My Super Hero Development System

Chapter 23: , desires and abilities do not match

Faced with the question of operation, Lin Shiyu was very helpless. She wanted to refute, but she didn't know how to refute.

It's not unreasonable to say what the operation said. People can let the eldest brother reward him so much, why can't she?

Just when she was silent, the operator sent another message.

"I believe you have already tasted the taste of losing your big brother, you don't need me to remind you, you can understand why the live broadcast room is getting better these days.

If you miss this big brother, it is almost impossible for you to meet the big brother in the future. So it is best for you to hug this big brother and try your best to get to know him more. "

"I don't know how I'm going to hug eldest brother. I send a message to eldest brother, but no one replies." Lin Shiyu bit her lip, she was also working hard, but they ignored her.

"If you post some nutritious nonsense, how can people ignore you? Didn't I tell you? You need to know more about it. Only by knowing the length of the elder brother can you hug his thigh.

Some things really don't need me to teach you, think about it for yourself, if you can't protect this big brother, then you can wait for a complete cold, and honestly find a class in the future.

With your education, it is estimated that you can earn 5,000 to 6,000 yuan a month after working hard. When you go to work, you will not only be busy and have no freedom, but you will also be scolded. The most important thing is that there is no room for improvement. "

"I know, I will work hard." Lin Shiyu's face was a little pale, and she knew her own education. If she looked for a job, she would not be able to find a good job at all, which is why she chose to live broadcast.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to continue talking nonsense with you. There are many people in the guild who need resources, and they all know what to do. If you hadn't had a big brother, the resources wouldn't have been given to you at all.

The guild has recently come to a group of newcomers. They are working very hard to obtain resources. They are not like you at all. They are fickle. You can do it yourself. If you can't complete the task, this is the last resource. "

Looking at the chat on the screen, Lin Shiyu's mood was extremely bad, and the operation was forcing her to make a choice. Three months ago, when she was running well, the operation was polite to her, but now it is different.

The world is really hot. Sure enough, no matter what industry you are in, performance is very important.

Speaking of which, the competition in the live broadcast industry is really fierce.

In this industry, no matter whether you are good-looking or not, whether you are good-looking or not, as long as your performance is not good, then you are waiting for the fate of being eliminated.

Every moment there are people who can't hold on and are eliminated from the industry, but every moment there are girls who step into the industry with the dream of earning millions a month.

In such a cruel competitive environment, the guild is very important in resources, so even if the operation is aggressive, she still has no heart to refuse resources.

She understands her own situation. The live broadcast room is about to fall into the class of small anchors, and she wants to enter the class of small anchors. At this time, resources and recommendations are really important.

Lin Shiyu understands that the reason why her own pressure is so great is because of her inner desire, because her ability cannot keep up with her desire, so she is under a lot of pressure.

She is used to making fast money, she doesn't want to make slow money at all, she is used to making money at home, she doesn't want to commute to work every day.

She couldn't accept that she needed to live an ordinary life.

Accepting that they are ordinary is a reality that many people cannot accept. They try their best to prove their extraordinaryness.

Because of this incident, Lin Shiyu was not in a better mood until the broadcast.

After the broadcast, she first washed her face, then sat in front of the mirror for a while.

"Today, he didn't come either. Did you have a new love and forgot your old love?" She took out her phone and looked at Xiao Fan's profile picture, she said to herself:

"Someone may have given something delicious, but I just ate a gift but didn't give it something delicious. It seems normal not to come."

Sighing, thinking of her mission, she clicked on the chat box.

In the chat box, the messages she sent still haven't been answered. As a beauty, there are very few people who don't reply to her messages.

If it was someone else, she would be too lazy to think about it, but this is different, it is her life-saving straw.

"Brother Shield, why haven't you come to my live broadcast room these two days? Is it because you are too busy with work?" In the end, she still typed and sent a message. Although there were already two messages that she did not reply, she couldn't help it.

Time passed slowly, and after about five minutes, the phone finally rang. She quickly picked it up and took a look. After seeing that it was the big brother who replied, she breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly clicked it.

"I eat seafood with other anchors, so I don't have time to go to your live broadcast room to watch the live broadcast."

Seeing this reply, Lin Shiyu pursed her lips. As she guessed, the anchor cost a lot of money, that's why her eldest brother ran away.

Speaking of which, if she were the eldest brother, facing an anchor who would only accept gifts but not give favors, she would definitely choose another one, after all, they would give favors.

"Then are you free tomorrow? Would you like to come to my live broadcast room?" Although he felt that the answer was clear, Lin Shiyu still typed and asked.

She doesn't know how to chat, let alone flirt. In fact, she understands that since Big Brother is still willing to reply to messages, it means she still has hope, but she really doesn't know how to chat.

"I'll go if I'm free, but I can't tell when I'll be free."

"Oh, then I'll wait for you."

After replying to the message, Lin Shiyu really wanted to give herself a slap in the face. Such a brainstorming reply really made her unable to complain, but she really didn't know how to reply.


On the other side, after Xiao Fan saw Lin Shiyu's reply, he didn't plan to pay attention to her.

This girl doesn't know how to chat at all, she doesn't know her position, she is the boss, she actually chats with him like this.

After comparison, Xue Tao is sensible, but they are all beautiful girls, the gap is really big.

Putting down the phone, Xiao Fan started the lottery. The two lottery chances given by the system upgrade should not be wasted.

The two lottery draws soon ended. The reward this time almost made him laugh. The two lottery draws were two million shark fin cards and a room card consumption coupon.

This room card consumption coupon is the same as the car card. With this card, he can buy a house. In fact, the system gives him a house, but he needs to buy it himself.

After owning the car, he actually wanted to change the house for a long time. Unfortunately, the house in Hangcheng is not cheap, so he has not changed it, but now it is different. With this card, he can buy a house.

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the second-hand housing website and started looking for suitable housing. He is now in the area of ​​Gongshu, and he still likes it very much, so he started looking for housing here.

Looking around, he finally set his sights on a community in Greentown. The unit price of this community is 120,000 yuan, and the house for sale is about 180 square meters, which is just right for living alone.

The most important thing is that the houses in this community are well-decorated, and he can move in directly without worrying about other problems, so he locked this community.

After looking for a nice neighborhood, Xiao Fan put down his phone and slowly fell asleep. Speaking of playing this afternoon, he was too crazy, and he was indeed a little tired.

Early the next morning, Xiao Fan drove to the intermediary company near the community.

Speaking of real estate agents, he doesn't have a good impression. These days, because of the popularity of real estate, there are many intermediary companies everywhere, and agents in suits and leather shoes can often be seen on the streets.

Of course, this is not the reason why people are annoying. The most frustrating thing is the phone harassment. Anyway, these intermediaries have to call again and again regardless of whether the customer has the ability or not.

In the past, when Xiao Fan earned several thousand yuan a month, he often received calls from intermediary companies, which made him very speechless. He even had to think about renting a house, and he actually asked him if he wanted to buy a house. There was no doubt.

But I don't like it, I don't like it. I really need to find them when I buy a house. Buying a house is a very troublesome thing. With their help, I can save a lot of trouble.

When Xiao Fan's Lamborghini was parked on the road of the agency, the agents in the store ran out one by one, looking at the supercar curiously.

Xiao Fan parked the car and walked towards the store. Originally, the intermediaries came to see the After discovering his purpose, someone hurriedly greeted him.

"Hello sir, what kind of business do you need to handle?" A young and beautiful female agent asked softly with a smile and curiosity in her eyes.

"Show me the houses in Greentown, Chenyuan, the ones with an area of ​​more than 150. Do you have any houses?"

Xiao Fan took a look at the little girl. She looked good, but she was not bad. She was about seventy-five points. She was a beauty in the eyes of ordinary men.

"Yes, yes, the area is about 180 square meters, what do you think?" The female agent looked surprised. The client was very powerful at first sight, and maybe he could buy it directly.

Hearing that there was a house, Xiao Fan entered the store with her, and then the female intermediary immediately took out the house and introduced it. She took out several apartment types and let Xiao Fan directly choose the one he liked.

Xiao Fan took a closer look and chose an east side suite. The house is on the tenth floor, neither high nor low, and the line of sight is very good. To the east is the Grand Canal.

The area of ​​the house is a little over 180, with four bedrooms and two living rooms. It is definitely more than enough for one person to live in. The most important thing is that the decoration is very good, and the landlord is very easy to buy and sell nearby.

After choosing the house, the agent took him to see the house for the first time. After seeing the house, he immediately asked the agent to contact the landlord, and the landlord came over soon.

The transaction was very harmonious. Because it is a large area, the unit price was lower. The price of a square meter was 110,000 yuan. The final total price of this house was about 20 million yuan.

After signing the contract, the intermediary will take care of other things on your behalf. The house can be lived in today. The house has been vacant before, but the landlord recruits people to clean it every week, so it is very clean.

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