My Super God QQ

Chapter 909: Li Qing silly?

the next morning……

   "How do I think you are different, and have a lot of spirit?" Wang Lin frowned and looked puzzled when he saw Li Qing.

"Have it?"

  Li Qing smiled, just wanted to see what he could say differently.

"Yes, but I can't tell. It feels like coercion, but it's not coercion. It's exaggerated. It's like a rabbit encountering a tiger. It's not very comfortable. It's coercion, but it seems more like one. Gas field."

   "Is it like a thin person who enters the gym and feels the feeling of some strong coaches?" Suddenly, Li Qing thought of something and laughed deliberately.

   Wang Lin suddenly realized: "Yes, yes, that's how it feels. Did you exchange that merit value for anything?"

   "Well, an elixir that can increase flesh and strength. I know that strength is a little trouble for you, so I didn't use it for you..."

"No need to explain, haha, this vulgar thing, just let you do it. I am still used to using my own flames." Wang Lin shook his head again and again, in his opinion, it was too violent with power, although there was a kind of violent chic Aesthetic, but not what he is after. He is more yearning for the kind of pretending, apparently pretending but like a low key.

   The two were talking. Suddenly, Awang's head came close and interjected curiously.

   "Li Shendan, ah, Li Qing, did you change the useless thing? I went, this is a waste of merit!"

"How to say?"

  Li Qing wants to hear what Lishendan is in his mouth, so that he can understand Lishendan for himself and have more directions.

"Lishendan, I heard that it is all deceptive, er, not to say that it is a fake medicine, but for everyone, it is completely tasteless medicine! Just like a former friend of mine, he also exchanged two He thinks that his flesh and strength are still very strong, but after using two, he was distressed and thankful. What distressed him was that he only increased the power of two hundred dragons, but thankfully only two have been exchanged. If it is more, wouldn’t it be a waste.” After that, I looked at Li Qing with sympathy for you.

   "Li Shendan, ha ha ha, even if it seems to be a hero, it is also a rookie. It was actually cheated like an ordinary person." The butcher also came together, his hippie smiled authentically, and his eyes were full of laughter.

   Even if Li Qing is now on the hero's monument, they are not afraid of Li Qing, because as long as they are in the fairy prison army, Li Qing would not dare to take them. Anyway, they are offended, they can't pull their faces to take the initiative to seek good.

  More than that, the butcher also pulled Wang Huiyang to join the alliance.

"Lishendan, the legendary abolitionist, this kind of road goods was actually exchanged with precious merits, hahaha, laughed at me, it seems that another one has hit their routine!" Wang Huiyang also followed Coming in, said sarcastically and ironically: "I heard what they have taken. Someone asked them how they feel. Those who take it are a little fishy and have a lot of power. It feels no good. A little sweet, a little sweet, hahahaha... "

   "Hey, no wonder people, they are rookies, they will always be routine."

   "I'm fucking, believe it or not, I tore your mouth and **** your family's women!" Wang Lin saw them squeaking here, constantly comparing, and he was going to get angry.

  Li Qing shook his head.

  How do the finches know the ambitions of Honghu? They don’t work, it doesn’t mean they can’t.

  At least, now Li Qing feels that his power has risen a lot, this is definitely the visible strength.


   In the largest camp of the fairy army...

   "What did he go to exchange?" The general asked the general in front of him.

General    heard this, and his eyes slightly twitched, and he seemed embarrassed to say.


   "It seems to be the power of God." After that, General Red Closure shut his mouth tightly.

  Because, this routine of the Power Divine Pill seems to have been created by the General, in order to reduce the source and reduce the current, and save a little resources and reserves about the Xian prison army.

"Uh..." The general was speechless, and shook his head for a long time: "Fortune is not good. If one's luck is not good, even if it is the effort and consciousness of no matter how great it is, it won't work. It seems that I misunderstood him~"

   General Red continued to say nothing, but he heard the pity in General’s mouth.

  As the general said, he also thinks that luck is the most indispensable thing in enhancing strength. If a person has no luck, even if he has the best perception and qualifications, he may die halfway.


  The town of Luo Yuanguan...

   "How are those two dolls?" Floating in mid-air, the voice of the old man in gray naturally sounded in the disciple's mind.

"Master!" Obviously his disciples, that is, the Taiyi Jinxian who caught Li Qing were all thousands of miles away, still heard the voice, and quickly responded with respect and respect: "I don't know, I immediately asked ."


   "Master, I asked. One doll performed very well. He did not die and was listed on the Eighty-one Hero Tablet."

   "Well, what else?"

"All the Xingting merits he received were replaced by Shenli Dan. Maybe, he thought that Xianli was sealed by his disciples, was he trying to create a fairy road, and use his power to prove it? Or, Master, I will explain him Open, so as not to mistake this good seedling?"

   "No need~"


Seeing that Master’s consciousness was shrouded and had left here, Taiyi Jinxian wiped the sweat from his forehead and murmured, "It seems that these two dolls are not very smart, but unfortunately, Master has a little care for them. , But it has become like this. Such a pure-hearted, even stupid, where is the future, alas..."


  Li Qing converted all merits into Lishen Pill, and quickly, through the mouth of Wang Hui, a bitch, spread it to the whole fairy prison army.

   Suddenly, Li Qing's behavior became a boast after everyone's words.

   Even those who admire Li Qing, now they feel that they are wrong, how can they worship such a fool?

   Only a few people have always maintained their original intentions.

"These people are simply brain stumps, neuropathy, and their heads are like garlic petals. Why do you think that they can't, you can't? A group of rats with eyes on them, self-righteous guys, fuck!" Wang Lin heard, for Li Qing Feeling very angry, I couldn't help but yell a few times every day.

  Li Qing smiled and didn't talk about them, because he only proved his strength. When the time comes, he will let these people know that they can’t do it, and it doesn’t mean they can’t do it!

   It's just, unfortunately, no merit, and I have to earn it again!

   Kill it!

  Li Qing had to continue to kill the monster...

  In a blink of an eye, five months have passed.

   Murong Fengrou and Su Xiaoxiao looked at the scene in front of them, a little ignorant.

   A huge pond is actually like a jumbo pot. Many people move directly from it like an instant, one by one appears in the pond, there are men and women.

   They and Murong Fengrou were a little confused, with a little curiosity, with a little fear and awe, looking around.

   After half an hour...

   They were sent to the outside of the pond by the and received the introduction brochure of the fairyland.

   "Hey, how do I feel like I'm playing a game, and there is a novice introduction, giggling~" Su Xiaoxiao holding this jade jade, couldn't help but think of it, she smiled like a flower.

   "Prove that the fairy court of fairyland is still a little organized, no doubt, this is the fastest way for the fairy who soared into the fairy to learn about fairyland."

   "What a big place, where do you say our husband will be?"

   "I don't know very well, it seems that we can only select a few places first and go to find..."

   "However, we have no immortal stone and cannot use the teleportation array, what should we do?"

   talked about this. Suddenly, an old man who seemed very loyal came over. He was wearing plain clothes and trousers, which was very different from most of the newly arrived Feisheng fairy.

   "Do the two girls want to earn Xianshi? Little Laoer has a job here, and the salary is not small. I wonder if the two girls would like to know about it?"

   "Okay~" Su Xiaoxiao said happily.

   Murong Fengrou was also very moved, looking at the old man: "Old man, then trouble you, can we understand?"

  The elderly smiled kindly, and passed on the two jade slips: "Of course, our work is not only simple and easy, but also rewarding, you can see for yourself..."

  When Murong Fengrou and Su Xiaoxiao looked at the jade jade carefully, in the corners where they could not see, the old man's eyes flashed a trace of cunning that was completely incompatible with his face.


  Recommended tickets and subscriptions, you will never have Ching Ming Festival, that is, eternal life, ha ha!

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