My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1010 Vanguard Legion

The power of this cannon is good... Lin Fei saw the dead and wounded groups of strange beasts coming out of the world passage, he asked Xie Yurong next to him, "Director Xie, this cannon is expensive!"

Xie Yurong nodded and said, "It's true that the cost is high, and the manufacturing process is complicated. The Institute of Psychic Energy did its best to make only 100 of these spirit weapon cannons before the world channel changed."

"Tsk tsk... The Academy of Psychic Energy is really powerful. How long has it taken to develop such amazingly powerful weapons and equipment?" Lin Fei sighed.

"That's right! The Institute of Psionic Energy is indeed powerful, but this spirit weapon cannon still has many flaws." Xie Yurong said.

"What defect?" Lin Fei asked curiously.

"Every time it fires a psychic cannonball, it takes 30 seconds to fire again, and each activation consumes a lot of psychic energy, and it takes a lot of psychic stones to recharge." Xie Yurong said.

Just as Lin Fei and Xie Yurong were chatting about the spirit weapon cannon, the spirit weapon cannon regiment in the rear received another shelling order from Bai Moyan.

The commander of the Spirit Artillery Regiment, after confirming that the cooling time of the Spirit Artillery Cannon had passed, immediately said to his subordinates, "Everyone is in position, ready for the second bombardment."


Following the command of the bombardment, 100 spirit weapon cannons with a barrel length of about 6 meters were activated by the gunners with spiritual energy.

The barrel of the spiritual weapon cannon instantly burst into spiritual light, and accompanied by a series of loud bangs, the spiritual cannonballs were shot out at a speed that ordinary people could not detect with the naked eye, roaring and attacking the target area in front of the world passage.

"Hiss... Damn it, it's coming again, everyone, follow me and rush forward, don't block the army behind." The spirit weapon cannon that faced the human side fired again.

The black giant python made a decisive decision and issued an attack command to his subordinates.




The group of alien beasts that had been baptized by the previous round of spirit weapon cannon roared and rushed towards where Lin Fei and the others were.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The psychic cannonball hit the ground, wreaking havoc on the thousands of square meters in front of the world passage again.

The alien beasts who were too late to escape from the area covered by the artillery fire, and the vanguard of the pig-headed men who had just come out of the world passage, except for the stronger ones, all suffered devastating blows.

After two rounds of shelling, almost one-third of the more than 3,000 alien beasts led by the black giant python alien beast were lost.

"Hiss... kill me to buy time for the pig-headed army behind." The black giant python spit out snake letters and said to his subordinates with mental strength.

The pig-headed army on the other side of the spirit world, after knowing the attack method of the human side, they immediately accelerated their marching speed, and at the same time sent air troops to rush out of the world passage, trying to contain the opponent's firepower, so as to reduce the pressure on the army.

"Hiss..." When the black giant python was a hundred meters away from Lin Fei and the others, it activated its own ability.

Its scarlet snake pupils glowed with aura, and then the ground in front of it suddenly collapsed and cracked.

The turbid underground undercurrent broke through the ground with a "bang", and the turbid current swirled and rushed to the sky, forming a huge waterspout.

The waterspout was wrapped in sand, stones, and grass clippings, and slammed into Lin Fei and the others with great force.

"This half-step fourth-order black giant python is incredible! It used such a large-scale group attack skill at the beginning of the game.

Consuming spiritual energy like this, I'm afraid that his spiritual energy will be exhausted in a few strokes. "Lin Fei sensed the power of the supernatural power, and watched the changes in the scene calmly.

"Tat Tat Tat..."

An investigator at the beginning of the fourth stage just wanted to make a move, but Lu Zhuo, who had the strength of a high-level fourth stage, dragged his spear first, and quickly walked towards the attacking waterspout.

"Break." The spirit weapon spear stabbed out suddenly, and the tip of the spear pierced into the swirling muddy current. He let out a deep and low voice, and picked it up hard, the waterspout instantly collapsed, and muddy rain began to fall from the sky.

The moment Lu Zhuo broke the waterspout, he sensed that the expression of his powerful black giant python with pulsating psychic energy changed drastically. It didn't expect that it was a fourth-level enemy who came to meet him.

The giant black python twisted its body, and the huge 50-meter-long snake quickly turned around and charged elsewhere.

On the battlefield, the charge launched by such a huge beast can easily break through the defense line built by practitioners below the beginning of the third stage.

Lu Zhuo didn't hesitate, he dragged his spirit weapon spear and ran wildly. During the pursuit, he turned his body and swept the silver spear.


The barrel of the gun was slightly bent, making a shrill whistling sound.


The spirit weapon spear lashed at the body of the black giant python, causing it to stop in its tracks.

Afterwards, Lu Zhuo ran a few steps quickly, then leaped up, and made a knee bump on the head of the giant black python.

"Hiss..." The giant black python fell to the ground. In the process, although it spit out venom to fight back, Lu Zhuo dodged them one by one. The venom fell to the ground and even the soil was corroded.

Lu Zhuo poured psychic energy into the spiritual weapon spear in his hand, turned around, swung the spear, and continued to beat the black giant python from top to bottom.


The gun barrel hit the black giant python on the forehead, making a dull loud noise. The black giant python was knocked out of consciousness with such great force, and its pupils instantly slackened, as if it had been beaten stupidly.

Seizing the opportunity, Lu Zhuo stabbed more than a hundred spears in a row. The tip of the spear was glowing with pale golden aura, and the attack was like a rainstorm.

The scales covering the body of the black giant python are extremely hard. In the past, when attacked by an enemy's weapon, it would only splash a string of glaring sparks. Apart from some pain, it would not cause much harm to oneself.

But at this moment, the enemy it faces is a practitioner of the fourth-level high-level, and the power of the spirit weapon spear is greatly increased after it is attached with psychic energy.

When the tip of the spear pierced the black giant python's body, its proud hard scales were easily pierced through like paper.

"Puff, puff..."

Blood splashed everywhere, and there were more than a hundred blood/holes on the body of the black giant python.

"Hiss... Lord General, come and save me!" The black giant python looked towards the world passage and screamed loudly in horror.

At this time, an investigator with the strength of the early stage of the fourth stage stepped forward, stretched out his palm towards the black dragon, and said in a deep voice, "Spiritual shock."

The next moment, the black giant python screaming for help showed a dull expression, gave up struggling and resisting, and stopped in place uncontrollably, with blank vertical pupils.


Lu Zhuo raised his right hand, and stabbed the spirit weapon spear towards the head of the black giant python.


PS: Thank you for the reward of "Tao comes from the heart and the heart has no way".

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