My Super Hero Development System

Chapter 68: , love is a luxury, ordinary people should not expect

What is powerlessness? When you have nothing, you can feel powerlessness when you meet the girl you like.

After the college entrance examination, Xiao Fan deeply understood the gap between himself and Che Mengzhu, and he felt endless inferiority in his heart.

This is also the reason why he didn't have the courage to answer when she called herself.

Later, he became a salted fish, and he didn't have the courage to take the initiative to contact him, and even deliberately forgot.

"I asked you to study hard at the beginning, but have you listened to it, you are naughty every day."

Speaking of this, Che Mengzhu was angry and couldn't help but stretched his legs and lifted Xiao Fan.

Those high-heeled shoes are not ordinary hard, kicked on the leg, Xiao Fan bared his teeth in pain.

"I didn't understand at the time." Although it was very painful, Xiao Fan didn't dare to call out.

"Haha." Che Mengzhu sneered and sighed slightly inwardly.

Originally thought that I would never meet this enemy in my life, but I did not expect to meet it.

"Teacher, don't be angry, I'll apologize to you." Seeing that she didn't speak, Xiao Fan was a little anxious.

"Apologize?" Che Mengzhu narrowed his eyes and said, "Why do you want to apologize to me, we have nothing to do with each other."

"It's definitely rude not to answer the phone, it's definitely an apology." Xiao Fan said with a wry smile.

"You take me back first." Che Mengzhu put down the milk tea and walked out on his own.

Seeing this, Xiao Fan was a little anxious, and quickly chased after him: "Teacher, you'll be fine when you go back, why don't you go shopping."

"I'll go back and change my clothes." Che Mengzhu glanced at Xiao Fan and said very calmly.

She didn't dress up much when she went out today. She was going to go home after seeing the car.

But since I met Xiao Fan, I must go back and dress up. No woman would care about beauty.

Especially in front of people they care about, they want to be more beautiful.

"Oh, alright." Xiao Fan nodded quickly, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief.

A teacher is a teacher. Even if he does something wrong, he will not let himself down too much.

Besides being beautiful, personality is also the most important reason why Xiao Fan is so fascinated.

Soon Xiao Fan sent Che Mengzhu to the school gate. Because it was a high school, he couldn't get in, so he had to wait outside.

Xiao Fan didn't think it would take long to change clothes, so he stood in the sun and waited patiently.

At this moment, Xiao Fan is very considerate and warm.

Ten minutes passed quickly, the hot sun made Xiao Fan a little overwhelmed, so he hurriedly went to the neighborhood to buy an ice cream assassin.

After eating the ice cream and waiting for a few more minutes, he couldn't bear it, so he found a shady place to squat.

Ten minutes later, when Xiao Fan ate the third ice cream assassin, he finally saw Che Mengzhu.

Just when he was about to pass, a man suddenly got in first and stopped in front of Che Mengzhu.

Seeing this, Xiao Fan's lips twitched, this teacher is really attractive, there are so many suitors.

"Mengzhu, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here." The man said with a smile.

Che Mengzhu glanced at Xiao Fan who was not far away, smiled and said to the man, "Is it a coincidence?"

"Of course it's a coincidence. I was just about to buy ice cream, and I saw you unexpectedly. Isn't it a coincidence?"

The man waved the ice cream in his hand and said seriously.

"Well, what you say is what, what's the matter?" Che Mengzhu asked very politely.

"Isn't there a new movie released recently? You just had a break today. Do you think we should go to the movies?"

Saying that, the man did not know where to take out a bunch of flowers and said:

"By the way, I heard that you like flowers, so I bought a bunch for you. Do you like it?"

"I like flowers, but I don't like roses. I'm very sorry. Besides, I don't like watching movies. Go and see for yourself."

Che Mengzhu shook his head, bypassed the man, and walked towards Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan was standing there watching the play. He knew the man. When he was still studying, this guy was chasing the teacher.

Unexpectedly, after so long, he still hasn't given up. He really has no self-knowledge and doesn't look at what style of toad he is.

Even chasing after a big goose is difficult, but to actually want to pursue a swan is really over your own strength.

"Mengzhu, just give me a chance." The man didn't want to give up, and followed Che Mengzhu's constant nonsense.

Che Mengzhu didn't even bother to pay attention to him. After walking in front of the idea, he smiled and said, "Let's go."

"Teacher, you're already very good-looking, but the change of your clothes is simply overwhelming."

Some things, women don't mention, men can't pretend they don't know, Che Mengzhu deliberately changed clothes.

If Xiao Fan is stupid and doesn't praise him, then there is a good-looking man behind him, and a woman's heart is really small.

"Slippery tongue, once it's not serious." The corner of Che Mengzhu's mouth rose slightly, and he was in a good mood.

"There, there." Xiao Fan smiled.

Just when the two were flirting, the man also came over. When he saw Xiao Fan, his expression changed immediately.

"Xiao are you here?" For Xiao Fan, the man did not have the slightest favor.

It was this dog thing that obstructed him in every possible way when he pursued Che Mengzhu.

If it wasn't for this idiot's obstruction, he might have succeeded, so he hated Xiao Fan very much.

Xiao Fan graduated a year ago. Since that day, he hadn't seen this guy in Che Mengzhu. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, now that he has met this guy again, he is very clear that with this person there, he has no chance at all.

"Why can't I be here? I'm the teacher's bodyguard, specializing in helping the teacher block all kinds of scumbags."

For him, Xiao Fan doesn't seem to be polite.

"You," the man's expression changed, and he wanted to swear, but when he saw Che Mengzhu beside him, he forcibly held back.

It's okay for Xiao Fan to scold people. If he scolds people, his impression in Che Mengzhu's heart will be greatly reduced.

"I said what era is it, you still want to pursue girls by watching movies? Are you that kind of little girl when you are Teacher Mengzhu?"

Xiao Fan smiled and said:

"For a goddess-level figure like Mr. Mengzhu, if you want to pursue her, you must give away luxury bags and brand-name perfumes. You really want to die, and you don't want to give anything away. It's just a whimsical thing."

"What are you talking about, Mengzhu is not that kind of vulgar person at all. A child like you doesn't understand at all. True love cannot be measured by material things."

The man argues with reason.

"Do you think love is a cheap thing? Love is an expensive luxury. Only when material conditions are met can you be qualified to pursue love. If you keep your mouth shut about material things, isn't it just a joke. It's really funny."

Xiao Fan said unceremoniously.

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