My Super God QQ

Chapter 905: Detained

"Needless to say, my mind has been decided, the earth can never go again, let alone the teleportation array has been closed by us, if you want to restart, it will take some time, it is very troublesome." Hedingtian again rejected Murong Feng soft.

"However, I believe my brother Li Qing will definitely be fine."

"Hey...I dare not take this huge risk for this impossible thing...Tiande told me that there was already a teleportation array discovered by the monster and then destroyed. By then, if the monster What if the beast follows our teleportation array to the cultivation world? That would also be a great disaster for the cultivation world." Hedingtian said of this, what did he think of: "In addition, the Qing Emperor at this time We can’t open the door either."

"What's wrong, Grandpa Crane?"

"In these days when we return to the earth, Qingyunzong's leader has about 13 sects, preparing to unite nearly 25 strong men during the robbery period and forcibly attack our Qingdimen."

"What's going on? Why don't I know?" Murong Fengrou was shocked.

Twenty-five strong during the robbery period, that is not a small number, especially those old-time strong during the robbery period, with rich combat experience, it is not comparable to the disciples like Qingdimen.

According to Hedingtian's prediction, one of the veteran strong players in the robbery period can deal with seven or eight disciples of Qingdimen who have low combat experience. Suppose that if the other party still has a fairy, it is even more difficult to predict.

Perhaps this will be the biggest crisis brought about after the establishment of Qingdimen.

"Of course you don't know. I just received the message to confirm... Two days ago, Bai Xiaotian suddenly had a gossip about Li Qing's life and death, but he didn't get it. Instead, it happened that there would be a disaster in Qingdimen Coming. Later, I secretly went to find someone to help investigate, and this was the news I learned from one of those sects who wanted to attack us."

"Bai Xiaotian?"

"Well, his talent for divination is really good, a little waste at Qingdimen."

"Twenty-five strong during the robbery period, should we be able to sustain it?" Mu Kong Fengrou worried.

"It shouldn't be a problem. We have several fairy tools. This is our greatest confidence. However, I heard that Qing Yunzong, because of a bit of a grudge against Li Qing, may also send a Mahayana strong, that is, With this Mahayana period strong, Qingyun Zong will be in a dominant position. If the Mahayana period strong person, Qing Emperor Gate is really looting..." He Dingtian frowned deeply and sighed, feeling the pressure is high.

Li Qing has passed away, and then, Qing Emperor Gate does not know where to go, he may soon face the disaster of destroying the top, he is really afraid that Qing Emperor Gate will be destroyed like this. At that time, even if he died in battle, he will have no face to face Li. green.

In addition, there is his righteous granddaughter, namely Jie Yu. After Jie Yu returned, he did not know how to explain Li Qing's death with her.

"Ah, Mahayana..."

Murong Fengrou suddenly lifted his whole heart.

During the Mahayana period, that is the most top-notch in the realm, almost like a fairy!

There is really such a ruthless character to attack Qingdimen. How can there be a chance for Qingdimen?

"No, I have to go back and let my master come to help..." Murong Fengrou wanted to return to the Secret Star Palace now.

"Are you going back?"

"Yes, I can't just watch the Qing Emperor's Gate destroyed like this!"

"Anyway, Li Qing is no longer there, and I can't control you anyway. You can decide what to do, alas, but ask for it if you have no doubts~" Heding Tian sighed, helplessly.

Since Li Qing is gone, no matter what other people do, he is no longer concerned about Hedingtian, and he can't use his elder status to manage.

Murong Fengrou immediately came to Su Xiaoxiao to clarify this matter.

"Well, never let her husband's Qingdimen be destroyed..." Su Xiaoxiao was frightened first, then clenched her fist in anger.

As soon as she thought that Li Qing was no longer there, she was distressed, and they took advantage of Li Qing's death to bully the Qing Emperor Gate. How could she keep the Qing Emperor Gate.

"Yes, otherwise, how can I be worthy of him, Qingdimen is his stay, and it is also ours! I am going to return to the secret star palace, and ask the master to help them..."

"Okay, I'll go together. However, before that, let's go talk to my mother." Su Xiaoxiao thought of Zhang Min.

"I almost forgot, okay, go together."


In the dwelling house behind Qingdimen...

Zhang Min heard about their affairs, and she was also angry, but she was just a womanish woman, her strength was not strong, and she really could not do much.

But I heard that they were going back to the Secret Star Palace to ask the master for help, first nodded, then shook their heads, and finally, they sighed.

"Then you go, alas~"

Seeing her complex look, Murong Fengrou felt that something was wrong, but still to be questioned, but Zhang Min reasoned that nothing happened, plus things urgent, they set off immediately.

After they left, grief flashed on Zhang Min's face.

"My son is gone, so are you going... But how can I stop you from looking for your own happiness? Let's go, let's go..."

It turned out that Zhang Min thought of it. Did they think that Li Qing was gone and wanted to find their own happiness?

The couple was originally a bird of the same forest, and it was difficult for them to fly apart. She couldn't really say anything, but she shed tears in her heart and was very distressed. Why did her son just leave like this.


Back to the Secret Star Palace...

Prince Xing was very happy about their return.

However, they were not in the mood to talk to Prince Xing, just perfunctory, and found their master, who was also the master of the palace.

"What? Thirteen sects, twenty-five strong men during the robbery period, and perhaps a mahayana period?"

At first, their masters didn't care, and they heard about the Emperor Qing Emperor's Lizong, but when they heard this, they were not calm.

This force is huge and terrifying.

Even if it is an attack on the Mystery Palace, which has been in existence for thousands of Mystery Palace has to blow up, now, let her help, how is it possible.

"It's over, the Qing Emperor's door is over, Lu Fu is too rich, it will bring the disaster of destroying the door, and it is common for the realm world~~" their master sighed.

"Master, you can help us. I don't want to leave the Qing Emperor's gate also destroyed after his death..." Su Xiaoxiao cried and took the master's arm, begging.

"What? Is Li Qing dead?" The palace master was slightly startled, and he never expected that Li Qing, who was still in front of him, would die on the earth in the back.

You know, when the Qing Emperor Gate was just established, a few batches of cultivators went to attack what was destroyed, but it caused a sensation in the cultivating realm!

Now, actually died in a small world? It's really unexpected.

Murong Fengrou shed tears and told his master everything that happened on the earth.

"Is there still such a terrible monster? He Dingtian did it right. If he didn't do this, he would set fire to the flames and let the monsters know the cultivation world through the teleportation array. The souls are charcoal." Her master nodded comfortably.

"Master, would you help?"

"No, maybe this is the big catastrophe brought by Li Qing, which only caused the Qing Emperor to have the difficulty of destroying the top. This is the number of days, and manpower cannot be violated."

Their masters disagreed with how to persuade.

So, the two will leave, go back to the Qing Emperor Gate, and express that they will die together with the Qing Emperor Gate.

But they couldn't leave, and they were forcibly left by the owner of the Mysterious Palace, saying they could not let them go back to die...

Direct seizure!


In the new week, I want to buy second-hand recommendation tickets, er, one new one for two, no, come on, gods...

(End of this chapter)

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