My Super God QQ

Chapter 803: The enemy is reborn

The ex-girlfriend who came here was the one he loved most and was his last girlfriend.

This girlfriend was caught up with him after three years of being single.

The previous girlfriends all broke up in less than two or three months, and this name has been around for two years.

For the girlfriend in front of her, Xiaohui's impression of her is only self and pride. At that time, the reason why Xiaohui would endure her all the time was because she was older and wanted to be fixed and not tossing, so she would always endure it, hoping to change her.

Even if she might be infertile, Xiaohui was willing to love her, but in the end, Xiaohui’s friends and relatives knew her, and she also came to the house, but she abandoned Xiaohui mercilessly because of a small matter.

She said that at the time, saying you didn't even buy me a pair of high heels, why should you love me? In fact, in order to spend money for Xiaohui at that time, the credit card was almost exploded, but not to buy her because she had rheumatoid arthritis, the doctor explained that it is best not to wear high heels.

Then, just like this, she left Xiaohui absolutely.

Come to Xiaohui at this time, don't think about it, because Xiaohui has a future. Once a man is rich and powerful, he will naturally be attractive in the eyes of girls. If not, come to him.

"What are you doing here?"

Coming to the door, Xiaohui looked at the woman she had loved deeply, her tone was plain.

"I found that I still can't forget you, so I'll take a look at you." She pondered for a while, slowly.

"Oh, do you see it now?" Xiaohui took a deep breath and said.

Her mother is a very good woman. She never scolds others and treats others with kindness. However, that time when she left, Xiaohui grew up crying for the first time, which made Xiaohui’s mother feel distressed and shouted her name all the time. curse.

This left a deep impression on Xiaohui.

"Why did you treat me so well before, and the men I know now think they are very bad?" Her eyes were red and tears shed silently.

"Unfortunately, you don't cherish my goodness, and slowly get used to throwing my goodness into the dust without realizing it." Xiaohui said indifferently, if he was afraid of the girl crying before, he must hug her, but now With his mother, it is impossible for him to do such a thing.

It’s okay to hurt yourself, but that time really hurt my mother for a few days.

This relationship is impossible because it involves the mother, because she is a self-conscious person, who wants to do what she wants, it is really inappropriate.

"But, I still love you!"

"When you love me, leave me when I'm down? Do you know how long I have returned my credit card after you left? Five credit cards, I have paid back almost a year or two!" Xiaohui finished and turned to leave.

People who do not know how to cherish are not worthy of pity.

Xiaohui has recovered many times, and has been recovering all the time. To be honest, he is really tired, and his feelings gradually disappear, and there is no love anymore.

"Let's go, I will love you for you. You don't know how to love, it doesn't mean that others won't love." The girl who was left by Li Qing came over and said: "Love is a matter of two people, need If two people run the business, you will only care about your feelings, ignore the love, and you will have to go..."

Suddenly, she burst into tears, and was dragged away.

Xiaohui didn't say anything. His eyes were red for the lost love, and he returned to normal.

"Okay, good~" Xiaohui's cousin wife touched Xiaohui's head.

This cousin is very beautiful, even if she is older, she is still very young, just like a 20-year-old girl. He used to play well with Xiaohui before, but since he came back today, he felt strange. She has been in physical contact with herself, making Xiaohui a little embarrassed.

"It's okay~"

"Sister-in-law will take you to the bar for a while. How about my girlfriends and a few children?"

Xiaohui said no, but after the banquet, the sky was dark but was pulled away.

When she got to the bar and drank a little wine, she leaned on Xiaohui's body and felt her body. Xiaohui made an excuse to escape. In fact, it feels pretty cool. No one has ever looked at herself in the future. After following Boss Li Qing, he felt like he was alive again.

It’s just that girls are so complicated animals, so realistic...

"Get the bag!"

Suddenly, as soon as he walked out of the door, Xiaohui heard this.

I saw a man **** a girl's bag and fled quickly.

No matter what, he will take out the flying sword to chase, but this will be a figure faster, actually like a wind, just knock down a man.

Xiaohui smiled at the sight, and didn't care about those few people.

After the cultivation of his boss, the whole earth is now full of instructors. After listening to the boss, people with improper mental skills will slow down a lot during cultivation, because this cultivation is to promote quickly without distractions.

Even if many people begin to cultivate, but not many people who use it to do evil, even if there are, it will be stopped by some people who like to practice chivalrous justice after cultivation.

"That's fine~"

Looking at the bar's door, with pictures of Li Qing, he gave a gift and went home.

During Yu Jian's flight, he saw that there were fewer cars on the road below, and more of them were running home. Gradually, he changed the earth.

To this end, he is very proud, because Li Qing is his boss.


To avoid being affected by the fighting, Li Qing and Dao Feng withdrew from the pool.

After playing for about half an hour, they finally got the winners and losers, but they still have the leeway.

Dao Feng shot, Li Qing can only shoot, then Xia Fan.

Nor can they be said that they were stupid and were taken advantage of the fishermen, but they were stunned by their interests.

So, drove them all away, and then faced a new problem, that is how to approach those treasures.

"Is there a way?"

Dao Feng asked.

"You can give it a try! At that time, I will share the treasure with you..." Li Qing added another sentence afterwards.

"Originally, I didn't believe the people who entered some secret land, but, somehow, I just believed you, maybe you are too rich now!" Dao Feng said with a deep envy in his eyes , But not greedy.

"Ha ha……"

Li Qing didn't say much. Indeed, compared to these people, he is richer. With the QQ system, if there is no money, how is it different from salted fish?

"I also believe in you, you must divide me." Xia Fan interjected, happily authentic.

Li Qing nodded and walked there.

That is, when the light below shines, Dao Feng and Xia Fan are both nervous to lift their hearts.

"Be careful!"

Dao Feng shouted suddenly, he saw the light shining in the pool.

That is, after the light appeared, Li Qing in front of him suddenly disappeared, and the world evaporated. Then, when the thunder struck and did not hit, he appeared again and continued to move forward.

In this way, from beginning to end, moving forward continuously.

In the end, Li Qing finally saw five treasures floating there, and why they appear here because there is a stone pillar protruding from the water.

Collecting these five treasures quickly, Li Qing reappeared and returned to the original place.

The appearance of the five treasures is quaint and extraordinary.

There is a pink umbrella, a black long whip similar to a sword, a red knife, and a blue headband, which can be used for ponytails, it looks a bit like a hat, a bottle of red crystal Elixir...

Looking at this hat-like gadget, Li Qing was very dangerous, not green.

The pink umbrella was naturally selected by Xia Fan, where it was refined to hold the umbrella happily. Fortunately, it was stopped by Li Qing. Now is not the time. If those people come to attack, it will be a big deal.

Dao Feng chose a red knife. He used to use a double knife.

The last two, they chose to give Li Qing, because Li Qing contributed the most!

Li Qing picked up the two items and directly passed the storage ring.

Then he picked up the Elixir. Since he didn't know what the Elixir was, it was green and full of vitality, but it was divided into three parts, and each one was just enough.

Today, Li Qing has obtained many treasures in this has the strongest purple gourd, which is the biggest harvest.

There was also a grey porcelain bottle with unknown immortals inside.

There are also two extraordinary flowers and plants.

Coupled with the three things now, it can be said that it is a big profit today, and it is the biggest winner in this pool.

However, he still doesn't want to leave.

Because here, he can still practice, he is already in the period of awakening, he wants to sprint to the robbery.

Not to mention that I don’t know if something will fall, he is still looking forward to it.

"Continue to practice, but beware of them..."

Dao Feng said that the three men continued to enter the pool to absorb energy.

One day passed...

No one came back, it seemed that they were all healing, and no new people came.

Two days, three days...

Finally, someone who had previously fought with them came over with hatred.

However, he did not dare to get close, and seemed to be waiting for someone.

On the fourth day, two more came, and then the one who came earlier entered the pool with the other two.

On the fifth day, three came.

Originally, they also predicted that as long as the golden light from this pool did not diffuse, it would definitely attract people.

It's just that seeing one of the people coming today, Li Qing suddenly groaned to the extreme, as if hell.

Really, what the hell!

He saw Zilong. Although his body was obviously different, the figure in front of him was very burly, but his appearance was just like that of Zilong.

"Aren't you dead?"

Thinking of the dead man's appearance again, Li Qing's entire body had his hair upright, and his hair was horrified.

Zilong also found him, his eyes suddenly flickered with cold light, and there was a bitter hatred in the vulture, such as a viper whose tail was not dead, staring at Li Qing.

The Great Wall of China will never fall, come to Star Stone, no, subscribe...

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