My Super God QQ

Chapter 810: Disciple

Then kill it!

Li Qing watched his shot and followed without hesitation.

Nine Nine Nine Nine Swords!

Thirty sword shadows emerged, five meters long, and slashed towards the man with a harsh roar.

"Sanctuary of the Holy Wall!"

The Sao Bao guy in the gold robe shouted with a smile, and there was no fear in his tone. He saw the gold robe unfolded and turned into a golden steel wall 30 meters high and 30 meters wide. surface.


In the loud noise, the wall was beaten continuously and swelled again, and then bulged again and again.

Can't break the attack?

Dao Feng stopped, looking a little stunned.

"I'm close to a fairy. Isn't it you who broke it? Just kidding!" He seemed to understand what Da Feng thought, and responded again, his tone full of disdain.

"Not always!"

Li Qing has never seen anything, and the defense can resist his flying sword, so he whispered, and the flying sword brushed like white light.


The sound of the cracked clothing sounded, and Feijian had passed through his wall and pierced him.

In the end, Feijian still lived up to Li Qing's trust, which was very powerful.

"Ah, impossible! I..."

He exclaimed, with a muffled attack.

Li Qing is attacking this guy with a flying sword directly through there with his enlarged soul.

"Nothing is impossible!" He replied in his spare time.

"Don't, don't fight, don't fight, there are treasures, there are five pieces, we have one each, there is no need to make you die or die!"

In this way, Li Qing knew that there were treasures in there, so he would show a surprised expression.

Did it fall from above?

But, why did the latter sink, but the one over there could see?

Seeing that Dao Feng rushed past, Li Qing also followed closely, as did both the blood-frenzy and Xia Fan.

At this time, no one had been in charge of the man in Sao Bao who was wearing a gold robe.

"Be careful!"

Li Qing suddenly shouted, because he clearly felt the light shining under the pool. If he guessed right, it should be the strange lightning from above.

As soon as the voice fell, Dao Feng rushed out of the water, but he was too late to be directly hit.

This time, because it was close, not only was he hit, but the three people also felt a sharp pain in the whole body, which was obviously affected by lightning.

The pain caused three people to be directly paralyzed, temporarily lost their ability to move, and sink into the pool water.

Dao Feng was also hurt by the split, vomiting and bleeding, sinking faster than them.

" really would be...the treasures are all my side!"

The Sao Bao man in the golden robe laughed and fell directly from the air. He wanted to fall where the treasure was visible.

To this end, he deliberately placed his robe under his feet before stepping on the pool.

Obviously he wanted to use his magic weapon to block the lightning, so as to obtain those treasures!


Lightning is the fastest thing, so much so that he has just fallen and has already hacked up.

Bian Hongliang is still confident in his robe, but when the lightning strikes, he suddenly realizes what he thinks and his face changes greatly.

Yes, he looked down, there was a sword hole in his robe.

Lightning sprang out of it, and blasted him hard again, so that he was also terrified. This time he was not bombed and sank.

Others were also affected, and the whole body was paralyzed again.

This situation is really unthinkable to everyone. Who would think of taking the treasure, lightning will affect the people around him and make him numb.

If this were not the case, Li Qing could cut off his head with a sword when the Sao Bao guy was blown into the sinking water.

The paralysis of lightning continues...

It may be that the power is too strong. Li Qing's consciousness is sober. He can see the expressions of the blood idiot and Xia Fan at the same time, a little anxious, but he can't move, as if his head has lost control of the body.

They are anxious, Li Qing is also anxious!

If the Sao Bao man, Bian Hongliang, recovers his abilities first, he will definitely seize the treasures and then kill them. Even if it is not he who recovers first, if he recovers first, he may be eradicated.


Li Qing's mind turned sharply.


As soon as his consciousness moved, he entered the third floor of QQ Book City.

The paralysis will last for some time. Li Qing waited for ten minutes, which was still his physical strength to recover so quickly.

That is, when he entered the third floor of the QQ Book City and went outside, due to the difference in the speed of time flow, in the eyes of others, he just seemed to disappear and appear again.

Then, Li Qing pulled out the flying sword and killed the man with the bag.

Bian Hongliang was terrified. He didn't expect Li Qing to recover his action ability first. He stared in the water like he was about to burst out.

Li Qing's flying sword had thrust into his neck, and he saw that there was only a two centimeter difference. Suddenly, something strange happened, and his figure was twisted for a while. The situation was as if the TV screen was broken. Li Qing looked at him. After his vision was distorted, he disappeared.

"Does it mean that he is also a magic weapon similar to QQ Book City?" Li Qing suffocated in his heart: "Or is it a life-saving transmission magic weapon?"

Of course, he didn't go into the details. He ran away and ran away. He pulled up Dao Feng and Xia Fan to float on the water.

As for blood idiot, it's about his fart?

Touched by Dao Feng's eyes, Xia Fan was also a bit incredible.

They also wondered why Li Qing did not take the opportunity to win the treasure.

Only Li Qing knew what he was doing, he didn’t want to be struck by lightning, and then, he was killed by people without any counterattack. It was too dangerous.

As soon as it surfaced, the shadow of a spear chopped from above.

Li Qing wanted to hide, but he was pulling two people in his hand. In anxiety, he could only let them go. His shoulder had been cut off with a shoulder blade and flesh.

Li Qing almost didn't bite his teeth.

Bian Hongliang.

He didn't know when to appear above, his body was anxious, but his eyes were red.

"you wanna die!"

Li Qing controlled Feijian to shoot at him.

"The Holy Land of Earth!"

He actually took out a net to cover the flying sword, which seems a bit ridiculous. If the net has holes, how can he cover it.

But next, Li Qing was surprised. When he covered it, a strong breath of earth appeared.

When a yellow energy light appeared, he suppressed the flying sword and wrapped it in it.

"You are the Duobao disciple in the Star Alliance, Bian Hongliang?!"

Dao Feng exclaimed suddenly.

"Right, hahaha, but even if you recognize it, can you go to Star Alliance and sue me? Sorry, if you don’t touch the treasure, I am still an individual, and when I touch the treasure, I am a hungry ghost! Hahahaha ..."

After covering the flying sword, he took out a golden machete and killed three people.

"I'm going to your uncle..."

Feijian was kept under control, and Li Qing did not give up.

"Flash off!"

Suddenly, an angry cry.

A huge blood palm has appeared, photographing him, it is blood idiot.

Li Qing felt that it was good to learn some spells at this time. While trying to control the flying sword, he wanted to get it back while rushing out of the pool. He was sure that if he pulled this guy, he would tear him in half.

It's really hard to imagine how he appeared on it, and how to resume action so quickly.

The three men are so fighting.

Occasionally, Bian Hongliang will come up with a variety of magic weapons, which simply does not carry a heavy sample.

There are teapots, bowls, drums...

Each piece of magic weapon carries all kinds of weird abilities.

The whole pool rang loudly, and the water spewed thousands of feet high. One can imagine how deep this pool is. Of course, none of them dare to enter the pool again, close to the place where the sky falls, afraid of the lightning below. Chop up. Who knows what lightning is, actually has such a powerful paralysis ability.

The injury is not terrible, the most terrible thing is that after being paralyzed, people are taking advantage of it!

The battle continued for a while, Dao Feng also woke up, joined the battle, and it was Xia Fan again.

In fact, if Li Qing used his slashing gourds, he could solve the battle immediately, but that would make him lose his fighting power better than mortals, so he would not use it. But Feijian is still can only rely on his powerful physical strength.

Bian Hongliang's removal of Duobao is also treacherous, that is, Li Qing is not easy to get close.

Not only that, three battle puppets were thrown out.

Those are three humanoid puppets made of some kind of crystal, which can block Li Qing.


Really powerful!

For the first time, Li Qing saw such a person who could use so many magic weapons at the same time, and it was so exquisite to control so many magic weapons. How powerful and abnormal is the power of the soul!

However, this stalemate is not the way...

Everyone seems to think so.

"I said, just don't fight, how about one by one?" Bian Hongliang's eyes kept rolling, thinking so.

"Let you get it, will you divide us?" Dao Feng's face was unbelief.

In this kind of treasure, the most basic trust between people certainly does not exist.

This battle lasted for an hour...

Three of Bian Hongliang’s magic weapons were broken, and Li Qing was also injured.

If Bian Hongliang still has many magic weapons, he really has the possibility of killing everyone.


He was very excited and should have stored a lot of magic weapons, however, there was no such opportunity.

Because, there are three other disciples of Xingmeng found here.

After all, the golden light is too dazzling, as if it can be seen in the whole depraved land.

When the three came, seeing Bian Hongliang so powerful, they also attacked Bian Hongliang at the same time.


This is the most basic common sense of human beings, the weak and the weak unite, and then the strong and the duel.

So much so that Bian Hongliang became nervous, frightened, and wanted to escape.

"You can't let him escape, if you let him escape, he will stare here and attack us at any time!" Seeing that they all had the idea of ​​letting Bian Hongliang go, Li Qing quickly yelled.

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