My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1023 The Shocked Bird

The white ball of light flew to an altitude of more than two hundred meters, and then it suddenly began to expand. With a diameter of one meter, it expanded more than ten times in just a few breaths.

Afterwards, the expansion seemed to have reached a critical point, and the white light ball stopped expanding, and then it exploded silently, turning into countless dots of white light rain, covering the entire area in front of the world passageway.

float, float...

When the white light rain fell, many people worried that there would be problems with the white light rain, so they dodged or cleaned it with supernatural powers.

Until some people failed to dodge and accidentally let the white light rain fall on their bodies, as a result... things changed.

"My wound... this white light rain is healing my wound."

"This is a healing ability! You don't need to dodge them!"

"It's so comfortable! This is the fastest healing ability I've encountered."

The wounded man who suffered serious abdominal injuries and was dying, and could only hang his life by the essence of life, when the white light rain fell on his wound, the opposite hole was immediately covered by warm white light.

After half a minute, the hole disappeared, leaving only a large dark scab over the wound.

In addition to humans, the beneficiaries of this rain of white light were those pig-headed captives who were lucky enough to survive.

What's more, when the white light rain fell on the ground, the weeds in the ground grew rapidly. Because of the war, the empty plain, which was very messy, was quickly covered with a layer of green clothes.

Xie Yurong stretched out her right hand to catch the white light rain falling from the sky, and she was once again shocked by Lin Fei's generosity.

Although the white rain of light created by Lin Fei with the light of life ability failed to cover everyone, six out of ten of the wounded who participated in this war were healed.

This has greatly reduced the pressure on the medical department in the rear. What's more interesting is that some wounded who were supposed to be taken to the treatment area for treatment were carried back halfway. They wanted to let the wounded use white light rain for treatment .

Lin Fei looked at the beaming and happy faces of the people around him who were recovered by his supernatural power treatment, he smiled and thought in his heart at the same time.

"I have to be careful in the next week. If I accidentally get injured, I won't have the light of life ability to heal myself."

The consequence of Lin Fei using the light of life ability to heal a large area is that he will not be able to use this ability for a period of time in the future.

"Director Xie, after this disastrous defeat, the pig-headed army should not have the courage to attack again in a short time. I will go back to the dormitory to rest." Lin Fei said to Xie Yurong.

"Well, go back and rest first!" Xie Yurong saw that Lin Fei's complexion became a little sleepy after using the power, so she nodded and said.


In the spirit world, a defeated army that had lost the will to fight, after several hours of trekking, they camped by a small river to take a rest.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Zhu Yi and other pig-headed generals were sitting together, the atmosphere was very dull, no one was willing to speak.

After this battle, counting the Yucheng pig-headed general Zhu Ci who died in the battle, the other four new pig-headed generals including Zhu Shanzaki, Zhu Lieba, Zhu Kaijiu, and Zhu Duoshi all died in battle.

The commander-level pig-headed generals with the peak strength of Tier 3 also lost more than half, and ordinary pig-headed warriors had as many as 40,000 dead in battle.

Such a major loss can be regarded as the first time in Dolphin City in the past century.

"Everyone, just now the lord sent a message with the communication stone, and it is safe and sound now." Zhu Yi said after being silent for a long time.

"Huh..." The tense pig-headed generals breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Zhu Yi say that their lord was safe and sound. After all, as long as Zhutong is still there, they still have a chance to start over. .

"After the lord told us to leave the territory of the soul bird, we can resupply in Hengshan Military City first, and then return to Dolphin City." Zhu Yi said.

"Zhu Yi, I think it's better to go back to Dolphin City directly. If that terrible enemy attacks Hengshan Military City, we will be in a desperate situation." Zhu Er raised different opinions.

"What Zhuer said is right! It's too dangerous to go to Hengshan Military City to supply supplies. Although we don't have much food left, if we save food, we can still last until we return to Dolphin City." Zhu Wu said.

"The situation is unclear now, it's better to be careful." The pig-headed generals all echoed Pig's thoughts.

Zhu Yi looked at everyone's expressions, he knew that this battle had severely dampened the confidence of everyone present, and now everyone was like a frightened bird.

"Okay! Everyone thinks that it is not suitable for the army to replenish in Hengshan Military City, so we will not go to Hengshan Military City..." Zhu Yi said.


Blue Star, Beijing.

Zhou Yue, who attended a classmate's wedding dinner, wore a knee-length black dress and a pair of black high heels.

Her hair was coiled up high, and she wore a delicate pearl necklace on her white/greasy/slender neck.

The evening dress is a sleeveless and open-neck style, with shoulders/naked/exposed, white and rounded, the towering/chest/breast propping up the fluffy fabric, and large pieces of/white/flowers piled up on the deep V neckline...

After a dinner party, the men attending the wedding, no matter whether they were single or not, were all asking for news about this beautiful beauty.

The groom and the bride couldn't stand the entrustment of their relatives and friends, so the two took them to meet Zhou Yue from time to time.

Until the end of the wedding banquet, Zhou Yue received a large stack of business cards.

When she returned to the hotel room with a slightly drunk body, the original elegant and dignified temperament at the wedding banquet disappeared.

"Hey... I'm really exhausted today." Zhou Yue first threw the bag in her hand on the sofa, then messed up her hair, kicked it twice after sitting down, and kicked off the high heels on her feet .

Lying on the sofa and squinting her eyes, Zhou Yue opened her eyes after resting for a while, took her bag and took out her mobile phone.

Opened WeChat, found Lin Fei's chat box, and sent a video call to the other party.

After waiting for more than a minute, the video call was connected. Zhou Yue saw Lin Fei with a tired face appear on the phone screen, which shocked her.

"Lin Fei, what's wrong with you, why did your face become so ugly?" Zhou Yue asked Lin Fei with concern, frowning.

"Ha~" Lin Fei leaned against the head of the bed, yawned and said to Zhou Yue, "I'm fine, I'm a little tired from the mission today, I'll recover after I sleep and take a good rest."

"Oh." Zhou Yue nodded.

" are wearing this to attend your classmate's wedding today!" Lin Fei asked after noticing Zhou Yue's evening dress.


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