My Super Hero Development System

Chapter 38: , the beauty of a woman, the face of a man

"If you like it, buy it. If you don't like it, don't buy it. What about you? Are you here to see the clothes?"

Yu Shuwen smiled. From She Wan's tone, she could hear a trace of disdain, which she was not surprised by.

Women and women have always liked to compare, and with She Wan's appearance, she was originally from Banhua.

But because of her existence, She Wan couldn't be a class flower, and there was a conflict between the two.

Although they have a good relationship on the surface, they often fight in secret, but because they are not as good as her in every aspect,

So She Wan is not an opponent almost every time, and of course Yu Shuwen doesn't win every time.

In terms of her boyfriend, she is definitely not an opponent. After all, She Wan is looking for a man of twenty-seven or eight-year-old, so she must be richer.

If she had met before, she would definitely avoid the edge for a while, but today is different, she came out with Xiao Fan.

So there is absolutely no need to be afraid of anything. More importantly, her performance represents Xiao Fan's face, so no matter what, she can't show weakness. Men are very fond of faces.

"The main thing is not to buy clothes. My boyfriend wants to buy a watch, so he bought me some clothes, so I came over to have a look." She Wan smiled and looked very confident.

In terms of appearance, she is indeed not an opponent, but in terms of finding a man, she believes that she is more powerful. The boyfriend of the other party has no money at first glance.

"Then let's choose clothes together and help each other out, how about it?" Yu Shuwen smiled and held She Wan's hand. No matter how the two fought, it was definitely better on the surface.

A woman won't tear her face unless she has to, and it's very normal to do things behind the scenes.

They are also very fond of faces.

"That's good." She Wan had no objection, so she and Yu Shuwen chose clothes together, leaving behind two men, Xiao Fan and Ding Yu.

Ding Yu's eyes have always been on Shu Wen, and after he can't see it, he then looks at Xiao Fan: "Little brother, your girlfriend is really bright. It took a lot of effort to catch up, right?"

"It did take three or four days. Pretty girls, it's really difficult to get them." Xiao Fan nodded, compared to other women, Yu Shuwen really took more time.

"Little brother is really good at joking, how could such a beautiful girl catch up in three or four days." Ding Yu shook his head, obviously not believing it. It took him several months to catch up with She Wan.

In comparison, Yu Shuwen is more beautiful. He must not believe it for a few days. In his opinion, Xiao Fan is bragging, and it is estimated that he has been chasing him for at least several years.

Xiao Fan shook his head. Ugly-looking men will never understand that women are attracted to handsome men. If you add a strong body and enough money, it is not difficult for women to fall.

Seeing that Xiao Fan didn't speak, Ding Yu thought he was speechless, so he smiled and said, "Little brother, have you saved a lot of money to bring your girlfriend here to buy clothes?"

"It's alright, the clothes here are not expensive." Xiao Fan frowned, this man's words were a bit underestimating. It was the first time the two met, so talking like this could easily offend people.

Obviously, this man is jealous, so he subconsciously wants to suppress Xiao Fan in his words, so as to seek comfort in his heart. This kind of thing is very normal.

In addition to material things, one's inner feelings are also very important in a person's life. Many people can do anything anti-intellectual in order to obtain the satisfaction and desire in their hearts.

The man in front of him may not have intentions, but in his subconscious, he looks down on a handsome guy like Xiao Fan. In addition, Yu Shuwen is more beautiful than his girlfriend, so he subconsciously wants to get back on his feet.

"Little brother, I advise you not to waste your money in this kind of place. If you have this money, you might as well buy something else. You have to do what you can to buy clothes." Ding Yu said to himself.

While the two were chatting, on the other side, Yu Shuwen took a fancy to a dress, so she said to the clerk, "Bring this to me to try, and I'll buy it if it suits me."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The clerk nodded and went to get the clothes immediately.

After the clerk left, She Wan quickly said, "Xiaowen, you're crazy, that dress is more than fifty thousand dollars, are you sure you want to buy it?"

"If Xiao Fan likes it, you can buy it." Yu Shuwen didn't care. Fifty thousand yuan was indeed expensive, but that was for her.

"Are you kidding? You can buy it, but it's more than 50,000, not 5,000." She Wan couldn't believe it.

"I can't afford it, but he can afford it, and he's very happy for me to buy it." Yu Shuwen sighed, Xiao Fan's purpose was very clear to her.

It is to make her spend more money. In this case, even if it is the first time for her, if she does not want her in the end, she will be speechless.

"Your boyfriend is so rich? He looks as big as She Wan was very surprised, she really couldn't believe it.

Yu Shuwen did not continue to explain. At this time, the clerk also came back. She took the clothes and went to change them, leaving She Wan alone, silently in a daze.

Now She Wan is not even in the mood to buy clothes. If Yu Shuwen's boyfriend is really that good, then in this respect, she is a complete loser.

Soon, Yu Shuwen changed her clothes. She came to the mirror and looked at it. She was very satisfied with the dress, but whether she was satisfied or not, she needed Xiao Fan to be satisfied.

"This dress is so beautiful, but it's too expensive." She Wan looked at Yu Shuwen with a hint of jealousy in her eyes. She also wanted to try this dress, but it was too expensive. She simply couldn't afford it.

"You can ask your boyfriend to buy you one too. It's more than 50,000 yuan. He should be able to afford it." Yu Shuwen smiled, turned and walked towards Xiao Fan.

"Fan, does my dress look good?" After coming to Xiao Fan, Yu Shuwen asked with a smile, and at the same time turned around in a circle to better display the clothes.

Yu Shuwen is beautiful, but in fact she looks good in everything she wears, so there is nothing to criticize about it. Compared to whether it looks good or not, he is more concerned about the feel of the dress, so he beckons.

Yu Shuwen immediately understood, came to Xiao Fan, sat gently on Xiao Fan's lap, put both hands around Xiao Fan's neck, and let him touch her body.

She Wan's boyfriend on the side saw this scene, and his mouth was immediately dry. Yu Shuwen was really beautiful. At this moment, he was a little bit disgusted with his girlfriend.

Although his girlfriend is also good, it is more difficult to compare goods. People are more popular than people. The difference between a beauty of 85 and a beauty of more than 90 is in the bones, not the facial features.

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