My Super God QQ

Chapter 803: Li Qingyu

The demon shot!

Yes, the blood-red meniscus seems to be the "demon **** incarnation" in the mouth.

It first suppressed the origin of this small world, that is, the eye of the sky, and then, after seeing the nightmare, it could no longer support it, and finally helped.

"Do not--"

Seeing the meniscus cut, there was a strong hunch of death, Li Qing's mouth growled, no, maybe screaming, similar to the screaming of the little girl.

Then, everyone saw that he did not hide, and that blood-red crescent moon had cut Li Qing's head.


His head flew high, blood spurting a few feet high.

All the viewers in front of the TV, all human beings, all dumbfounded, are now fixed and become eternal.

Dumbfounded, all humans!

They never imagined that the blood-red crescent moon, no, the demon moon is so powerful, just cut Li Qing's head directly with a single blow.

Of course, after its first blow, the dazzling blood-red light also dimmed and became pale red.

The eyes of the sky are chasing after the victory, and countless golden lightnings continue to slash and slash towards the round of demon moon.

Unfortunately, it eventually flew into the holy gate...

The only thing left was that there was a violent laugh, a wild laugh, trembling all over, as if the whole world was left with his laughter.

"Do not--"

Yan Di stood up all at once, and then, with an unbearable look in his eyes, his legs became soft, and he fell straight to the ground.

Master Ning's face was pale and bloodless, and he passed out.

Murong Fengrou was so dumb as if he couldn't accept reality, and he was in vain and kept his original posture, motionless.


Tang Yanyan cried aloud, tearing her heart apart, and clamoring for the world.

Su Xiaoxiao also passed out after the second.

At this moment, only Zhang Min was standing still, standing there, but his body was trembling constantly, his eyes squinting so that his eyes would fall out of it.

Maybe she remembered what her son told her to do, even if she felt heartbroken, she still cheered up, her face pale, and she shouted, "Quiet!"

The living room became quiet in an instant.

She shouted: "My son told me earlier that if something happens, you must not be in a mess. You must believe him and believe he must come back!" At the end, her tears were silent. The ground appeared, and the last two sides converged into one piece, flowing continuously from the chin.

Her pain and discomfort are definitely no less than those of these daughters-in-law, because, it can be said that she was dependent on her son for the rest of her life. If she had a son, she might have lost her hope in life and was not in the world.

Now, the son seems to be gone, and her heart is so painful that she can't breathe.

Just thinking of her son’s request, she pretended to be strong, because she was the elder at home and the only elder, and she had to carry this family.

But Murong Fengrou was the most intimate, understanding his mother-in-law's thoughts, and came over and gently patted Zhang Min's hand, gently said: "Mom, you can rest assured, let me do this!"

She is also uncomfortable, but to say that among these women, the one who can believe Li Qing the best is her.

Because she knew Li Qing the earliest, and knew that some miracles happened to Li Qing. There were always miracles that happened to him. How could he die so easily.

"No, definitely not!" she kept saying to herself in her heart.


Li Qing is GG. With hundreds of millions of eyes, Li Qing saw his head cut off directly and was miserable.

That is, after Li Qing's death, the beast tide that Li Qingshun killed during their war was replaced by a new monster from the holy gate.

Countless, endless monsters turned into a frenzy and flowed in all directions.

The dense amount of numbness, looking from the satellite to the earth, makes people feel terrified and scalp numb.

The atmosphere of death radiates from You Xiongshan to the entire China, the whole world, the whole world...


The world is finally in chaos!

Knowing that this monster has no one to stop, Heavenly Cultivator seemed to frighten away and disappear, and Li Qing died again. Many people who could not control the fear in their hearts were terrified and began to vent. Dare to do, or even dare to think about doing something.

Some people start killing people.

Some people started to be sharp.

Some people started to smash and destroy.

At this time, even if it is threatened with a gun, it is useless to suppress it with the army. Because, in the minds of these people, they were already dying, why not go crazy in their lifetime, and earn it if they were not killed.

Social chaos!

As if the end of the world is coming, there are sirens, explosions, crying, crying for help, gunfire...

Only Xingguo is the best in public security!

After dispatching tens of thousands of robot police, even a few cases occurred, it was quickly stopped.

People in various countries no longer dare to go out and hide at home, waiting for the arrival of bad luck.

Bad, isn't it bad luck?

They filled their stomachs helplessly and couldn't sleep because of fear. They could only watch the news and keep watching the countries struggling in the end.

There are airplanes, tanks, and missiles. Even if they know they are useless, countries can only send these weapons crazy.

However, Xingguo has no anti-matter missiles to launch in the past, because Murong Fengrou has ordered that it cannot be launched for the time being, and if it attracts horrible attention, then Xingguo will definitely be ahead of other countries and will be destroyed directly by Oki~www Soon, Master Li Xing also came back!

They wanted to take back Li Qing's body, but the body was taken away by the nightmare.

Looking at the original sentiments, they are back to the Star Kingdom and want to take Li Qing's relatives and friends to the realm.

In the tallest building...

"I'm not going, I'm not going, I want to wait for my husband to come back..." Yan Di was crying and making trouble, and she was not willing to follow them.

Not to mention her, the others are unwilling.

This makes it difficult for Master Li Xing to do it, I don't know what to do.

So Hedingtian stood up and persuaded them to leave.

Zhang Min told Hedingtian what his son said.

"He said, he might be resurrected?" Hedingtian looked surprised, thinking in his eyes, yes, he remembered the last time, Li Qing also died once, but came back to life again.

"Yes, my son won't lie to me, so we can't leave here. If we leave, what can we do if he returns and can't find us?" Zhang Min said worriedly.

"However, we don't know when he will come back. If this nightmare suddenly went mad and rushed to the Star Kingdom, what would be good? For the sake of insurance, you still follow me to the real world first!"

"Yes! Go to Cultivation Realm first, or else, if he comes back, you will not be there. I'm afraid he will die better than life at that time..." Li Xingzhu sighed, knowing that Li Qing is a person who is serious and righteous If things go to the end, his relatives and friends have passed away, he may be more uncomfortable to return than to die directly.

That is, when Lord Li Xing came to find their relatives and friends, such as Li Qing, a scarecrow was constantly emitting mysterious power in an unknown space between the earth...

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(End of this chapter)

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