extremely angry, want to burn all the anger on Wang Lin's head.

Only by killing this abominable mankind will his mood be better.

Seeing it, its claws pressed towards him, and Wang Lin closed his eyes.

He was desperate.

Hedingtian was severely injured and could not be supported so quickly. He also tried his best, not to mention that he had only bones left.

Recalling his parents, now that they have recovered to health, they still live in the Star Country, in a comfortable little villa, and his heart is much more relaxed.

"Farewell, Dad, Mom, you must be good... But, brother, why don't you come back, don't you know that the earth has changed again? This time I died for you, presumably you will also take care of it My parents, that's enough, it's worth..." Tears came from the corner of his eyes: "It's really worth it!"

Thinking about it, he suddenly froze and seemed to fall into illusion.

All the audience in front of the TV was silent.

They looked at Wang Lin, and some sentimentals had already burst into tears, tears and rain.

The paw is less than twenty centimeters away from Wang Lin, ten centimeters...

Everyone has closed their eyes.


Suddenly, a harsh voice appeared between heaven and earth, and only the roar of the sword remained.

I saw a flash of light outside the sky. When the light flashed again, a sword had cut off the claws of the strange beast.

Everyone looked up from the perspective of the TV, and in an instant, they couldn't suppress the sudden changes and surprises in their hearts, and they cheered.

I saw a figure appeared in the sky.

Long black hair and vertical hair, oblique flying bristly eyebrows, slender hidden sharp black eyes, thin and light lips, sharp outlines, slender tall but not rough body, like an eagle in the night, cold and proud Lonely and clear, but full of vigor and strength, the independence is exuding the power of a king who is proud of the world.

He was at a high level, as if all the light was attracted to him, and only everyone was seen in his vision.

At this moment, Li Qingjunmei's face was filled with a bohemian smile.

"Did you forget your great ideal? Just give up?"

Others are still on the horizon, however, the voice has echoed to the ground and spread to Wang Lin's side.


Wang Lin’s eyes opened sharply, and he remembered what he wanted to play with the beauty in the world, the fairy in the sky, he hadn’t played enough, he couldn’t die, and he had to kill the guy and change him. Become a guy who is not a ghost or a ghost...

Seeing Li Qing's figure again, in an instant, what he thought of, the tears dripped silently.

"Brother, you are here! If you do not come again, I will die to show you..."

"Well, let me do it next!"

After Li Qing's flying sword cut off the claws of the Qiqu beast, his body fell naturally. If a normal person fell from a height of several thousand meters, he would definitely be scared out of his soul. However, Li Qing did not, always hang on that unrestricted Smile, the clothes crackled.

As if the gods were descending, he fell gently, without any firework breath, and finally was supported by the flying sword and landed on the ground.

"You are the one who killed the Great Ape?"

Covering one of his broken paws, Qiqu Beast looked at Li Qing's beast eyes red and fierce.

As for Wang Lin, in his eyes, it is already a dying person, and it does not matter.

"Yes! It wants to kill me, but it doesn't know. In fact, it came here to find its own way..." Li Qing said.

"Okay, today, I think you are also looking for your own way! I will crush you in the void and make your soul feel infinite pain."

"Fight against you, I will live quickly, you will die soon!"

Li Qing smiled and stood with his index finger, the flying sword was like a circling dragon dragon, flying back and forth constantly.

One finger forward!

The casual and casual movements attracted countless beauties screaming in front of the TV.

"Ah, I'm wet~"

In an office, beautiful women dressed in OL clothes could not help but shouted.

Frightened other male colleagues, they could not help but quiet down.

Then, as if causing a chain reaction, all the women in the office screamed.

So handsome!

This is simply the live version of Fairy Sword and Heroes!

Not to mention that the actor's face value is so many times more handsome than that on the TV series, so that they can make them spring, and they can't help but radiate the woman's instincts.

In the end, the men couldn't stand it and ran out together.

There was still some jealousy, but if people are working hard for the earth, it seems that jealousy is a little too rude.

It's still too far!

Think about it, they are still envious, not jealous.

This is how people are. If their abilities are not too different, they will be jealous, and if they are very different, then only envy will remain.

"This kid is handsome again..."

Li Qing's alphabetic brother, Lin Tian, ​​also looked at this scene, and couldn't help but waved his arm to hold it and shouted loudly.

"Frightened baby, you!"

His wife shouted.

"No, my brother, really powerful."

"Your Don't brag, if your brother, then he will be my husband!"

"You you you... don't you believe?"

"Don't believe it! Or, you call him and see if he can answer it?"

"Okay, okay, you wait, wait for him to clean up the monster in front of me, I will call you to see!"

Although Lin Tian is making a good profit now, he married a wife, but his wife's family is better than him, so he has been pressed.

He was always blocked by a sigh of relief. He was thinking that he would call Li Qing later to prove that he knew this brother and showed it to his wife, so he could raise his eyebrows for himself. But, after boasting, he quickly regretted it again.

"I don't know if he will remember me, what if I don't remember? Also, even if I remember me, is it appropriate for me to call?"

Lin Tian hesitated again.

Seeing that her husband was so hesitant, the young lady laughed and pointed her husband Lin Tian’s forehead with his index finger: "Beautify you, if you really know him, we will be blessed and move to Xingguo, where It’s also necessary to be scared here."

Lin Tian thinks so much and struggles more...


"go with!"

Li Qing index pointed to Qiqu beast.

Since he was promoted to Jindan, his strength has driven Feijian to be twice as fast as before.

Feijian looked at it, then shot from his fingertips, blinked, and reached behind Qiqu Beast.

However, Qiqu Beast was faster, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and he actually got into the void.

When it reappeared, he was already behind Li Qing, his eyes gleaming with deceit, and he was about to poke the horns into Li Qing's back...

Li Qing does not turn around, still smiling in his eyes!

It's just this relaxed smile, but it becomes a joke...

"I said you are looking for death!" he said.

(End of this chapter)

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