My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 243 Abducting the Amazon Queen

Through Tracy's magical transfer, several people passed through several transit stations and quickly rushed to the vicinity of the North Sea.

Led by Diana, the group passed through the protective film and entered Paradise Island again.

"Home? I call where I live because I never came or left there until I was 13, and it was just a deserted house and nothing else."

The rain stopped, and a group of people walked along the muddy beach to the palace.

Black Alice didn't know why, but mentioned the concept of home.

This mystic, who is both good and evil, who steals other people's superpowers, may be inspired by what happened in Diana's family.

She said to the silent Diana: "You have many sisters, I can't say whether they are good or bad. But my family is not so lucky, and there is no one close to me. For example, my father? He eats from me. When she was a baby, she was imprisoned in a prison. As for my mother, she also committed something wrong, for which I have never forgiven her..."

"Later, she died."

Black Ashley seemed to be talking about a trivial matter lightly.

"So, my home is just a noun, maybe I should leave it behind."

After Black Ashley delivered this sentence, the corners of her eyebrows cocked, "Oh my god! What am I talking about?"

It seems to be annoyed by his talkativeness.

After Diana listened to Black Ashley's words, her slightly cloudy eyes gradually became clearer.

She understood what Black Alice meant when she said this—parents and family love are always inseparable love. If you regret it after losing it, it is definitely the most regrettable thing.

The torrential rain had stopped, but Paradise Island was silent.

Everyone seems to be gone.

Diana and her party walked through the atrium and found that it had been flooded.

Knee-deep water pools in the atrium, reflecting the faint moonlight.

"The smell of blood and battle, it seems that there has been a battle here."

As an air elementalist, Skye can feel the smell in the air.

Diana took a few quick steps to the vestibule and walked up the stairs to a place that wasn't flooded by the rain.

The sight in front of them stunned several people.

Black snakes, densely packed snakes, and dead curled up snakes all piled up here, like a magic cave in hell.

The smell of blood rushed to the nostrils of the people around.

Looking at everything around her, Diana couldn't control her emotions any longer, and knelt down on the ground all of a sudden.


She thought that her mother and the Amazon female warriors had all suffered misfortune, sobbing in her mouth, tears flowed down immediately.


Eric didn't know when he stood in front of Diana.

Diana felt instantly redeemed.

She raised her head and stared at Eric with surprised eyes, "Eric! Are you okay?!"

"Of course it's fine. Although the woman Hera came here, fortunately no soldier died."

Eric helped Diana up.

Under the cold moonlight, Queen Hippolyta came out of the palace.

Diana immediately rushed forward, and the mother and daughter hugged their heads in pain.

Here, the mother and daughter were venting their feelings, when Tracy suddenly discovered that there was an unexpected guest in the palace.

"Hey, Lord Winters, why are you here?"

Trish shouted to the smiling baron standing beside Eric.

"Since you can all come to Paradise Island, why can't I alone? Sexism is a bad idea."

said the Baron in his standard tuxedo, stroking his goatee.

"It's not about sexism at all, it's about you nasty guy, it's just..."

"Hey! I was invited by Batman. In a sense, I am also a guest."

The baron interrupted Trish's speech.

"How can it be?"

Trish thought it must be the old magic stick talking nonsense.


After listening to Eric tell about the experience of fighting Hera, Diana was afraid for a while.

If it weren't for Eric, I am afraid that all Amazons will suffer misfortune.

At the same time, my gratitude to Eric is even deeper.

"Eric, thank you!"

Diana gave Eric a big hug.

"You've always been helping me, without you, I'm really afraid..."

Diana had always thought that she was the kind of hard-hearted woman who liked to fight, but she didn't expect that she was also the kind of girl with weak emotions in popular novels that she used to despise, and she often showed her emotions from time to time.

"Diana, Hera may enter Paradise Island in the future. The protection of Paradise Island is useless to her, so the current situation of the Amazon female warrior is still very dangerous. I make a suggestion... temporarily let How about the Amazons take refuge in our world?"

Eric told Diana about his plan - to abduct the Amazons to Earth-5.

Diana asked in surprise: " your world?"

This span is a bit too big, crossing the cosmic barrier at every turn, going to another parallel earth, is this...feasible?

What's more, with such a long distance, we may not be able to meet each other in the next few years.

She was a little bit reluctant to part with her mother and these sisters.

Eric saw Diana's doubts, and took the initiative to explain to her: "In fact, it is not very difficult to travel through different cosmic crystal walls and enter another parallel earth. Passing through the fireplace of Baron Winters, it is To enter our world, of course, Miriam’s assistance is needed. Miriam can set up the anchor point of time and space, and pass the positioning information to the baron, and it can be done.”

The barriers in the DC world are not so strict. For example, there is a guy next door who wears a red uniform and claims to be the cousin of the death knell, and often visits the DC house.

There are also four teenagers holding weapons, yelling five and six, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the big mouse who live in the sewer, they strung together to the Batman set and played a detective game.

"Through the fireplace, you can often go to our world to visit your mother and sisters. Diana, I believe you will be able to solve this incident. After the battle with Hera and the gods of Olympus is completely over, you You can take your mother back." Eric continued to bewitch Diana.

"But... my mother, did they agree?" Diana asked tangled.

"They agreed, and they just left temporarily, not never coming back."

Diana pondered for a while, "Of course I won't object to my mother's opinion, but there is one problem."

She raised her head and stared at Eric with burning eyes, "Are you leaving?"

A feeling of reluctance rose in Diana's heart, as if she had lost something very important.

This made her extremely uncomfortable.

Through getting along these days, she found that she had completely become dependent on this guy.

"If you want, after the Amazons are settled, I will help you settle these matters with the gods of Olympus."

Eric makes a promise to Diana.

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