My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1047 The ancestral land, the unchanging determination for a thousand years

In the boundless cold water lake, there is an old ship that has been weathered by wind and rain, and it is moving forward unswervingly.


The climate in the cold water lake is always weird and changeable, especially the area in the center of the lake.

Maybe the weather is still clear one second, but the next second, it becomes overcast and cloudy. It is really like a child's joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. It changes as soon as it is said, and there is no room for negotiation.

At this moment, the sky is full of dark clouds, and the water surface in the central area of ​​Hanshui Lake.

The strong wind was raging, the electric snakes flickered, and the turbulent water waves rolled over. There was darkness between the sky and the earth, as if even the lake water had turned into gray mud.

On the lake, an old weather-beaten boat was shaking violently with the waves.

Its masts have all been lowered to minimize the impact of the wind, and only the activated luminous stone fixed on the top of the cabin is releasing the last ray of light.

On the deck, the lizardman's deputy fixed himself with a rope, grabbed the handrail, and said with a terrified expression while using abilities with the crew to maintain the stable sailing of the ship.

"Captain! It seems to be a hurricane belt ahead!"

"No, the climate in this water area is too weird!"

"It's too dangerous to continue sailing!"

Those who can support here are all experienced crew members. Along the way, they have encountered dangerous situations many times.

However, this time was different. Feeling the extremely violent storm in the waters ahead, even though they had rich sailing experience, they all felt fearful.

Return! Must return! Going any further, their ships are likely to be torn to shreds by the hurricane!

However, the captain standing at the front just held the fence tightly with one hand, his body was fixed like a nail, and he pressed a single-lens telescope on the sunken eye socket with his right hand.

Through the lens tube, it can clearly see the huge tornado across the entire water area in the gray sky and earth ahead.

They suddenly appeared without any warning, like an insurmountable mountain, completely blocking the road ahead.

Even a powerful cultivator with the peak strength of Tier 3 cannot move forward in this environment.

The most important thing is that according to the captain's observation, this storm belt does not seem to be accidental, but persists and covers an extremely wide area, and there is no possibility for their ships to bypass it.

"Just return like this?" Standing in the wind and waves, the captain seemed unable to hear the roar of the thunder, and the shouts of the crew behind him. At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind.

As the craziest, bravest, most experienced and adventurous voyage captain on Lizard Island, he has paranoia that ordinary people cannot understand when it comes to exploring the "ancestral land" of the ethnic group.

Over the past forty years, it has tried six times to go to the central area of ​​Hanshui Lake. The first five times were interrupted by accidents midway.

Now, it is over sixty years old, even though it has practiced since childhood, its body is stronger than ordinary people, but the hidden diseases accumulated in its body can hardly be suppressed.

It can be said that this is its last voyage in this life. Once it gives up, there is no hope of exploring the birthplace of that ethnic group in this life.

Thinking of this, the old lizard man silently put down the binoculars in his hand, and then said, "Continue!"

"What? Captain, you..." the deputy exclaimed in disbelief.

"I said, continue!" The captain repeated his order firmly.

In the silence, I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't know how many psychological struggles they have experienced. These confidants of the crew did not say a word. With the determination to see death as home, they silently used their abilities to adjust the ship and sailed straight ahead.


Just after the ship barely pushed forward for a hundred meters, the ancient sea ship was finally overwhelmed. Under the tearing of two waves, several masts shattered, cracked, and broke into countless pieces of wood.

Immediately afterwards, a huge wave tens of meters high surged and slapped towards the ship, directly overturning the ship that was stubbornly resisting in the wind and rain.

Dozens of Lizardman crew members on the ship screamed and fell into the raging water waves.

"Are you going to die..."

The same thought rose in the hearts of the lizardman crew members, and the next second, they completely lost their perception of the outside world and slowly sank downward.

At the same time as these lizardmen fell into a coma, a figure quickly flew towards the place where the lizardmen sank above the tyrannical cold water lake.

"What a bunch of lunatics, are they out of their minds? There is such a big storm in front and they are rushing in. There is no such way to find death!"

After trading the red ointment with the Black Iron Tribe, Lin Fei, who left Lizard Island, went to rescue the Lizardmen who fell into the water, and usually complained to the group of Lizardmen in his heart.


A few hours later, on a small island far away from the storm belt.

When the crew of the Lizardmen woke up from a coma, what they saw was a small island and the storm-worn ship stranded on the beach.

The lizardmen who woke up looked at each other in blank dismay. They couldn't believe that they could survive.

After a long silence, the deputy finally looked at the captain who had been sitting in a daze, staring at the distance, and asked excitedly, "Captain? We..."

The latter was silent for a few seconds, then sighed, and said in a hoarse voice, "We failed again!"

"..." The crew members who survived the catastrophe were originally very excited, but after hearing the captain's words, most of their excitement disappeared immediately.

yes! We failed again...

Seeing that the mood of the crew members was depressed by his words, the captain put away the disappointed expression on his face, showed a relaxed smile, and cheered the crew members up.

"After each defeat, the next time we come back, we are always closer to the center of Coldwater Lake than the last time.

Although we failed this time, maybe next time, we can reach the destination we are looking for in one go, so don't be discouraged. "

"The captain said yes. Although we failed again this time, we will not give up. The next voyage will definitely reach the destination successfully." The crew members encouraged each other.

Seeing that the morale of the crew recovered, the captain gave an order, "Everyone, go back to the ship, hurry up and repair the ship and start returning."

"Yes." The crew immediately ran to the distant ship and began to repair the ship.

After the crew left, the deputy came to the captain, with a bitter smile on his face, and asked, "Captain, this is the last time you lead everyone to sail!"



"After returning to Lizard Island this time, you will take over as the captain of our team."


"you are not willing?"

"No, no, of course I would..."

The captain nodded in relief, looked at the lake in the distance, and said firmly, "We will definitely reach the ancestral land in the central area of ​​Hanshui Lake. Even if it takes another ten, a hundred, or a thousand years, we will never give up."


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