My Super God QQ

Chapter 801: Cut the gourd Xianwei

What is the result of Toda?

Master Qiao Xing has lost his ability to think, and can't think of it, because his hand was directly caught by Li Qing.

Before he could react, the pain hit him so much that he shouted directly.


Li Qing actually broke his right hand, not only that, but also yanked.

How powerful is he now? Li Qing is not very clear, but probably, it is not an exaggeration to have the power of Bailong!

Bailong, that can lift a huge mountain, and it is not difficult to tear off one of his arms. If Qiao Xingzhu himself is strong, I am afraid that the whole person will be torn into pieces.


He roared loudly and retreated.

At this moment, he roared angrily, angry and suffocating: "Your boy is despicable!"

"Oh, I'm so mean?" Li Qing laughed as if he heard the most humorous joke in the world: "You are a senior, or came to rob, I hurt you, it's mean? I'm not stupid, I will be You lied. This meanness obviously says are you good?"

"How powerful are you? Impossible, have you taken any banned drugs?"

He couldn't believe it, and his eyes were full of panic.

Just now, he really felt a taste of Li Qing's body, which is powerful, that is more than him, making him feel threatened, even death.

Therefore, the first thing he thought of was the self-cultivation world. There are not many people who do not dare to take the banned drugs. After taking this medicine, it usually has terrible sequelae, either loss of life or loss of energy.

"Can you use the banned drugs against you?" Li Qing smiled.

At this time, he slowly floated up and stood in the void, the wind blowing, and his clothes cracked.

This is the strength that a junior should have. Obviously it is a terrible strongman during the robbery!

Even if you eat too much of the forbidden drug, you can fly in the sky, and it will always only be the ability that the strong during the robbery period has.


He was ashamed, with his mouth wide open, and he didn't look like a tall man at all.

Remember last time, when he saw Li Qing, it was just a baby!

"Have you heard that there is a saying in the realm world, nothing is impossible, the realm world is full of miracles!" Li Qing's face with a calm and calm smile.

"No, who said?"

"Then, it will be there from now on, because I said it!" Li Qing laughed loudly.

Master Qiao Xing realized that he had been fooled, and he was killed in anger at Li Qing.

Li Qing was still so breezy that even when he was about to rush in front of Li Qing, he suddenly turned around and ran.

He has no courage to face Li Qing!

Seeing that Li Qing is holding such a winning ticket, he still fights. Isn't his head kicked by a donkey?

Immediately, as an old fox who had been in the realm for thousands of years, he turned and ran.

It's life, face is a wool!

"Smelly shameless!" Li Qing scolded.

I really thought he was desperately waiting. He had already waited a long time. When he turned around, he ran away, roaring with rage.

"You can't kill me! The old man's blue sky escapes out of reach. When I recover, I will take your dog's head, ha ha ha..." He smiled with pride when he saw Li Qing angry.

Blue sky escape!

Li Qing seems to have heard Hedingtian once say that it is the most advanced and well-known method of escape in the realm of cultivation.

Seeing him wanting to escape, how could Li Qing let him escape.

"Want to escape, silly old man, where is the self-confidence... please turn around baby!"

Li Qing sacrificed and cut the fairy gourd.

That is, when he took out the slashing gourd, Hedingtian, although they were fighting, the rest of his eyes were on Li Qing's side.

Especially the attackers, they are also concerned about whether the treasure can be obtained. After seeing Lord Qiao Xing eating a sorrowful loss, they are shocked in their hearts, but at this time, they saw the cut gourd, only to see the gourd There is a golden light in the mouth...

Then, there was no more. Qiao Xing not only had his head cut off, but even Yuan Ying was not spared, and died.


Great fear!

In the face of this kind of power without prevention, it was a means of being taken out of life in an instant, and the attacking people only felt that the soul of the whole body shuddered and the horror was extremely extreme.

You know, that was the strong man during the robbery, not the kittens and puppies, so he was killed in an instant?

Not to mention them, the three of Hedingtian were also shocked.

After Li Qing killed this guy, the figure disappeared instantly, which made the three attackers even more horrified.

Is it teleport?

The ability that the Mahayana strong can only possess is inevitable. Li Qing is actually a Mahayana strong.

"No, I can't stay here for long!"

At this moment, an old man from a private sect no longer hesitated and was scared to turn and fled.

Others also fled.

Among them, one person was beheaded by Hedingtian, and the other two were seriously injured because they left their backs to the enemy.

Anyway, when a group of people came to rob, not half of them fell into place. Except those who escaped, all fell to the spot.

"Then, what is that magic weapon, so horrible?"

After staying, He Dingtian asked Li Qing in surprise.

"Yes! My God, no matter what magic weapon or fairy weapon, as soon as it is launched, there will be coercion, but it is silent and instantaneous, and what is the power of this?!" A shocked face.

Fang Jitian did not say, looking at Li Qing with curiosity.

Li Qinggang recovered from QQ Book City, and his face turned from pale to ruddy again, and he immediately said that he had picked it up in the depraved land.

The three old people were jealous and jealous. However, without Li Qing's life, who can blame, blame themselves, people are really angry than people...

"The harvest is not small!"

Hedingtian they put away their loot and gathered together, laughing haha.

Instead of being robbed, there was a big gain, but unfortunately, the last four people who had fairy tools died two times and fled two seriously injured.

They also earned two fairy tools in vain.

These two pieces of fairy, a double ring, a double ring made of unknown metal, will also emit gold flames on it.

One is naturally the double hammer used by Qiao Xing.

The double hammer Li Qing is not interested. When it comes to the Golden Flame, what makes him think of it, he will have time to take it into the QQ Book City to sacrifice.

After this war, they successfully returned to earth.

That is, when going back, Li Qing successfully succeeded in the Shuanghuan sacrifice and placed it directly under his feet...

Eh, like Nezha, he can directly ride it in the air.

It's just, think about it later, he can fly without the help of foreign objects, or give it to the woman who is doing it himself.


Li Qing is back to earth...

When he returned to the earth and opened the live broadcast, the full-screen barrage was all about welcoming the hero back.

Others say it is the return of the king, and some say that the immortal **** descended...

Anyway, there are countless people in Xingguo waiting for their arrival.

As soon as he arrived on earth and opened the live broadcast, Zhang Min got the news that he would cook a table for Li Qing in person. Even if her daughter-in-law, such as Yan Di, does not lose to her mother-in-law because of the dishes she cooks everywhere she finds chefs, Zhang Min is still willing to do it herself.

Of course, Yan Di did not dare to disobey the meaning of the empress dowager, but could only agree with a smile and help on the side.

The other women also wanted to help, but they wouldn't, secretly anxious.

Xia Mo Can Yue also talked about cooperation in genetic creation materials in the United States, because if this thing is produced, it will always be sold. When Li Qing returned to the earth, he threw a table of dumbfounded people, Take the spaceship directly and return to the star country with your heart.

In their eyes, only Li Qing had nothing else.

The first thing Li Qing came back to was to check his statue.

Because it came from the sky, it must have landed on this building.

It was a He actually received 800,000 merit points, not much, but not too much!

Only then did he fall directly from the upper floor and enter his door.

As soon as I came in, there were red eyes that the girls missed a few times, and several pairs, Li Qing had to hug one by one to comfort them.

Even if it is Li Qing who has stayed here, but they still think that this is the real Li Qing.

There is always endless love between lovers, but Zhang Minzai, they dare not say much, only to have a meal happily and then talk.

The portrait of Li has grown up a lot since Li Qing left last time.

Now, he is not as ugly as he was born before. He is so fat and fat, he looks very cute, and he will start to recognize people. As long as he was hugged by a stranger, he would cry, but it was strange that he would not cry when hugged by Li Qing, and would smile at Li Qing.

This makes Li Qing happily happy.

Who doesn't want his son to kiss himself, holding this little guy is a mess.

The little guy did not want to be outdone. He immediately used the eighteen palms of the dragon to slap Li Qing's face, making Li Qing so faceless. It was embarrassing. Finally he handed him to Eva.

Eva may have given birth to a child, and it looks more charming. Li Qing thinks that there will be a blessing at night, and the chicken is hard and happy.

Before the switch, he was still the cock, I am afraid that he can only drool at the computer, simply, God is very kind to him, and gave him a QQ system to let him change his destiny.

"So say, never give up hope in life, this sentence is definitely true! Who knows, when there is no way ahead, turn right, there will be great happiness waiting for yourself? Destiny is so wonderful!"


Let’s go to subscribe for the recommended ticket. It’s snowing and it’s not warm. My God, my hands are really hard to freeze. The most sad thing is that the chickens can’t be hard, but the hands are so hard...

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