"The wine called Blood Jade Wine that I drank yesterday is really good!

After drinking the fragments, when I woke up, my head didn't hurt at all, but I felt refreshed. "Zhou Yue got up and got out of bed, stood in front of the window and looked at the rising sun, stretched her arms and stretched herself.

Afterwards, Zhou Yue opened her closet, took a change of clothes, walked out of her bedroom, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


In Ping'an Garden Community, Lin Fei, who had finished breakfast, just sat down on the sofa in the living room when he received a WeChat message from Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue: Lin Fei, it's been a long time since I went to the game hall. Shall we go together?

Lin Fei thought for a while and replied: Yes, do you want to go to the game hall in the central area, or to the west area?

Zhou Yue: Let's go to the game hall in the central area!

Lin Fei: Well, what time? Where do we meet?

The two chatted for a while, and after agreeing on the time and place to meet, Lin Fei turned on the TV and tuned to the Rongcheng News TV Station to watch the progress of the treatment of the sea ice sheet he created.

"According to the latest news received by our station, from 3:00 p.m. yesterday, many citizens went to the waters outside Ziyu Town, boarded the sea ice sheet, and took pictures and videotapes to "check in" nostalgia.

Then, at 8:00 p.m., the Rongcheng Ability Management Bureau officially issued relevant documents.

Because the ice sheet has been staying in the waters outside Ziyu Town for a long time, which has seriously affected the normal navigation of passing ships, so at 12:00 noon today, the Ability Management Bureau will explode the sea ice sheet.

After 10 o'clock today, all ships are not allowed to carry people onto the sea ice sheet. If there is any violation, once found, the relevant responsible person will be held accountable. "

Listening to the news anchor's report, Lin Fei touched his chin with his hand, and watched some citizens wearing winter clothes stepping onto the ice field on the sea, he felt that these people were really curious.

In such hot weather, I specially dug out my winter clothes from home and ran all the way to the waters of Ziyu Town to see the so-called ice field. I really don’t understand these people. What’s so good about the ice field I made... …Lin Fei complained in his heart.


Thousands of miles away, in the sixth town of Yacheng, when the world passage was opened, a hundred investigators in winter clothes immediately entered the world passage and went to the spiritual world station built by humans.

On the spiritual side, Zhang Yi and his deputy, Zheng Xiaoqi, led some people to wait in front of the world passage. When they saw someone coming out of the world passage, they all had smiles on their faces.

These 100 investigators with Tier 3 combat strength were dispatched from above, and the reason why they came to the sixth town's spirit world garrison.

It was precisely because after Zhang Yi came back yesterday, he immediately reported the situation of those white giant apes and beasts he found in detail to his superiors.

After a one-night emergency meeting, the higher-ups agreed that it was necessary to ensure the safe operation of the spirit garrison in Sixth Town, and that any factors that might endanger the spirit garrison must be removed as soon as possible.

The special combat team was established immediately, Zhang Yi was appointed as the captain, and he led the combat personnel to wipe out those alien beasts that changed the sky.

"Everyone, don't hesitate, let's start now!" Zhang Yi said to the hundred investigators who came to support.

After a while, a team of about 200 people, all with Tier 3 strength, left the spirit world station.

They are equipped with the most sophisticated equipment of Blue Star at this stage, and they all use the improved flying spirit weapon to fly towards a certain snow mountain 180 kilometers away.



The cold wind howled, and the thick dark clouds in the sky kept scattering snowflakes to the earth.

A gray stone pillar about 10 meters long and 1.5 meters in diameter shot a golden beam of light towards the dark clouds in the sky.

Surrounding the gray stone pillars, there are more than 200 three-meter-tall, snow-white giant apes.

On a high ground in the distance, fifty investigators wearing white winter clothes, white hoods, and black sunglasses were lying quietly on the snow.

They looked down blankly at the white giant apes and beasts who were charging the gray totem poles in the col below.

Zhang Yi and his companions had been lying on the snow for more than forty minutes. The snow that fell from the sky had already covered the ambushing investigators, only his head and arms were exposed.

In the past, even if these ambush investigators were strong, they would be frostbitten by the cold weather, but now it is different. The cold-proof clothing made of psionic materials on their bodies can perfectly protect them from ice and snow. frostbite.


Zhang Yi, lying on the snow, felt the vibrating sound of the communicator in his pocket.

A smile appeared on his face, then he reached out his hand to take out the communicator from his pocket, and looked at the content displayed on the spiritual weapon. Just as he thought, the other teams had all found their targets.

"Everyone, the other teams have all found their targets. We are almost ready to launch an attack on the white giant ape in the mountain below..."


A golden light beam shot into the sky, and the white giant ape and alien beast successfully transformed a large snowy cloud.

Just when the leader of the white giant ape was about to order his little brothers to end the day and everyone could start to rest, it suddenly raised its head and looked at the distant sky.

I saw fifty strange-looking white creatures standing in the air and flying towards them quickly.

"Roar, enemy attack..." The leader of the highly alert white giant ape alien beast roared, and all the alien beasts immediately turned to look at the attacking enemy.

Zhang Yi and the other two investigators in the team with the peak strength of Tier 3 took out the psionic bomb from their pockets, activated it with psionic energy, and threw it vigorously at the white giant apes and beasts.


In ten seconds, the three of them threw nine psychic bombs at the place where more than 200 strange beasts gathered.

"???" The white giant ape alien beast saw something flying towards them, and they didn't know what these things were for.




After the psychic bombs landed, they exploded after two seconds in the white giant ape beast, and dense wind blades flew around.


Limbs flew horizontally, and the terrified roar of the beast shook the mountain depression.

There were more than two hundred defenseless white giant apes, but after the psionic bomb exploded, the number was actually less than eighty.

It is obviously a bit too wasteful to use an expensive psionic bomb with the power of the third-order peak to blow up these white giant apes that consume almost the same psionic energy.

However, the higher-ups considered that in order to completely wipe out these white giant apes and not let the wind leak out, even if it was a bit too wasteful, they had to use spiritual bombs to carry out this combat mission.


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