My Super Hero Development System

Chapter 48: , women need excuses

"She is one of my classmates." Xiao Qing shook her head, her face not very good-looking.

Originally, I was in a good mood, but after seeing this woman, it immediately became very bad.

"Classmate." Xiao Fan nodded, there will never be a shortage of people with brain problems in this world.

If he saw such a scene in a novel, he would still feel a little old-fashioned, but in reality, it seemed normal.

Sometimes fiction also needs logic, but reality does not need logic at all. Reality is more absurd than fiction.

"Yingying, are they your friends?" At this time, the man beside Guo Ying also asked.

Whether it was Xiao Qing or Liu Shasha, they were both very good-looking girls. After seeing them, he couldn't help but want to know them.

Of course, he had no interest at all in Xiao Fan who was standing by the side, he just wanted to know the situation of these two beauties.

"They are my classmates, and they all have boyfriends."

Of course, Guo Ying understands the thoughts of the men around her, so she takes the word boyfriend very seriously.


The man nodded, not disappointed because he had a boyfriend. In his opinion, having a boyfriend is no big deal.

"When I just entered the store, I found that you were looking at this bag, why should I buy this bag?"

Guo Ying looked at Xiao Qing with a smile and said:

"But this bag doesn't look cheap, can you afford it?"

"Let's just have a look, but we don't necessarily have to buy it." Xiao Qing said with an expressionless face.

"It's okay to look at it, but I just saw you touch it. Such an expensive bag should be forbidden to touch, right?"

Guo Ying continued to look for things.

She hated Xiao Qing very much. This woman once fascinated her boyfriend.

Let her break up with her boyfriend. She will never forget this hatred.

"Xiao Qing, let's go, don't waste time with her."

Liu Shasha, who was on the side, took Xiao Qing's hand, so that she would not be provoked and could not be succeeded by the other party.

"Well, let's go to other places to see." Xiao Qing pursed her lips. Although she was a little unwilling, she understood the other party's purpose.

It was to irritate her by taunting her, so she knew what she should do.

Speaking of which, she used to have a good relationship with each other, and she could be regarded as a best friend.

It's just that after the other's boyfriend saw her later, he stalked her to pursue her.

She had no interest in that man, but Guo Ying thought she seduced her boyfriend and hated her.

Although she explained it, Guo Ying didn't believe it at all. Later, when Guo Ying broke up with her boyfriend, she put all the reasons on her head.

"Why do you want to leave? It's just a bag." Xiao Fan smiled, it was time to pretend to be slapped in the face, he had to play well.

The two women who were just about to leave stopped when they heard this. They really couldn't afford this bag, but Xiao Fan was different.

This is the real big boss, and buying a bag is indeed more than enough.

Xiao Fan picked up the bag very casually, flicked it a few times in the surprised eyes of the three women, and tested the quality.

The clerk on the side was shocked when she saw it, but she didn't dare to stop her. She was a person with eyesight, and she could see that Xiao Fan was unusual.

"The quality is not bad." After testing the quality, he looked at Guo Ying and the two and said, "Do you want this bag? Don't want me to buy it."

"Cough, cough, we don't buy anything, Guo Ying has no shortage of bags." The man said quickly, joking, this bag costs tens of thousands of dollars.

Guo Ying's face was a little ugly, but she didn't export it. She certainly couldn't afford this kind of bag herself.

Hearing this, Xiao Fan shook his head, he was convinced, originally he thought the other party wanted to buy it, but he said no.

TM's didn't buy it, and even used this to mock Xiao Qing, what kind of brain circuit this Nima is, it's really surprising and puzzled.

"Haha, so you came to have a look too." Xiao Qing immediately sneered when she heard this.

The reason why she was soft just now was because she thought the other party would buy it. After all, Guo Ying was accompanied by a man who seemed to be a bit powerful.

She really didn't expect that the other party wouldn't buy it. Isn't this a fake.

"Would you like this bag?" Xiao Fan threw the bag to Xiao Qing, completely ignoring the tens of thousands of dollars in the bag.

"Uh,,," Xiao Qing hurriedly took the bag carefully, then she didn't know how to answer, this bag is not easy to take.

When she heard this, Guo Ying stared at Xiao Qing. If the other party really bought this bag, she would be the one who would be embarrassed.

So she really wanted to hear Xiao Qing say no, and at the same time hoped that the other party was pretending and couldn't afford a bag.

"Huh? Can't talk anymore?" Xiao Fan looked at the other party, this is a good opportunity, with Guo Ying as an assist, the opportunity to win Xiao Qing is much better, of course he will not miss it.

"Yes." Xiao Qing understands that Xiao Fan's purpose is not simple. After all, he just said that there is a small requirement that needs to be met. Originally, she had to think carefully.

But looking at Guo Ying on the side, she decided that she didn't want so Let's strike down this woman who has been making trouble for her, and leave the rest alone.

"Xiao Qing." Liu Shasha hurriedly reminded that a bag worth tens of thousands of yuan is not so easy to carry. This is completely different from eating.

"I've already thought about it." Xiao Qing shook her head. Her choice was also a judgment after weighing the pros and cons, or an excuse she made in her heart.

Women need excuses for many behaviors. They have an anti-payment mechanism in their hearts. It is very difficult for them to directly break through this mechanism.

But if you can find an excuse for them, then they will break through this mechanism. This time Guo Ying's ridicule is an excuse, and everything is to fight back against Guo Ying, nothing else.

"Wrap it up." Hearing the satisfactory answer, Xiao Fan looked at the clerk.

"Okay, sir, this bag is 68,000. Do you swipe the card or scan the code?"

The clerk had already prepared it, so when he heard the payment, he immediately took out a new machine that combines card scanning and QR code scanning.

"Scan the code." Whoever goes out with a card these days, Xiao Fan directly took out his mobile phone and paid with a QR code.

Soon the money was paid, and the bag belonged to Xiao Qing.

Liu Shasha on the side pursed her lips, Xiao Fan is really too decisive, even her heart can't be without waves.

"Thank you." Xiao Qing was delighted that this bag was hers, and she was extremely happy in her heart.

Guo Ying stood there with a very ugly face. Seeing Xiao Qing's proud expression, her heart was extremely uncomfortable, and her incompetent anger kept rising.

"I have something to do, let's go first." The man who originally paid attention to Xiao Qing and Liu Shasha's expression changed at this moment.

However, unlike Guo Ying who stayed where he was, he was much smarter and pulled Guo Ying straight away.

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