My Super Hero Development System

Chapter 98: , old classmate Long Lingyu

Just when Xiao Fan put away his underwear, Leng Shiyuan walked into the house again.

"Shiyuan, what else is there?" Xiao Fan felt a little guilty.

Leng Shiyuan didn't speak, but looked around with her head down, looking like she was looking for something.

Seeing this, Xiao Fan immediately helped to find it, and at the same time, he was glad that he was a little faster just now.

After searching around and not finding it, Leng Shiyuan shook her head helplessly, gave up her search, and then turned around and walked into Xiao Fan's room.

Xiao Fan was startled by this, he quickly followed and said at the same time, "Shiyuan, why are you entering my room?"

"I see that you haven't dried your clothes these days. You must have put a lot of clothes on. I'll wash them for you."

After saying this, Leng Shiyuan directly opened the closet and picked up the clothes that were left underneath.

Seeing this, Xiao Fan swallowed his saliva, turned around and walked out of the room, and then went straight downstairs.

When Leng Shiyuan picked up all the dirty clothes, she found that there was a pair of **** underneath. When she saw the panties,

Her face changed, and she immediately became angry, "Xiao Fan, you stinky rascal, how dare you do such a thing..."

Cursing, she immediately went out to find Xiao Fan to settle the bill, but when she came to the living room, she realized that the person had already run away.

She was so angry that her teeth were itchy, but she had no choice but to leave in a depressed mood.

After waiting for a while, Xiao Fan dared to go home.


The next day, Xiao Fan was sleeping in bed when he was suddenly woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone.

Originally, he thought about hanging up the phone, but seeing that it was his mother's call, he had no choice but to answer it.

"Hey, Mom, what's the matter?"

"Son, you are going to have a blind date today, don't forget the time."

"Mom, can you not go, your son is not too old this year."

"That's not good, everyone has already arrived, how can you not go?"

"All right."

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Fan reluctantly got up, drove his car out of the community, and went to the blind date according to the address given by his mother.

This is a cafe. After parking the car, a smile entered it.

The woman is a college student who has just graduated. Her name is Liu Yuhuan. She looks okay, but it's okay.

If Xiao Fan was an ordinary person, he would definitely not despise others, but with his current conditions and experience, he really despised others.

So Xiao Fan just chatted with each other very politely for a while, and there was no accident at the end, the blind date failed.

Of course, the girl was a little unwilling, she wanted to add Xiaofan's contact information, and said she could wait for him.

In this regard, of course, the idea is to directly reject it. The women he now raises are all beautiful, and this girl is really not good.

After returning home, of course, my mother said something.

But because the money is really good now, my mother didn't care too much and let him go after a few words.

After the consumption that passed the test came home, he opened the live broadcast app and was about to find a local girl to chat to relieve his depression.

Originally I was looking for it last night, but because of some small episodes, I forgot.

After entering the software, he found that his old classmate Long Lingyu was broadcasting live, so he clicked in curiously.

After entering the live broadcast room, he found that something was wrong. She was actually arguing with an audience member.

This is really too strange. It is a very wasteful thing for the anchor to quarrel with the audience.

In the live broadcast room, Long Lingyu was wearing a black cheongsam, and said with an ugly face:

"I've already said that I'm a green live broadcast, and I don't do those messes. Don't think that you can do whatever you want with the reward."

The one who was arguing with her was an audience member called the Flower Picker. After listening to Long Lingyu's words, he immediately sent a barrage:

"You think I'm a fool, why don't you do that? Why do you say you can add WeChat? I don't care whether I agree or give me the money back."

"I will refund the money. I will refund the part of my income to you, and you can find the platform yourself for the rest." Long Lingyu said indifferently.

"I gave the full amount as a reward, and you have to refund the full amount to me, otherwise I will trouble you every day." The flower picker was very unwilling and even threatened.

Long Lingyu's face was ugly, she really didn't want to quarrel with the audience unless she had to, but this flower thief was really too much to ask her to stay overnight.

How is this possible, she is not such a woman, this really makes her very angry.

Xiao Fan watched it for a while, and then sent Long Lingyu a message: "What's the situation, is this person looking for something?"

Long Lingyu was angry, and she didn't want to read any news her boyfriend sent her, but after seeing that it was Xiao Fan's news.

After hesitating for a while, she picked up the phone.

"This person is very disgusting. He rewarded me a few super hot, and he actually asked me to accompany him. After I refused, he asked me to refund the money like this, and threatened me if he didn't give him the money back."

"Typical can't afford to play. Don't pay attention to this kind of person, just block it." Xiao Fan sent a message.

Long Lingyu: "That's not good. After all, they really gave me a reward. It's okay to give him a refund of my earnings."

"Have you been kicked by a donkey in your head?" Xiao Fan felt a little speechless.

",,,,," Long Lingyu didn't know what to can only post a few points.

"It seems that your brain was really kicked by a donkey." Xiao Fan sent a message,

"I don't have it, so don't speak rude words, I'm really annoying."

Long Lingyu is very helpless, this kind of thing is really difficult to handle, she really wants to cry, this kind of thing can be encountered by her.

"For the sake of the old classmates, I'll help you. Pay attention to cooperation."

If it was someone else, Xiao Fan would definitely be watching a movie and eating melons, but after all, he is an old classmate. Can you help me?

You can bully yourself, but what about others?

After sending the message, Xiao Fan directly rewarded 20 Chaohuo, and then sent a message:

"Is the host coming to eat?"

Long Lingyu was a little confused at first and didn't know how Xiao Fan was going to help her, but after seeing Chaohuo, she vaguely understood.

So he immediately said, "The anchor is a green anchor. I don't want to make an appointment. Thank you eldest brother for the gift."

"I gave a gift to make an appointment with you, but if you didn't make an appointment, it wasn't a joke after that." Xiao Fan continued to post the barrage.

"The anchor really doesn't make an appointment, but the anchor can pass the part of my earnings to you. What do you think, eldest brother?" Long Lingyu cooperated.

"Who do you look down on? You will only ask the host to refund your money if you are harassed. Twenty of them are super popular." Xiao Fan posted a barrage.

After seeing the contrast in this scene, the audience who originally watched the play and eaten melons immediately began to ridicule their flower thieves.

It's really shameful to give a few thousand yuan to the host, but it's really shameful to get a refund. If you can't afford the reward, don't give it.

Look at my eldest brother, I haven't made an appointment for 20 super-hots, but I don't mean to refund.

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