My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1146 Call for help

The two young researchers heard the words and looked at their teacher, only to see a black metal box in his hand.

"Teacher, what is this thing?" the pale-faced lady researcher asked.

"You'll find out later." The researcher-instructor surnamed Li put the black metal box taken out of the trunk on the ground.


The box was opened, and the two young researchers saw a cylindrical object in the box.

It's the plasma cannon!

The two young researchers recognized what this thing was at a glance, but they were a little puzzled.

Because the model of this spiritual weapon plasma cannon is a bit small, compared with the spiritual weapon plasma cannon used on the battlefield of the first town, its size is almost doubled.

"Get out of the way..." the researcher mentor said to his two students.

Upon hearing this, the two young researchers immediately made room for their teacher.

The researcher mentor with the strength of the early stage of the second stage, after his two students stepped aside, he put the barrel weapon in his hand on his shoulder.

"You two wait in the car first." The researcher mentor turned to his two students before launching the attack.

"Okay, teacher." Although the two young researchers wanted to stay, they knew that they had to obey orders at this time.

After the two young researchers got into the car and closed the door, the researcher mentor mobilized the psionic energy in his body, and saw a pale golden aura blooming from his right hand.

Afterwards, the palm that was blooming with pale golden aura lightly stroked the psychic weapon that was recently successfully developed by the Psychic Research Institute.


The activated spiritual weapon, the plasma cannon, flashed a pale golden aura, trembled slightly, and then returned to calm.

"I didn't expect to use it so soon when I came to the spirit world this trip. I thought I would find another opportunity to use it after arriving at the mine and see how it works."

The researcher tutor carried the spiritual weapon plasma cannon on his shoulder, aimed at a giant piranha beast that was relatively close to the periphery, and after muttering to himself, he immediately launched an attack.


Bright silver-white electric light appeared from the muzzle of the spiritual weapon plasma cannon,

In the next second, the giant piranha beast targeted by the researcher's mentor was hit by the silver-white plasma from the spiritual weapon plasma cannon.

The part where the giant piranha was hit was the head. At this moment, its head completely disappeared, leaving only a blackened stench permeating the air.

In the car, the two young researchers stared wide-eyed when they saw their teacher kill a giant piranha in one blow.

The researcher said in astonishment, "The power of this spiritual weapon, the plasma cannon, is so powerful! It killed that giant piranha in one blow!!!"

"Don't look at the size of the plasma cannon, which is a spiritual weapon, but its lethality has not weakened at all!" Miss Researcher saw her teacher instantly kill that hateful beast, with a joyful smile on her face.

The shoulder-resistant spirit tool plasma cannon, after being improved by the Psionic Research Institute, has been greatly reduced in size, making it easier to carry for personnel fighting in the spirit world.

Every five seconds, the Researcher Mentor will fire a plasma cannon at the targeted giant piranha monster.




After the giant piranhas were hit by the plasma cannon, they were killed on the spot as long as they were in vital positions.

With the support of the researcher's mentor, the pressure of the besieged investigator Captain Zhao was greatly reduced, and the efficiency of killing strange beasts was greatly improved.

In just five minutes, the group of giant piranhas that launched the attack were almost wiped out.

Ordinary animals know that when they encounter an invincible enemy, they must either retreat or call for help, let alone smarter beasts.


The huge piranha monster, which suffered heavy casualties, roared loudly while retreating towards the big swamp behind it.

The two young researchers of the Institute of Psychic Energy looked puzzled. They watched the few giant piranha beasts yelling, and they were a little puzzled by their behavior.

Captain Zhao, who has been stationed here in the spirit world for several months, has rich experience. When he saw those giant piranhas roaring, his expression became a little dignified.

Just as he was about to call his companions to leave, there was a loud noise from the big swamp in the distance.


Captain Zhao, the researcher's mentor, and the two young researchers in the car saw a huge figure jumping out of the swamp.


The figure that jumped out of the swamp hit the shore, exuding a fierce aura.

This is a black snake beast with black scales all over its body.

This strange beast is more than twenty meters long, and the scales on its body reflect a cold light under the sunlight, which makes people know that the armor defense of its scales is very amazing.

Captain Zhao was not frightened by this black snake beast, he calmly said to his companion behind him.

"This strange beast should be the strongest beast in this area, but its strength is not the second-order high-level I mentioned before, but the second-order peak."

When the instructor of the research institute heard this, his heart suddenly became a little dignified. Under the same strength, only a very small number of people can beat each other in one-on-one battles between humans and alien beasts.

"Retreat, get out of here."

The same idea emerged in Captain Zhao and the mentor of the research institute, Lao Zhong. The two looked at each other, and then ran to the car behind them.

"Roar..." The black snake monster saw that the two enemies who killed its little brother were about to run away, and immediately chased after them.

"Boom..." After the two got into the car, they immediately started the car.

The head of the black snake beast popped out like lightning and bit the car.

The horsepower of the psychic engine lived up to expectations, and the moment Captain Zhao stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed out immediately.


Opening its bloody mouth, the black snake beast that was biting towards the car took a bite, and hit the ground with its huge head, knocking out a small hole in the ground.


Some angry black snake beasts pulled out their heads from the small hole, then twisted their bodies, and quickly chased after the fleeing group.

The black snake beast chased desperately, and the distance between the two sides gradually narrowed.

The researcher mentor sitting in the passenger seat saw the black snake beast that was chasing after him through the rearview mirror.

He turned around, picked up the plasma cannon in his hand, and set it on the car window.

At this time, Captain Zhao, who was driving, turned the steering wheel and made the car slightly sideways.

In this way, the researcher instructor sitting in the co-pilot's seat can aim at the black snake beast.


The researcher mentor fired the plasma cannon, and the bright silver-white plasma cannon shot out from the barrel, hitting the black snake beast's body precisely.


PS: Thanks to "zhongT" for the 1000 points rewarded.

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