My Super God QQ

Chapter 801: Into the palace

Seeing that they all turned around and turned away one after another, Dao Feng laughed, and the laughter was hearty, and the laughter was a sneer!

However, no one is willing to come forward and offer their own head test.

So, Li Qing and they went back to the original white jade palace in peace.

At this time, no one dared to block them anymore, and no one dared to yell at them. It seemed as if neither party knew each other, nor did the previous thing seem to have happened, which was extremely ironic.


After all, who dares to provoke Li Qing with a peerless weapon, it is completely unpleasant to ask for.

Even if it is the teeth of Zilong who hate their teeth, they dare not hide this bitter hatred strictly.

Li Qing had also thought of killing him, but just killing him and having to withdraw. When the time comes, he may not let people see what he can see, he can only do it.

"Can't go in this place~"

Dao Fengdao.

Three people walked around the white jade palace, looking for a way to enter.

"I just asked a person. He said that he has been here for two days and tried all kinds of methods. It is impossible to use a strong attack. It cannot be shaken. It is impossible to drill through the ground. According to my own guess, it is possible. This is the case before this place is officially born." Xia Fan speculated.

"Can't we just wait?" Li Qing felt his chin, wondering: "Then let's wait and see how it changes!"

They found a corner of no one and waited slowly.

As a self-cultivator, their patience is still there.

In this way, after ten days, this light suddenly weakened a lot, and Li Qing, who had been watching, suddenly pushed two people.

The eyes of the two were bright, and the hundreds of millions of fairy qi that were falling down continued to weaken, and they continued to pull up from below...


Li Qing watched as the fairy gas sucked up enough to get in alone, and immediately rushed to the front, directly rushing into a lazy donkey.

At this time, all manners are fake, and only running in front is true. He did not forget to see those treasures in front, and they were all moved cleanly. At this time, if you don't rush forward, you may not even have a sip of soup.

As soon as they entered, they faced the back of a palace, and Dao Feng wanted to jump up. At this moment, there was a crackling noise all over his back, and his face was pale.

"No, there seems to be a thousand forces to suppress it!"

Dao Feng's back was injured, and it seemed that he just smashed into the wall when he just jumped.

"Where are you going?" Xia Fan had to ask.

"Go right!"

Li Qing looked at Dao Feng as if he was okay, and if he got okay, he went straight to the right.

Turning to the right constantly, they saw a path paved with jade. The jade was crystal-clear and bright, and the aura filled with it was surprisingly amazing.

Women, like this kind of stone, Xia Fan will squat down and dig.

"Come on, even the jade is so good, the things in it must be better!"

Xia Fan listened to Li Qing's words and felt so, his face was blushing and he ran inside after him.

Really, it's hard to compete with others now, so it's just running.

Hurry up!


Li Qing always remembered to go to the right and dashed across the road. Finally, they saw a pool and a hall with a door.

The door didn't know what it was made of, and it smelled like a fragrance that made the soul of the soul extremely comfortable.

When Li Qing pushed forward, he saw nothing in the hall.

"Damn, change again!"

Li Qing rushed out and rushed to another hall with them.

Is it empty again?

Inevitably, this palace has been swept away by people?

"Someone seems to have evacuated here. I think it's a big danger. All people and things have been hurriedly removed!" Dao Feng analyzed.


"Yes, don't look at everything. But if they are prepared to evacuate, they will definitely move all the things in this palace, this door, the gems under this road..."

"Go! Then, there must be a secret store!"

Li Qing is like this, and so are others.

Just after they were able to enter, those innocence swarmed in. However, also after they came in, they held such a big hope that they were empty and almost mad.

Some are crazy, some are barking, and some are thinking about something, looking everywhere.

Look for...

This palace is really big, and it covers an area of ​​100,000 square meters.

However, the palace is so magnificent and magnificent, but there is nothing left. The only valuable thing may be the gemstones paved on the road and the wood on the doors and windows.

Some people dig up these things.

Yes, I’m still looking for it.

Since they can’t fly, they can only run, almost racing, squeezing time, looking for something.

One day passed...

The next day, still looking for.

On the third day, everyone was a little disappointed.

Finally on the fourth day, a light and shadow appeared above the palace.

This light image is very much like an old man in a robe. Then, as he waved the light of the walking stick in his hand, ten doors appeared behind him, slowly descending to the ground.

"I haven’t seen human beings for many years, hehe, I really doubt it... but, are you looking for the treasure house? I’m an instrument here, since you are destined to come, in order not to let these remaining objects get dusty, just Give you a chance to go in and find out according to your own luck..."

"who are you?"

"Qi Ling, are you saying that the palace Que here is a fairy?" Someone thought of it, and his breath was quick.

"Will there be any danger?"

These integrators are asking, but after the light and shadow have said that, they don’t know if they can’t respond, or they are too lazy to answer, and there is nothing more.

Everyone looked at the ten light doors and hesitated.

Li Qing thought that Xiao Guoguo had said "Seven", which Xiao Guoguo said.

"Let's go to seven..."

After he finished speaking, the first to hit the seventh gate of light and shadow, that is, when Li Qing's figure hit the gate, he disappeared.

Dao Feng and Xia Fan followed.

Now that someone has entered the seventh gate, and before himself, this makes other comprehensions a little less eager to choose seven, considering other light gates.

"Zi Shao, what shall we do?"

"Into seven!"

"But they are all advanced~"

"Oh, they are advanced, it does not mean that they can find treasures, and they can come out smoothly! Not to mention finding a means to obtain treasures~" Zilong explained with a sinister smile.

He let a follower walk in front, and the three chose the seventh light gate.

Perhaps he took the lead, and the silver-haired boy followed.

For a time, in addition to Li Qing and them, ten other Star Alliance disciples entered the seventh light gate.


"It smells~"

After coming in, Xia Fan regretted it a little bit, because they actually entered a dark place like a sewer without a sun.

Even if it's black, it's so stinky, they stepped on the dirty smelly water as soon as they came in.

"Be patient, come in, there seems to be no way to go back~"

Li Qing looked at the well-connected "Shui Shui Tong" channel and touched his nose, embarrassed.

He didn't even think about it, as soon as he came in, this would be the case.

Isn’t this pitman?

Dao Feng silently followed the side without saying a word.

Li Qing still chose the right, and went all the way.

As for those who came in later, they lost their way, constantly wandering back and forth in this sewer-like sewer, so angry that the purple dragon yelled.

As a noble brother, he had been to such a place and smelled so stinky...

"Zilong, what to do? The ground is full of water, and there is no way to find their footprints."

"What to do! Look for it, what can I do, ah, I'm so mad!" Zilong stomped his feet in anger, which again splashed the stinky water on the ground and splashed on the two entourages.

Keep choosing the right all the way...

Originally, Li Qing was still a bit skeptical. Xiao Guoguo said that he was too serious. How to use the joke of little dolls in this kind of place where life and death pass but they just leave To the end, when facing a huge jade door, he found himself right.

This is a jade door, there is no lock, and Li Qing pushed them inside.


That is, after advancing, the two red objects rushed towards them.

They are strange because they are not like humans or beasts. They have dragons similar to dragons, but humans are humans.

They wore green armor and gleamed with green light. One was holding a large sword, similar to the weapon of Guan Er, and the other was holding a mace and attacked the three.


Dao Feng wanted to use his knife to block the mace, but with a touch, he flew out directly and hit the end of the wall 100 meters away.

Li Qing also hid in the past, but during this hide, Xia Fan suffered, and his right hand was cut off, screaming in pain.

The right hand was cut!

Li Qing's complexion changed, took out a piece of jade dew and returned to Chundan, Xia Fan quickly swallowed it, put his broken hand up and put it on the broken arm.

In this way, Li Qing used the flying sword to block its shut-off knife, and the two fought.

You can't do it without fighting!

Li Qing found that this guy's power is really terrifying, and it is said that Li Qing's current strength is no match for the powerful during the robbery period, but the monster with a dragon's skull in front of him is still better than it.

Covered with green light, it is not only powerful but also extremely fast.

The two fought, and the whole door was suddenly filled with their shadows.

It's too fast. If Li Qing hadn't learned Li Xingzhu's escape, I'm afraid this close-up would have to be cut under the sword. But fortunately, Li Qing can still hold on.

On the other side, Dao Feng has been hit by the mace once again into the wall and has no power to fight back.

It's a monster with abnormal power!

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