My Super God QQ

Chapter 805: With the collection of treasure!

"Zi Shao, that guy seems to have found something? Do we want to start strong?"

"Oh, what I’m doing now counts as strong. After he finds out, we’re snatching it from him. Wouldn’t it be beautiful~ Rest assured, if this guy can make a demon moth, even if I don’t, he will be The crowd attacked. At that time, we are waiting to take advantage of the fishermen."

After Zilong finished speaking, he felt like he was so clever, showing his complacent eyes.

"Well, also, in this kind of place, while obtaining treasures, it is also the time of the scourge of murder. Then we just need to target him. Then, hehe..."

Zilong and the three of them whispered secretly, and all smiled treacherously.

There are also many self-cultivators, holding the same idea, continue to practice quietly on the surface, secretly sweeping the soul around the surrounding, so as not to be robbed of the opportunity.

Everyone is pregnant.

Of course, Li Qing knew their thoughts, but he was not afraid, because no one could help QQ Bookstore like him.

So he swam to the place where the water fell.


The light under the pool was slightly bright, and Li Qing entered the QQ Book City.

After a while, Li Qing hurried forward and moved about ten centimeters, and the bottom of the pool was bright again.


Li Qing then went to QQ Bookstore.

Taking advantage of this time difference, he kept going in the direction of the water column again.

Last time, after he picked up five treasures, he immediately left the water into the air and did not look carefully.

This time, through careful observation, he finally noticed the strange appearance of the column in the water.

Quirky runes are painted on it.

It seems to be washed away by water a lot, a little vague, but Li Qing is sure that these runes must have its meaning.

"Bleed blood to recognize the Lord?"

After avoiding a five-element thunder mine again, Li Qing tried to drip blood on the column. However, as soon as the blood entered the water, it was quickly squeezed by the water washed down from above, and could not fall on those runes.

Li Qing still has a way...

He tried to cut the palm of his hand directly, and then pressed on the pattern.

In an instant, ecstasy appeared on his face.

Because, just when his palms were on the lines, the water in the entire pool seemed to boil, and there seemed to be some force under it that was constantly shaking, so that the water in the whole pool was shaking, boiling, and splashing Into the air.

Obviously this treasure reacted.

At the same time, a string of information passed through the hand, constantly entering Li Qing's mind.

There are pictures, and those pictures are extremely shocking.

It was a huge figure, exuding the terrifying pressure of the whole body, shaking the entire starry sky.

They fight in the universe, and every attack will destroy the planets, break the galaxy, and the entire universe seems to be broken by them, constantly twisting...

The scene was really shocking.

Li Qing looked stunned. Then, a huge figure was defeated, smashing dozens of stars, a blood hole appeared on the entire chest, and slowly fell into the darkness of the universe.

A plate-shaped, dazzling object fell from his body...

That item, after careful comparison by Li Qing, was obviously the thing in front of him.

"Juling fairy pot!"

It can automatically collect all kinds of energy in the heaven and earth, and the aura in the water is from the previous gathering.

Of course, its role in the hands of that man seems to be nothing more than a tool for drinking water.

Nowadays, the energy in the pool is gathered from before, so that the energy in the pool water is definitely something better than Reiki.

Imagine that if you get this pool and use it for Qingdimen’s doormen, then it is enough to quickly train a group of powerful innocents, as long as they can keep up!

Thinking about this, Li Qing's mood was even more surging. According to his feelings, he was collecting this jumbo pot at this time, and if it was to be collected, it would take at least an hour.

Is one hour enough?

If this is a safe place, it is absolutely nothing, but there are countless people behind him who are watching!

Seeing that Li Qing's hand seemed to be placed in the pool, the whole water was turbulent, and they immediately made a judgment, that is, Li Qing may have found a way to control the collection of this pool.

In an instant, everyone rushed to Li Qing.

Some rushed from the pool, this kind of recklessness, that is simple thinking.

Others are rushing directly from the air, which is more cunning, knowing how to use tricks, and wanting to kill Li Qing directly from the air.


The one who rushed from the pond immediately caused the five elements below to ward off the evil thunder reaction, and the ray of light continuously blasted out, hitting these innocents.

But in the air, they did not have such doubts, and took out all kinds of magic weapons or spells and bombarded Li Qing.

Looking at so many devastating glory, one after another, he was going to blast Li Qing with terror, and Dao Feng couldn't stop it if he wanted...

That is, when he and Xia Fan both looked shocked, and did not know what to do, Li Qing had long thought that he was suffocated in the heart and directly sank his body into the water.

"It's tricky!"

Zilong scolded.

He also shot, but just after his shot, Li Qing hid in the water, and those attacks were directly missed. As for the other magic weapons that just touched the water, the five elements below the thunder mines also triggered at the same time, hitting these magic weapons and weapons. .

It was Li Qing, which was very strange. The five elements of Evil Thunder did not hack him again.

It seemed that he was afraid of hitting the pillar, or that Zhong Li Qing had already obtained its approval, and let him collect the jubilee pot there.

"Fight, I don't believe he can't die!"

Zilong shouted.

While he was attacking Li Qing at this time, his followers also shouted.

"He is collecting this pool, killing him, don't let him succeed..."

"Damn! Dare to grab the treasure, it's mine!"

"Take this opportunity to kill him, otherwise, the energy here will not be our share!"


"Actually want to swallow, kill this girl!"

"They are all members of the Star Alliance, and there are so many people here. This is called Li Qing. It is too much. I want to enjoy his success alone. Is it possible that you want to be a public enemy? Don't stop quickly!"

The self-cultivators in the pool are chaotic.

Roaring, scolding, accusing, roaring...

However, they couldn't get Li Qing at all, they couldn't beat him, they didn't hurt him, and Dao Feng was a little nervous at first. Then he laughed and watched them work there.


At this time, they looked like a group of clowns. They couldn't get the treasures, they could only ridicule them.

All the attacks were stopped by the five elements of evil spirits, Li Qinggang was also worried at first, and then, he collected the treasure with confidence.

There is a constant flow of information into his mind. What is scary is that the amount of information is simply too large. If Li Qing’s soul is strong, he may not be able to withstand the promotion period.

Gradually, they were tired and tired, and it was useless to find themselves crazy.

He stopped all at once and surrounded Li Qing in the middle. It seemed that he wanted to wait for him to take his life after receiving it.

"No, in this case, even after receiving it, he will be dead..." Xia Fan worried.

"I don't know what to do..." Dao Feng also frowned.

He found so many people, he could not beat it!

However, in spite of this, he still has to help. If they attack Li Qing, he definitely has to help.

"Don't think you charged this, you can leave it safely. Today, if you don't leave it, then you have to leave your life!" Zilong stared at Li Qing with a sneer.

"Dare to collect the treasure in front of me, I really don't know where you came from~" The Tianyao star also showed a cruel smile and looked at Li Qing sinisterly.

This is true of all other integrators.

This situation is like a lion falling into a group of jackals. Maybe a lion can fight a few jackals, but in the end it will still be besieged to death.

"Enter QQ Book City?"

Li Qing is already thinking about the way back.

Otherwise, if he receives this stuff, he will be besieged to But, after entering the QQ Book City, if they are standing by and waiting for the rabbit, then they will inevitably have to face them!

How to do?

It is obviously impossible for Li Qing to give up this treasure, then he can only think of another way.

"Li Qing, you are waiting, I have a way..." Suddenly, Dao Feng passed on to him.

To be honest, they did not first siege Dao Feng, but also let Li Qing breathe a sigh of relief.

"any solution?"

"I'm going to attract a lot of bone beasts, and you will leave here by the time."

Dao Feng's approach is good.

One can imagine that by then, if a large group of bone beasts were attracted, Li Qing could really leave in chaos.

"Okay, then you have to be careful!"

Dao Feng nodded and left here.

Half an hour later, there was a roar of thousands of horses running from far to near.

The earth is shaking.

Sure enough, Daofeng attracted countless bone beasts, so everyone looked at Daofeng angrily.

He didn't care about these things, as soon as they were attracted, he continued to move forward, across the pool...

Then, many bone beasts flew over and rushed towards them.


"Don't leave, I must kill you!"

"They turned out to be..."

Several people immediately chased Dao Feng, others were reluctant to leave and stared at Li Qing.

"I don't think you are leaving yet! Hum!"

Li Qing watched countless bone beasts rushing out, overwhelmingly, sneered.

As long as he is in this water, he will not believe, which bone beasts can hurt it, and these people have no choice but to leave.

The fact is as he speculated that these people saw so many bone beasts chasing them, and several have already fled here to avoid being entangled by the bone beasts. You have to know that among the countless bone beasts, some are also fierce, not easy to kill...

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