My Super God QQ

Chapter 832: Promotion period

"Are you all right?"

Opening the door, Hedingtian stood at the door at this time, all looking worried.

"Last night we wanted to rush in, but found that there was an energy blocking us..." Li Xingzhu said this, his face full of weakness.

Fang Jitian is also shy and angry.

Before they met her, they all thought they were a strong man and fearless. But now, they know their weakness and ignorance.

The woman's power and horror are inexplicable, and it really makes people feel powerless.

"It's okay~"

Li Qing smiled and said that his mentality exploded last night, but he returned to normal today.

As long as he works hard and desperately, then one day, he will let the woman kneel in front of herself and look up at herself. This is the goal and desire that a man should have.

In the living room...

"What,, are you going through the robbery now?" Li Haoyu was shocked and trembling all over his body.

Li Qing went into the land where the gods fell, and it seemed that he was only in infancy.

Isn't it terrible? This speed!

"Yes! I got a baby inside, there is some water in it, which is full of huge energy, which is higher-order energy than true energy. So, as long as the spirit realm can be controlled, it will not get mad, You can raise the true qi in your body without limits." Li Qing said, and took out the Juling Pot.

Originally a lake-sized juling treasure pot, however, after being collected by Li Qing, it can change its shape and size at will, and now it is the size of a pot in his hands.

Fang Jitian exclaimed for a long time: "It's simply a magic weapon of the Xian family. So, if you can, can you form an army of innocents?"

"My God, there are such treasures in this world, is it really the gods left behind?" He Dingtian also made up all kinds of pictures, and the scenes of a group of comprehension army completely shocked him.


At that time, there are tens of thousands of yuan in infancy, no, the strong during the robbery period, then how terrible!

I'm afraid that it's just that kind of background, and the Star Alliance is far from being far away. It is not an illusion to overthrow the Star Alliance's most behemoth in the cultivation realm.

"No, let me take it easy, this thing is really amazing..." Li Xingzhu kept thinking about something.

The same is true of Hedingtian and Fangjitian.

The news is so shocking!

The potential role of this treasure can completely rewrite the pattern of the real world!

If someone in the realm of comprehension knew about the existence of this treasure of Li Qing, it would cause turbulent storms in the realm of comprehension and set off a **** storm.

"No one knows this treasure?"

Lord Li Xing quickly asked.

"As far as I know a brother and a sister, we are considered to have had a close relationship, and we can trust it. In addition, there are still some people, most of whom are already dead in it~" Li Qing smiled and looked very relaxed, just Suddenly a picture floated across my head, and he was shocked: "No, there is Zilong, Zilong knows..."

Zilong is his enemy.

If he shared the news with everyone, Li Qing could not imagine how many people would look at him as a treasure.

"Oh, this is bad! Hedingtian photographed his thigh fiercely.

It is definitely a very troublesome thing, and he does not need to make calculations or guesses at all. He will definitely pass on this matter.

He could almost imagine how powerful the people would steal the treasure in secret, and the ones on the bright side would just be secret. If they were secretly fooled or stolen, the various means of the realm of the realm would be unpredictable.

"No, you must not easily go out now, even if you want to go out, you must take us out together!" Heding Tiandao said: "After you enter, don't know, after Cheng Li's death, many of his apprentices are also eyeing You, plus the people of Lord Bai Xingxing and Qiao Xing, as well as those of Lord Pei Xing and Zixing Xing, you can now be described as having many enemies..."

Li Qing did not tell Hedingtian that in fact he still has enemies, that is the president of the Association of Refining Pharmacists.

Calculating, Li Qing's enemies are really many. Fortunately, Wang Tong is dead, otherwise he will have more enemies.

"Lao He was right, you don't have to listen to it, you have to keep it in mind!" Li Xingzhu repeatedly urged.

"But now I want to break through the robbery period?"

"I have it!" Master Li Xing immediately said: "At that time, fortunately, when I was promoted to break through, there was still one left, otherwise this trick is really hard to find."

When you want to be promoted to the robbery period, except for the natural breakthrough, then you use the Poor Pill.

"Is it precious? Master, I can't just want to..." Li Qing said embarrassedly, he also wanted to talk to Li Xing, the main star, but he didn't know what to do.

"What do you say, since you called me a master, you can naturally ask for it. What's more, I have one thing, and I want you to help me~"

"What is the matter, Master, as long as you say, I can do it without refusing to do it! It is the so-called teacher for one day and father for life."

"I want your brothers and sisters to enter your polyurea pot to practice..." Li Xingzhu a little old blushing feeling, slowly said.

He was afraid that Li Qing thought that he was taking advantage of him, but when he saw Li Qing being so good, he did not want other apprentices to be like that.

"If this is the case, Master, you don’t say it, I know it too! Well, am I going to arrange it? When the time comes, let them follow me to the earth, I thought about it. Since this thing is so precious, it might be It will be safe, and I have some people below."

"Senior? It's hard to succeed. Have you opened your own school?"

"It was a joke from the beginning~" Li Qing explained the matter of accepting Qingdimen.

"Well, it's okay, but it's not very secure to put it on the earth. Because now many integrators also know the place of the earth through you, I worry that they may not find you and will go to the earth." Hedingtian It was still quite clever and thoughtful, and he quickly thought of this hidden danger.

"My avatar is there and should not be a problem."

"You still have avatars? This is only a fairy or a magical device! What kind of treasure does your kid have? My God, forget it, let alone say, so I don't need to say that I sound uncomfortable." Fang Jitian Very surprised.

There are really too many strange things that appear on Li Qing, and there are also countless magical and strange magic weapons.

Throughout his life, I am afraid that Li Qing is the most wealthy man he has ever seen.

He was a partial student, and he also met Li Qing. It seems that Li Qing may be his noble person on the road of cultivation.

"The kid does it~" Hedingtian also looked at Li Qing with a smile, which seemed to be full of meaning, but it was definitely not bad.

"Okay, his luck is strong, that is his thing, this matter is so settled! You hold this broken key, and see if you can pass it all at once, if not, then we will Find."

Next, Li Qing asked them about breakthroughs.

After all, it's the period of robbery!

Li Qing is very worried about whether he needs to cross the robbery as soon as he breaks through, and whether it will lead to thunder robbery or something.

They laughed and said bluntly that the transition period does not mean that a breakthrough is necessary to cross the robbery. Only when the peak of the transition period is reached will that be the greatest hurdle in the life of the self-cultivator. It's just around the corner, and if it can't be spent, it will disappear.

Ninety-nine percent of the self-cultivators in the self-cultivation world will all die in this period of robbery, and they will be terrified.

For example, Hedingtian and Li Xingzhu are now the people at the peak of the robbery period. However, they don’t have the certainty to dare to go through the robbery at will. As long as they still have nostalgia for this world, they are not willing to die. Go to the robbery. Only those who have no desire, no demand, and no thought, are most likely to succeed.

"Why do you have no desire, no demand, no thought?" Li Qing puzzled.

"There is a very bad saying that this world has a control center and a soul. It will control people and not let them leave with the energy belonging to this world. There is only no desire, no demand and no thought. It’s easy to get through."

This statement is a bit similar to the meaning of smart people acting Let the heavens of this world think you are a fool, it will not deal with you hard, so you will get through...

"Is it like this?" Li Qing was a little embarrassed.


"For us, only the breakthrough to the Mahayana period is the hardest."

After getting the Elixir, Li Qing directly entered the QQ Book City. If they broke outside, they said it would take at least half a year, but it is now the fastest record in the realm. It took two or three years for them to break through.

To avoid wasting time, Li Qing is inside.

Because, for Li Qing, there is really not much time.

What the monster from the earth said will hit again in three years, and now it has been the past two years and two months.

In other words, Li Qing still has ten months.

If Li Qing can't be promoted to a certain truth in this ten-month period, then the earth may still be captured by monsters.

For this, Li Qing planned for a while, and now he is the strongest against the monsters. He possesses the slashing gourd and two monsters, knives and teeth.


He also had to identify the things he picked up in the pool.

Taking advantage of this time to enter QQ Book City, he will solve it together.

It is not difficult for him to be promoted during the robbery period, because he is now at the peak of the Qiao period, and is already in a state where the Qi energy can no longer be infused, and the foundation is as stable as ever. Therefore, it only took seven months in the QQ Bookstore, and Li Qing was promoted to the robbery period.

In seven months, Li Qing sighed, it seems that he is not the best qualified in the realm.

Then, just inside, he took out the jubilee pot and began to absorb the true qi.

It's just that, as he continued to rise into strength, when he reached the sixth floor of the robbery period, he felt that his soul was not enough to continue his promotion...

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