My Super God QQ

Chapter 887: War beyond thinking

"This seat has been proclaimed for a period of three years, you must tear off your eyes, today, it is to fulfill the promise!"

A hoarse, low-sounding growl came from the holy gate, just like a thief piercing a knife on a glass, scratching the ground!

As if coming from the Nine Nether Hells, the hearers are all trembling and the bones are cold and hairy.

I saw that the arm seemed to be the nemesis of all the magic between heaven and earth, but it was completely unharmed, and it shattered the sky of thunder, and then grabbed it into the sky.

Strange things happen!

Obviously it was just catching into the void, however, the sky eyes in the void seemed to be really caught by the hand, constantly being squeezed, slowly becoming smaller and distorted.

You know that the eyes of the sky represent the power of the whole world!

In other words, is it actually fighting this small world with its own strength?

Li Qing felt that he could not wait any longer, because, he worried that if the eyes of the sky were damaged, would any bad things happen in the small world, such as a big change in the world? Or just crash? I dare not imagine the serious consequences.

That is, when Li Qing was about to shoot, the face of Heavenly Cultivator changed drastically, and even those ancestors' spirits continued to accelerate their attacks, and he took out a thin cicada-winged sword and cut it towards that arm.


There was a sound of gold and iron crossing.

After the chopping, the eyes of Master Tianxiu were stunned. His sword was useless, but he left a shallow scratch on his arm, which had no other effect.

"Impossible, this is Kunlun's township treasure, Yan Emperor Sword!"

He exclaimed in disbelief.

Then, looking at those ancestral spirits, the spells were useless, and my eyes began to panic.


"What's the matter, Master Tianxiu doesn't look right?"

The satellite was broadcasting this scene, and someone noticed Tian Xiu's complexion and asked puzzled.

"It seems that Master Tianxiu can't harm the master of that arm? Seeing the sword he just took out, it seems that even one of the men's hair has not been cut off. So let's say it is still our king's husband Great!" In the live broadcast room, a female netizen named Ting Yilan was proud.

"Yeah, let you worship God Tianxiu again, see the gap now?"

"No, Master Tianxiu heard that it was Kunlun Xianmen, how could he lose, he must have a way!"

"How to make a woolen thread? Didn't you see the eyes in the sky, they were all crushed? The fairy gate of Kunlun Mountain is even more powerful, can it be as powerful as the sky?"

"Look, he seems to be communicating?"

Master Tianxiu was indeed spreading the letter. Seeing that his Yan Emperor sword was useless, he quickly used the phonetic symbol to contact the people of Qizongmen.

"Master, not good!"

"I know, just when the eye of the sky has changed, I have noticed that I have been guarded. It is already halfway. Don't panic. Seeing the situation, the eye of the sky can persist for a while!"

"it is good!"

"What's the situation there?"

Master Tianxiu said the scene just now.

"Yan Emperor Sword, you can't control it, it is normal. In addition, as you said, this evildoer is not afraid of spells, you use the earth system, it is best to directly attack that door..."


Master Tianxiu no longer hesitated, let the advanced spirits continue to attack the giant gate.


Perhaps his master’s words were right. When he attacked the holy gate, he finally attracted the anger of the master of the arm, and it grabbed one of the spirits, just grabbed it, just like a man pinching an egg, directly a Spiritual body burst.

You know, these spirits are comparable to the existence of Mahayana!

Was it squeezed like this?

Lord Li Xing, they looked so dumbfounded, dumbfounded, only to feel that their hair was standing upright, terrified.

The strength is too horrible, so horrible to be mad!

Master Tianxiu was also frightened and hurried to make them all retreat, but this time, they seemed to have self-consciousness, and saw that one was squashed and continued to cast spells when they were not good.

So, the arm covered with green hair is one catch, the spirit body explodes constantly.

Finally, he grabbed Master Tianxiu.

Seeing that he was about to be squeezed, a trace of mockery flashed in Li Qing's eyes...

"Sin Chu, stop it!"

Then, three figures appeared from the sky. It turned out that it was just on the horizon, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the edge of Master Tianxiu.

Three grey-haired old men in robes surrounded the giant gate in a triangle, each with their swords and stabs at the arm.


Fang Jitian screamed in surprise.

The three old men actually stabbed on the arm and stabbed them out of the blood.

The green blood dripped out.

It turned out to be green!

Li Qing was a little stunned. Then, the three old men formed a formation. There were countless sword shadows shooting from them, each sword carried a thunderous thunder, and each sword seemed to be open to the earth. Cut to that arm.

"You dare...! Ah!"

It came out of the holy gate, that is, after it appeared, it was unexpected, and it was only as big as ordinary humans.

Covered with green hair and dark complexion, no facial features can be seen. No, Master Li Xing explained on the edge that this is caused because his strength is too low. Like some people, if their strength is too strong, they can directly make their facial features invisible. .

"Why can't you see it?"

"I don't know too much, it seems that this is detached from mankind, there are legends about fairyland..."

"What legend?" Fang Jitian asked.

"If I knew it, I would have told you directly..." Li Xingzhu was not angry.

After it appeared, the figure just wobbled slightly. The void of the three old men twisted in front of them, and they all spit out blood and flew out, with a black palm print on each chest.

"Give me Yan Di Sword!"

An old man yelled Master Tianxiu quickly threw the sword over.

That is, when the old man picked up the sword, his momentum changed greatly. It seemed that his strength had risen, and his facial features had disappeared, making it unclear.

Then, he and the green-haired monster disappeared directly.

Do not!

There are countless popping noises and aftermath of battles constantly appearing, which proves that the speed of both sides has surpassed their visual senses.

Li Qing quickly looked at it with his soul, and only then saw that both of them were constantly attacking each other at a very fast speed.

The scope of their attack was very large and terrifying. The sky was cracked, many mountains were razed to the ground, and the magma rushed underground stained the sky even more.

Some bear mountains disappeared, and the land was full of holes.

Yan Emperor's sword, every time a sword is made, it looks like there are tens of millions of swords.

Every time the monster shot, it was like a meteorite hitting the earth, with the power of a thousand dragons.

Their range of influence, that is, a light rub, the ground becomes a waste soil, mountains and rivers become powder, no grass grows.

This range is constantly increasing, one thousand miles, two thousand three thousand miles...

Seeing that it was about to spread more and more, the old man rushed to the sky and rushed to the zone where he was about to leave the earth, that is, the gang wind layer, and the two sides were in a ball.

However, this battle is not under his control, and will hit the ground in a while.

The two powerful men collided in succession, killing the sky dimly, the sun and the moon dull, and sometimes falling to the ground, which can make the whole mountain devastated, and do not know how many creatures were destroyed.

Even if it is a lot of large lakes, they are all blown away in a blow, not to mention that the lake water is instantly dried up, that is, the dried tiankeng has become a desert, there is nothing to stop them, everything is destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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