My Super God QQ

Chapter 809: Guoguo's Fate

The slowness was as if he was afraid of Xiaoguo being hurt, so soft.


Xiaoguo scared and cried.

Fire Lotus Immortal pulled her clothes corner, but was also dragged away, so the two little guys kept approaching the woman.

"Chi, stop!"

Of course, the high-level executives of the Star Alliance cannot let Xiao Guoguo be so taken away. If they pass it on, they will not be able to protect even a little girl and be taken away by women of unknown origin.

So, the Star League leader shot!


When many people are hesitant, or uneasy, and believe that they are not opponents, the leader of the Star Alliance shoots.

He could not remember how many years later it was a hands-on operation.

He waved his sleeve and reached out to grab Xiao Guoguo, at which time the other party slapped.

There is no firework breath. However, the flat palm is actually magnified in the eyes of everyone, as if they saw it in their soul, this palm is raised upright in the sky, pushed like A feeling of great fear that cannot be resisted.

Inside the shrine, no one noticed, but outside the shrine, there was a violent wind, as if they were gathered together to form a huge palm and pushed past.


The air explosion sounded violently.

The clouds below were all dissipated, and the terrible sound also alarmed everyone in the tower, and even the disciples passing by below.

They were frightened by the sudden sound and looked up, only to see a scene that was incredible and unimaginable.

A palm was pushed flat on the **** tower. In front of the palm, it was originally a cloud, but now it is pushed out of a huge vacuum belt, extending from the side of the **** tower to the other side, and the end point cannot be seen at all. In that case, it was as if the sky had been cut by someone.

When the two palms struck, the Star Alliance star owner was directly beaten by this palm and disappeared without a trace. No one could see the moment of the flying, and the power of the soul could not be captured. It seemed that the palm of the hand and the other party disappeared instantly. .


Dead and quiet--

Even the wind that was always blowing on it suddenly disappeared, and stopped.

In this way, the woman of unknown origin only withdrew her palms, her lips lightly opened, and said four words: "Do not control."

Then, he looked at Xiao Guoguo respectfully: "I'm here~ Don't cry, didn't you call me?"

Can a little girl call a woman with such terrifying power? Everyone thinks this woman is afraid that she is not a lunatic. Are you kidding me?

"Who are you? Don't catch Guoguo~"

Xiao Guoguo was crying and constantly struggling, however, her body was still slowly drifting towards this woman.

The woman laughed when she heard this, and it seemed that she had included all the idioms that describe beautiful beauty in her smile, which made some people stupefied.

"Who the **** are you? Why embarrass a little doll!"

Lord Li Xing also came out and wanted to catch Xiao Guoguo.

The woman stretched out her hand again and patted Master Li Xing.

"Don't hurt Grandpa Li." Xiaoguo shouted suddenly.

Suddenly, the palm of the woman's shot changed like a dust, waving to Master Li Xing.

With a wave, he didn't touch Master Li Xing at all, his figure disappeared instantly, and everyone was scared, and his heart fell into the abyss. Because it disappears so fast, no one knows whether they are alive or dead now.

Someone was quietly speaking, but there was no news at all, which made their face look very ugly.

If the leader of the alliance has a difference, then it symbolizes that the strength of the human star alliance will be greatly reduced. If the monsters are swept into the nest, it will be a catastrophe for humanity.

"Who the **** are you? Do you want to take away a little doll from our Star Alliance without leaving a taboo?"

Mr. Kong Lao stopped Hedingtian and Fangjitian who would continue to rush up.

"Grandpa Li, Hedingtian, Grandpa Kong, Grandpa Fang..." Xiao Guoguo cried out, his face full of grievances and fears. But she didn't urge others to save her, the kind and sensible girl who seemed distressed seemed to fear that they would be hurt again.

"Are you taking care of her?"

In this way, this girl is seriously looking at someone else-someone except Xiao Guoguo.

"Yes, this is my daughter of a junior!" Mr. Kong Lao said seriously: "Senior, you are so strong that it is too much for others to do, it is not a master!"

"Oh, master?"

The girl seemed to laugh with self-deprecation, and then remembered something: "Okay, it's good for you to take care of her, then I won't care about you in general, by the way, her father in this life?"

This life?

Many people do not know why, and some people think of something, looking at Xiao Guoguo slightly.

"Her father is away, and has entered the land of depravity!" Heding Tiandao, worried.

Today, Li Qing is away. If Xiao Guoguo is lost, then as an elder, he does not know how to explain to Li Qing.

"I can't even look at the children, this kind of parents, it's better to die in it~~" Zixing Lord was on the side, first surprised, but now it's gloating.

"You are not allowed to say my dad~"

Xiao Guoguo suddenly stopped crying, grievously said to the Purple Star Lord, and also had ear tips, as long as he heard bad things about Li Qing, he grabbed it all at once.


The woman patted the star of Purple Star.

Purple Star Lord subconsciously picked up the cane to block it, then, there was no more, and disappeared directly in place.

This terrifying method again scared everyone's heart.

"Is her father gone? Then give him this thing, you give it to him..." The woman said, actually asked Xiao Guoguo: "Is it? Your thing?"

"What is it?" Xiao Guoguo asked with a small face puzzled.

"It can protect people, give it to your father."

"Really? That's good!" Xiaoguo quickly agreed.

Then, she took a pendant from her neck and took it to Mr. Kong Lao's hand.

"Well, this thing is enough to thank him for... Xiaoguoguo..." Speaking of which, her look was a little weird, but she continued to say: "Xiaoguo's care."

"Let's go!"

She walked two steps forward and appeared directly beside Xiao Guoguo, hugging her.

"Is this your kid?"


Xiao Guoguo also seemed to know that he was going to be taken away by this woman. He didn't care too much. He quickly responded and looked at the woman hopefully, as if to say that he also took away the little fire lotus fairy.

"The ultimate fairy medicine, almost half a step is the magic medicine, but it is still good luck!"

With that, she held up the Little Fire Lotus Immortal with the other hand.

"and many more!"

Mr. Kong Lao dare not want to leave a small fruit now, he just wants to know where this woman came from, and he will give Li Qing an explanation.


"Where did you come from? When the father of the child comes back, he can easily find the child."

"He's afraid he won't be able to find it. I'm from above!" she said, pointing to the sky.


In an instant, everyone took a breath.


Never be a fairy!

It is no wonder that such a fierce and invincible one can wipe out the leader without a single glance. Is this only possible with immortal talents?

Everyone was shocked by dementia.

"What about our ally?" Mr. Kong Lao responded and asked again: "You suddenly put the pillars of our humanity...if the monsters attacked..."

"What monster?"

"That's a group of very annoying guys. Xiaoguo killed a lot, and was almost bitten by them..." Xiaoguo suddenly remembered his own experience when he was on the earth, pitifully.

The woman's pair of big eyes full of tens of amorous feelings instantly glared, and a terrifying murderousness appeared invisibly, covering a thousand meters.

The world was dim, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

It was actually a mist of water in the air that had formed into snow and drifted in all directions.

She actually changed the weather of the entire Star Nest.

All humans in the entire Star Nest were shivering under her coercion.

"Boldest! Let's go..."

"Will we come back? Guoguo misses his father~" Xiaoguoguo The two little guys and the woman disappeared in vain.

The purple light gradually disappeared.

Afterwards, according to some people, it was reported that on that day, the monster beast's nest was trapped by a huge, thousands-kilometer-long giant palm, and there were countless deaths and injuries.


Xiao Guoguo was taken away by this, and was a fairy.

This is something that no one can dream of.

Mr. Kong and Lao are about to die. I don't know how to explain to Li Qing if he returns.

It took another three days before the leader of the Star Alliance came back languishingly, carrying Master Li Xing.

As long as the Purple Star Lord hasn't appeared for a long time, it seems that his whereabouts are unknown.

Later, the phenomena of the immortals gradually spread out, and the immortals appeared in an unprecedented way, unmatched. In addition, the name Li Qing is more known. And many people in the realm world also know this place on the earth, because Xiaoguo is from the earth. According to speculation, the legendary fairy reincarnation really appeared or appeared on the small world earth.


Li Qing still doesn't know that Xiao Guoguo has been taken away. If he knows it, how nervous and flustered he will be...

At this time, he and Xia Fan and Dao Feng encountered another beam of light.

But in this beam of light, there is only one pavilion, and there may be treasures, which have also been taken away long ago. Even the chairs and the table have nothing left.

Going to the right, you find another pillar of sky light.

It was an extremely beautiful garden, however, all that was left was herbs of a lower age. Occasionally, it seemed that a lot of them had been picked before, and the fresh smell of the earth turned over.


They also found a white jade palace.

At this time, there were actually twenty disciples of the Star Alliance who were unable to get in here, and wandered like headless flies.

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