My Super God QQ

Chapter 903: Emperor's Coffin

Li Qing, cross-legged on the ground, is constantly receiving memories of rushing in. From these memories, he is constantly categorizing and searching for useful ones.

It took him an hour to stand up.

Just after he learned the exercises of the Soul Eater Book, he immediately came out and caught a ghost general and devoured it.

The situation was a bit disgusting, and he entered through his mouth, which made him feel sick, just like a man hugs himself into his body. After swallowing, he was a little tempting.

There are eight hours...

Even if Li Qing’s soul is strong, it still takes him eight full hours to receive the information, because this general has actually lived for about seven thousand years. If Li Qing directly filtered out the useless ones, it would be a few days. Can not be absorbed for several nights.

"It turns out that this is really the tomb of the emperor of the immortal ancient dynasty..." Li Qing opened his eyes and exhaled, and was very surprised: "All the people in a land of a continent are buried with them. The total number is trillions. , To move the immortal ancient dynasty to hell, and let trillions of people follow him to fight **** again?! A teleportation link between **** and the fairy world?"

Li Qing summarized several pieces of information.

1. This is indeed a mausoleum, the tomb of the emperor of the immortal ancient dynasty.

Second, the formation in front of me is the highest in the immortal ancient dynasty, and it is also the most perfect crystallization of the formation. In addition to having the function of transmitting the formation, there are many magical abilities.

3. There are countless souls buried here, even the generals of the ancient dynasty, and those in the Mahayana period.

4. The corpses of the immortal people of the ancient dynasty were dispersed by that method, providing warmth with energy to everything here.

5. This is what Li Qing thought of himself. That is, the emperor of the immortal ancient dynasty did not succeed. Obviously, this formation led to the fairy realm, but it did not lead to hell, so that their ghosts were still stuck in here.

Sixth, the most important thing is that this formation can lead to the fairy world.

7. Good news. This formation can be harvested, and the formation is in the emperor's Wanxing meteorite sarcophagus.

"Good practice!"

If there were no QQ Book City, Li Qing encountered such a thing, really blind, there is no way.

Now, he finally figured out what to do, so he jumped on top of the phantom monster's head, pointing in a direction, regardless of the formation, and rushed directly to that place.

after an hour……

Li Qing sensed a very yin breath, and the further north he was, the thicker the breath. The situation seemed to be like what ancient ghosts and ghosts were to be drilled from hell.

A suffocating atmosphere slowly pressed onto Yu Ying's body.

However, what she thought about was that there was nothing terrible about the dead, but she didn't care about it.

In the end, they saw a huge sarcophagus.

Wanxing meteorite is one of the best rare materials that can be used to forge fairy tools. Why is it called Wanxing? That is because the stone will always shimmer with the light of stars, and it has become extinct in the cultivation world.

Because the coffin was huge, looking far away seemed to be a starry sky.

"It's worthy of thinking that all the land under the starry sky is shining into the great emperor himself!!!" Yu Ying marveled.

Li Qing has stepped up and lifted the coffin cover by hand.

From the memory of that ghost general, Li Qing knew that the Emperor of the Immortal Ancient Dynasty was defeated in the Immortal Realm and desperately returned to the Immortal Ancient Dynasty, that is, before he died, he said that he would come back, and he fell. In this star coffin, the entire tomb was sunk deep.

Perhaps it was the crustal changes that made this mausoleum appear again.

When the coffin lid lifted, the foul smell in his imagination did not appear. There were many luminous bodies in it. Li Qing saw the middle man, a man dressed in purple and embroidered with robe of Wanlong pilgrimage.

He was about forty or so, his black hair shawl, even if an era had passed away, was still alive and vivid.

Seeing him, Li Qing thought of the memory of the ghost general.

Nine Jiaolong dragged a chariot, and passed across the air, majestic and domineering, with the breath of the emperor spreading, the sound of the road roaring, and many sages accompanied him.

In front of him, the man was standing in the car. Wei An's figure stood straight up against the sky. He was intimidating, with thick black hair, and wise eyes, who could penetrate everything, raise his hand, and tremble and mourn for him. Expensive.


Li Qing may have been affected by the ghost, but she was timid and shook her head quickly to dismiss the memory.

Nonetheless, looking at the immortal corpse of 10,000 years, he was still a little surprised. I never thought that after an epoch, his corpse is still there, just like a real person.

A total of seven women lay beside him. Each woman wore a Fengxia feather coat, a graceful and graceful fairy posture, and her skin was pale and carved like sheep fat jade.

It seems that they are the concubines buried for the emperor.

"It's so beautiful..." Although Li Qing had seen all kinds of beauties, at first glance, she couldn't help but marvel.

Every woman seems to be selected strictly from hundreds of millions of people. The delicate features of the facial features seem to be calculated by heavenly craftsmanship. They are extremely exquisite. In particular, their breath is extremely graceful, as long as they are men. Seeing that, no one would not want to conquer.

"If Wang Lin is here, maybe he will do some incredible things..." Li Qing suddenly thought of Wang Lin.


If this guy was there, he would definitely have to feel it, even if it was a corpse, but what happened to Wang Lin, he even accepted it as a skeleton.


Wang Lin, who had just returned to the Holy Bone Sect of the Cultivation Realm, could not help but sneeze.

"Huh, what's the matter, is someone scolding me? Or is it a mysterious connection that is equal to me, or someone who is more powerful than me, who will it be? Li Qing?"


There was a woman's charming voice on the edge.

Wang Lin turned his head and looked at the couldn't help but lowered his head again and entered the gentle township.

Since getting the young age goddess of the earth, he has returned to enjoy the blessing of all.

What four P five P six P, what human feast, Ji Chi· meat· Lin, as long as there are tricks in the realm, Wang Lin will try it again, of course, there are also more cruel, Wang Lin will use in The woman he doesn't like.

For example, personal vases, flower toilets, um, Wang Lin is a bit too much, but for women who don’t like it, just use it. Killing is fine, not to mention playing.

Since Xiao Wanglin, he has been singing every night, and fortunately his strength is strong, otherwise he will be emptied in a few days, just such a holy bone sect, he has more than thousands of women, all His hand went down to the realm world to help him collect it.

It is also voluntary, because Wang Lin has a lot of resources, and you can come if you want!

As of today, his favorite triplets lie beside him. As long as one moves, all three will squeal at the same time, making Wang Lin's fun.

Sometimes, there is a mother-daughter party.

Even three generations and four generations of the same family, most of these people have a **** hatred of the family. They gave themselves up for Wang Lin's shot. Fortunately, they are all in the realm of realm, and they all maintain the appearance of young girls.

Anyway, Wang Lin was caught in the spring of such a sensual dog and horse and could not extricate himself.


Li Qing jumped off the star sarcophagus and felt it on the emperor's body.


After searching for a while, Li Qing didn't find the position even after turning it several times.

Helpless, he can only reach out to those concubines...

That is, when he stretched his hand towards a concubine, what he touched was retracted like an electric shock, and his face changed suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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