My Super God QQ

Chapter 839: Robbed

Her intention was to teach Li Qing a good lesson, so that this little guy who knew nothing about heaven and earth would know what awe is.

Even if it hit him, she was not afraid, because there was a secret star palace behind her, and at the same time, because there might be a fairy behind the other party, she was also ready to show mercy.

But when she started, suddenly, her eyes widened suddenly.

What did she find!


She actually discovered that Li Qing actually released the momentum in an instant. It was powerful and unmatched. It seemed like a sudden strong breath of volcanic eruption, which even exceeded her.

Then, her hand was randomly grabbed by Li Qing.

It was really casual. In the face of her blow, Li Qing seemed to be so insignificant as if she used chopsticks to hold the dish. Even, there was a calm smile on his face.


She was completely ashamed.

When she was refreshed, her face was red and hot.

At this time, she realized how ridiculous her previous thoughts were. At the same time, she felt chills in her heart. She didn't expect Li Qing's strength to reach such a level, even exceeding herself.


I am in the late stage of the robbery period, and it is inevitable that the boy in front of me is already in the Mahayana period?

Thinking of this, her thoughts were even more turbulent, causing a storm.

It seems that the palace owner is also a mahayana, how is it possible? !

how is this possible? !

At the same time, Murong Fengrou and Su Xiaoxiao were also dumbfounded.

Just now, when Hua Zi shot, they were anxious to yell, they were too late, they were worried, they closed their eyes and dared not look, who knows, Li Qing actually blocked easily, no, caught her Hand...

This strength? Oh my God!

They really thought they were dreaming, and then, Su Xiaoxiao, still cute, rubbed her eyes vigorously.

"Now, may I ask my wife, can you leave them behind?" Li Qing said politely.


Hua Zi was not interested in asking for it, no, it was self-inflicted, and he no longer cared about the two women, and stood up directly, disappearing into the field of vision like lightning.

Let her stay a second longer, she can feel a kind of suffering, as if there are countless eyes looking at her now, laughing at her.

The two girls were pulled into the guest room by Li Qing. Even if they entered the room, the two of them were still in a dream and could not wake up for a long time.

"Sister, Xiao Xiao..."

Li Qing didn't answer it several times...

It wasn't until late at night that the two of them were back to normal, and they fell in love with Li Qing and told each other.

There is no need to say more about love and love.

The next day, Li Qing asked them to return to the earth with themselves.

They did not return for a few years. They had long thought of their loved ones and readily agreed, but they were a little worried if they would be embarrassed if they returned to the Secret Star Palace.

"What are you afraid of? Now that you have the strength, how dare they treat you like that, rest assured, I also understand the people here, you have value in use, the sect needs you, if you don't, then don't worry, you I'm afraid I will be expelled from the house..." Li Qing smiled.

Introducing them to the three masters of Li Xing. When introducing them as their own companions, both women's faces were as red as Apple, but they did not refute.

Because they knew that they were Li Qing's people in their lives, and it would be useless to be shy.

At the same time, the environment of maturity and self-cultivation has also made them no longer shy.

So, at the suggestion of Hedingtian, the three of them were arranged into a room at night. As they said, they are Taoists. Naturally, it helps to practice together, and at the same time, Master Li Xing also gave it away. A copy of the combined cultivation method for Li Qing.

In the middle of the night, looking at the joint practice, Li Qing couldn't help laughing.

"Okay~ we are practitioners now. It's the same whether we sleep or not. Don't mind, elders are also kind." Murong Feng Rou persuaded and touched Li Qing's head.


Su Xiaoxiao sat cross-legged on the bed, too.

Their practice now is equivalent to sleeping, but Li Qing is different. He really wants to sleep!

Seeing that the two men were still cross-legged in a serious way, Li Qing stopped doing it, and his anger rose to his heart, and he was guilty of courage.

"go to bed!"

The two also wanted to struggle and were held by Li Qingqiang.

Finally, the two women had to sleep with him shyly.

Sleeping here, Li Qing regretted her decision again. Two women lay beside her, one was Bingyan and the other was beautiful.

He is uncomfortable!

Unbearably, he rose up and down, and continued to dig down along the smooth skin.

The two women were shy and didn't want to call to let the other party know, so they followed him and let Li Qing go through an addiction.

Finally it was so uncomfortable, he took the young lady's hand to that part of himself.

His original intention was to let the younger sister help herself with her physical needs. This is a very serious matter, and the younger sister has always been very gentle with her, taking care of her like a younger brother.

Who knows, at this moment, Su Xiaoxiao actually sat up quietly, turned over and leaned her head back.


Li Qing couldn't help but feel comfortable, so he took a long breath.

so perfect!

It's so beautiful!

At this moment, he loved Su Xiaoxiao.


What is his favorite, of course, the wife of Bai Yi Bai Shun, no doubt Su Xiaoxiao did it.

This is also Su Xiaoxiao's cleverness, even if she is attracted by many people on the earth and is called the goddess, but after falling in love with Li Qing, she just wants to be a little woman who can make her lover happy.

That cherry bite is really so dear.

Li Qing has never even kissed her, just like this...

When comfortable, Li Qing even trembles all over his body, so irritating, it is like stealing a green.

Li Qing enjoyed a happy process. When the next day, that kind of rejuvenated look made Hedingtian secretly laugh.


In this way, Li Qing took them to the teleportation array he set up.

Many people still follow them.

Just in case, Li Qing decided to send them all to QQ Bookstore, and Li Xingzhu's three apprentices, in order to avoid Li Qing's embarrassment, Li Xingzhu directly stun them.

In this way, the three talents continue their journey.

One batch, two batches, three batches...

When Li Qing and them came to the Storm Fortress, there were already seven groups of people staring at them at the same time.

Only because Li Qing, Hedingtian, Fang Jitian and Li Xingzhu, are the top four strong, no one wants to shoot first.

Of course, they came out of the Star Nest, no doubt this is the best mobile phone meeting.

So, in the end, someone still shot Bai Zhetian, actually Bai Zhetian, he, as well as Qiao Xingzhu, and a masked old man, shot at the same time.

The three people obviously didn't take Li Qing into their eyes, and they all faced one at the same time.

But this time, they were beaten very miserably, but just after the fight, they were strongly crushed.

You know, now, after Li Qing gave Fang Jitian a fairy whip, they are all powerful with fairy devices!

"Hurry, he's single now, he's about to shoot!"

At the first sight of Hedingtian, they were entangled with each other, and some people would come out to pick up cheap, and then came two middle-aged people who were flushed with excitement, and looked at their excited and excited eyes. I can't wait to see the fruit girl's idiot.

"First come, then come, have points, go on one side!"

Suddenly, three more people joined in. Two of them blocked the two of them, and one of them rushed to Li Qing with great force.

However, this is not enough...

Like a matryoshka, a group of people hiding in secret jumped out emotionally and joined the battle.

In their minds, this time has been fiery, not bad! If you go late, Mao will not be left.

So much so that Li Qing was a little dumbfounded behind them, because they all took care of themselves and killed each other, and none of them could take care of Li Qing.

The sword and sword shadow, blood is flying, the light of destruction is scattered everywhere.

There are spells and spells, and only one shirtless is physical training.

In the end, they huddled together and beat the nearby tens of thousands of meters into darkness.

Li Qing's mouth twitched. To be honest, he didn't know what he should do now.


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