My Super God QQ

Chapter 889: Lose again and again

This is a very cool feeling.

If you change to an ordinary male, I'm afraid you will pass out.

Imagine that so many people called your husband, what kind of experience was that? If you are an idiot, you can go crazy!

"My head hurts..."

Li Qing's head was so painful that he hugged his hands and could not loosen it for a long time.

"what happened?"

At this time, Master Li Xing was also anxious and worried about authenticity.

"A lot of people are calling me! Me, my head hurts..." Li Qing shook his head and couldn't bear the feeling.

He felt that his headache was about to split, and there was an illusion that the soul was about to split from the inside, especially when he entered with a single sound, it was even more intense.

"Who is calling you?"

Heding asked, puzzled.

"Who is calling?"

Fang Jitian was also in a hurry.

They are now discussing how to deal with Li Qing's relatives and friends who stay on the earth, but now Li Qing has a new situation.

"No, we have to go quickly! Otherwise, if it casts any spell and destroys a continent, then it's over..." Li Xing grabbed Li Qing's arm again, and Master Li Xing shouted anxiously.

Really, at this time, they have a feeling of burning eyebrows. In the face of such a terrifying peerless genocide, they have no idea of ​​fighting at all, just want to retreat.


Even if they are in the realm of cultivation, they are big figures with heads and faces, but now, they are also scared, not terribly frightened. Because, this is not a battle between human beings, it is more like a battle of immortals.

"No, I can't go!"

Li Qing struggled, his face twisted painfully, but he still insisted on it.

"Don't be stubborn, if you stay again, you really have to be buried with this small world!" He Dingtian looked so distressed, why didn't he want to keep the earth, after all, this is where he was born and raised him, but , He has no choice!

"I can't watch them like that..."

Speaking of this, Li Qing was speechless.

And after defeating the old man, the monster was constantly attacking the eye of the sky.

As if a pair of huge hands pinched the eyes, the eyes of the sky were shrinking and deforming.

"Come out!"

Strongly holding back the pain, Li Qing summoned Xiaoya and Xiaodao.

These two giants seem to be familiar with or have received Li Qing's telepathy, and as soon as they came out, they rushed directly into the sky and killed the monster.

"They will fly?"

Fang Jitian watched them in disbelief soaring into the sky.

Li Qing was unable to answer him.

In fact, they would fly in the first place, but they hadn’t thought of it or could not fly at the place similar to the sewer, that is, underground.

While on Earth, their instincts appeared again, flying towards the monster.

First of all, their bodies, and now their bodies rise when they see the wind. They have grown so large that they are as large as a hundred feet.

Then, Xiaoya waved a stick, and the mace actually became as big as Optimus Pillar, hitting the monster.

The knife was also a knife in his hand, and a half-moon-shaped red light appeared. It was ten kilometers long, and it cut towards the monster.

Seeing the appearance of these two monsters, many of the audience in front of the TV were shocked at first, and thought they were associates of the monster, and then they cheered when they saw the green monster.

But, they cheered for half a second!

The monster was hit by these two blows, first, it was hit by a mace for hundreds of kilometers, and the knife light did not hurt it...

It was as if the sword light was like a silver gun wax head, but it just waved good-looking, but obviously the sword light could even shatter the clouds.

"The power of the origin of this world seems to be very weak. I don’t know why. It’s reasonable to say that the power of a small world is not the same?" Li Xingzhu saw that they had attacked, so he could only wait a little longer, and then looked at the heavenly eye, Puzzled.

"Look at it, that holy gate..." Hedingtian said solemnly.

At this time, Fang Jitian looked in the direction of the holy giant gate, only to find out, I don’t know when the giant gate showed light


Strange things happened. As soon as the light appeared, there was a red demonishness in the sky. No, it was not demonishment, but the real light turned into a **** red meniscus.

There is a red light on the crescent moon in the crescent moon...

"This crescent moon seems to have appeared..." Hedingtian was impressed, as if at first, when they dealt with the ape-like creature, it once bowed down to the crescent moon, calling the crescent moon a demon **** and giving it strength .

"It seems that the power of this meniscus is controlling, no, or corroding the origin of this small world!"

Li Xing said.

"Well, this meniscus may be something in the world they are in, or it is originally the power of the world in which they are located, it is stronger than the power of the origin of the small world, so it suppresses the sky of the small world. eye."

"It turns out that the power of the origin of each world has the ability to transform and manifest, it is true..." Fang Ji opened his mouth tensed, a little unreasonable.

"Otherwise, how do you think every small world was destroyed?" Li Xingzhu frowned solemnly: "It stands to reason that a too powerful existence will be restricted in the small world. This is the power of the rules of the world. Limitation, but if it is a world's invasion of a world, or it is swallowed, it is not necessary, this limitation will be invalid..."

"Where did you see these?"

"I saw it in a very ancient book in the Tibetan pavilion of the Star Alliance. It once recorded many strange things in this universe. It was just that I did not expect that in my lifetime, I really saw such a situation. It was just strange. Why don’t they use this method in other small worlds, but they are all used here? This small world must be weird, so that they will be treated so seriously!” Li Xingzhu kept analyzing.

"I also think that our earth is very weird. Many myths and legends have been circulating to this day. The most powerful existence in myths and legends is Pangu, which can open up the earth." Heding Tiandao.


About ten minutes!

The knife of the knife shattered and was caught by the monster directly into pieces.

The mace of the small tooth also broke in two...

Finally is not only their weapons, even the two of them are directly caught by a pair of enlarged claws, pinched and exploded into a blood mist.


Their death directly caused Li Qing to be bitten back, and the old blood spurted three feet away.

"A tan, mirage monster, you guys come out..."

Li Qingqiang propped up and shouted.

When the phantom monster appears, it uses its illusion ability, but it is just ignorant. The phantom monster is as if it was hit hard, and it is like being charged.

A raccoon also appeared. It appeared, but let the monster look at it carefully and cautiously, as if to wonder its existence. However, it was only a glance, and mockery flashed in his eyes, and he lost interest.

The reason is that A Tan is the potential of top-level beasts, and naturally has the coercion of the beasts. However, its strength is still too low, which makes it disdainful.

A tan turned into a streamer and flew towards the monster, but it went fast and came back quickly, just like shooting a fly, and directly flew back again.

"Cut fairy gourd..."

Li Qing took it out.

This is Li Qing's most powerful fairy tool. Nothing is unfavorable. Nothing can block its edge.

"Please turn around baby!"

The golden light radiated from the gourd.

Hedingtian they all looked at the monster with anticipating eyes.

The monster was blocked by the hand directly, the arm bleeds, and a blood stain appeared, which was the first defeat...


There was an angry blood in the eyes of the monster, and he stared at Li Qing a few of them. In the end, he no longer ignored the eyes of the sky, just like the streamer, the monster rushed over the sky.

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