My Super God QQ

Chapter 946: Brutal shuttle

"Uh, more than an hour, don't look at me like this, you see her neck is sour, sour lemon color..." Wang Lin did not continue to talk about the topic of "Xianjie", but suddenly came such a sentence, the tone increased , Seems to increase the weight of the facts he said.

At first, Li Qing was a little ignorant, and immediately responded and laughed.

He said why, Wang Lin would say this, it turned out that he was afraid that he said he was a "three seconds" male!

"I have been playing for more than an hour when you came..." Wang Lin was guilty again.

It wasn't until Li Qing didn't want to say this that he gradually settled down and glared fiercely at the woman with foam, which made the woman a little scared and guilty, and quickly swallowed and withdrew to the side.

"Play back to play, it is impossible, do you really want to stop here?"

Li Qing simply stepped on the soft blanket and sat on the edge, leaning his back against the door. He wanted to have a good talk with Wang Lin.

"Who said, I’m not doing it in time~ You said that we are desperately fighting, we always hang our heads on our waists, and then we fight now. If we don’t enjoy it, wouldn’t we fight for nothing? I’m not with you. The same, I am realist." Wang Lindao.

"Playing women all day, also called realism, interesting?"

"Brother, you're not right! I don't know who was in the dormitory with me, and I secretly looked at those island countries*." Wang Lin suddenly smirked at this.

Li Qing shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Then would you like to join me in the fairy world? I'm just here to ask you, if you don't want to, then forget it." Li Qingdao.

"Yes! Why not, Fairy World, they are all very well spread, not to mention, Fairy World and real fairies are waiting for me, what are the Seven Fairies, the Queen Mother, the Banana Fan Princess, what Guanyin... ..." He was talking there, the more excited he was.

Really enchanted!

When Li Qing heard him talk about Guanyin, the whole person's heart jumped violently.

Guanyin Bodhisattva, is that the Buddha who has the highest position among Buddhist believers? ! This guy actually dared to blasphemy, Li Qing had to say that he was really enchanted!

But, thinking that this is his own brother, anyway, it won't hurt himself, regardless of whether he is a devil or a ghost.

"Those may just be legends, you can't believe it!"

"Even if you have salted fish, you must have a dream, otherwise, wouldn't it be worse than salted fish! Let's go, without further ado, we'll leave immediately." He couldn't wait for the street, he seemed to think of something, and his knot moved violently. Li Qing could even hear his spitting.

"Wait a minute, about the teleportation array, will they not leak?" Li Qing said, looking at the women with cold eyes.

When these women were swept away by Li Qing’s eyes, they were all stiff and speechless. They actually found that just at that moment, the fierce anger emanating from Li Qing’s eyes was no better than them. The king of the devil's holy bone sect, Lin Cha.

Also, Li Qing's murderousness is no less than that of Wang Lin. If you look at him as handsome and abnormal, you think he is a good generation, it is simply wrong.

"It's okay. I can feel their thoughts. If they have any changes, they will die if I think about it." Wang Lin grinned indifferently.

"Don't you force others?" Li Qing frowned.

"No, then I paid the price and did something for them before I got it." Wang Lin patted his chest and promised.

"That's good, let's go."

"Wait a minute, are we going to destroy the monster beast race before we go? I still have some disciples of the demons are fighting with the monster beast race, we simply destroy them and go to the fairy realm, so that we can never suffer from future troubles and avoid worries. ?" Wang Lin's eyes flashed a terrible murderous intention.

"Let's talk about it when we come back from Immortal World. The thing about monsters and monsters is not that simple. I have thought about it for a long time. Why do monsters come to Cultivation Realm? There must be a big hand behind them. Anyway, we can come back to Immortal World. , It doesn't matter."

"Well, let's go, Qingdimen!"

The two nodded each other and disappeared instantly.

Seeing that Li Qing was gone, these women were relieved. Just when Li Qing scanned them, they felt a heavy feeling in their hearts that made them feel uncomfortable and almost couldn’t breathe until they left. As usual, restore nature.

When they came to the Qing Emperor Gate, all the disciples were waiting in the teleportation circle, and they had to witness their own door master going to the fairy world.

Even if no one dared to speak in the whole scene, they were still so excited that they couldn't restrain themselves. Their eyes were so big that they turned round, watching this scene.

Become a fairy!

This is how many good things humans dream of!

Not to mention Guangzong Yaozu, it can definitely be recorded in history.

Of course, there are many people who express emotion.

Such as Tiande, as a Dingshishan...

They almost watched Li Qing go from a mortal to a cultivator and reached this level. Thinking about Li Qing only a few years ago, he had to set foot in the fairyland, but he still... couldn't help feeling emotion.

People are more angry than people!

"I don't know if they will be in danger in Fairy Realm..." Murong Fengrou whispered worriedly.

"No nonsense, this is a way to be immortal, auspicious." Zhang Min pinched her next to her, blamed strangely. Now that Li Qing is going to the fairyland, she is also worried, but it is easier than fighting against the sky. Fortunately, there is a teleportation array. Li Qing can come back again, otherwise, she does not know how much she wants to give up.

"Uh huh!" Murong Fengrou didn't dare to refute the old man's face, he could only obey it.

"Mom, wives, and brothers and friends, wait for me at home, and I will come..." Li Qing and Wang Lin stood in the teleportation array. He waved at the crowd and smiled.

Come and go? !

Hedingtian just wanted to grab him and scold him. Where does this guy think of fairyland, playground? This mentality is not necessary.

However, just when he was going to pull Li Qing and scold it, the eight shuttle-shaped transmission array suddenly burst into the It was composed of countless immortal ancient dynasty texts, rushed One thousand feet, ten thousand feet, one hundred thousand feet, until rushing to the sky.

There is a terrifying air force rushing out on all sides. Suddenly, it may not be felt by the entire cultivation world. More than half of them must be there.

So, not to mention the leader of the Star Alliance, even those old monsters hidden in the dark glanced in the direction of the Qing Emperor Gate.

"Is there such a powerful spatial fluctuation, is it a fairy?"

"A treasure is born?"

"Old stuff, go, let's go out and see!"

"Wife, wait for me~

They all searched in the direction of Qingdimen.

Li Qing did not expect them to make such a big noise during the teleportation, attracting the attention of so many powerful people that they had disappeared into the teleportation array.

Space shuttle!

When the scenery in front of them changed, they found that they had rushed towards the sky dome, as if to break the sky dome, er, really, they ran directly into the sky dome and then rammed it into a hole.

A terrible explosion turbulence sounded, and all kinds of tyrannical and turbulent breath rushed towards them, as if to tear them to pieces completely.


Wang Lin broke his mouth and scolded, and quickly took out the godhead to protect himself.

Li Qing also protects himself.

But despite all this, they were still swaying in the plane like a passenger in an airplane crash. They could not control their entire body and were hit by those tyrannical forces. It is also in the teleportation array, otherwise, they can be directly rushed out.

"This power is absolutely..." Wang Lin's complexion changed, and he was shocked.

Of course, there is more.

Just when they had a kind of baggage and were thrown around in the air, the pupil of the sky appeared quietly behind them...

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