My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1179 Part-time jobs and transactions (two chapters in one)

"Yes, yes, cousin, you taught me the right thing. I've finished eating, and I'm going to work first." Chen Peipei, who had just made a mistake, did not dare to contradict Shen Wufeng for the time being.

"Are you full after eating just this?" Shen Wufeng, who knew Chen Peipei's appetite, frowned when she saw that she was about to go out after eating a steamed stuffed bun and half a bowl of soy milk.

"I drank too much wine last night. I don't have much appetite now. Let's not talk anymore. I'm going out first..." Chen Peipei got up and went to the living room to get her bag. After walking a few steps, she stopped and turned to eat fried dough sticks. Qin Shiyu said.

"Sister Qin, can you help me ask your store manager if the store still needs to recruit a part-time job to help in the store?"

Qin Shiyu swallowed the food in his mouth, nodded and smiled at Chen Peipei, "Yes, I will ask you when I get to the store."

"Chen Peipei, why did you ask Qin Shiyu to ask this for you? Uh... you are not going to quit your current job, are you?" Shen Wufeng asked.

"Yes, there is no business in the shop where I work now, it's so boring every day!

I don't go home this summer, I stay in Rongcheng to do a summer job, not because I want to find a leisurely job to dawdle. "Chen Peipei said confidently.

"Okay!" Chen Peipei's reasons were very good, which made it impossible for Shen Wufeng to refute.

"Stop talking, it's almost time, I'm going out." Chen Peipei left the restaurant, walked quickly into the living room, picked up the bag on the sofa and went out.


The sound of closing the door at the entrance sounded, Shen Wufeng turned his head, and said to Qin Shiyu very embarrassedly, "Qin Shiyu, I'm really sorry for your inconvenience."

"It's okay, since the government issued a new policy to encourage everyone to practice, the store's business has been very good during this period, and the store manager and I are almost overwhelmed.

Just yesterday, I heard the store manager muttering about finding someone to work part-time. Now that Chen Peipei has this idea, I just push the boat along and ask for help. Whether it will work or not depends on my store to make a decision. "Qin Shiyu said with a smile.

After a while, Qin Shiyu left the house after breakfast, and after Shen Wufeng changed his clothes, he was the only one left in the house.

"Crack, bang."

Shen Wufeng, who was going out, closed the door and checked the time. There were 30 minutes left before the clock-in time stipulated by the company.

"Hurry up, if you are late, you will lose this month's full attendance." Standing on the corridor, Shen Wufeng muttered, and then began to use his 'shadow jump' ability.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

After using several supernatural powers in succession, Shen Wufeng jumped from the door of his home to the door of the community in just a dozen seconds.

"Ah!" The grocery shopping aunt passing by the gate of the community was startled when she saw a person protruding from the shade of the roadside trees.


Shen Wufeng unlocked a shared bicycle parked on the side of the road with his mobile phone, and after riding it, he hurried towards the company.

"Hey... the world has changed!" The grocery shopping aunt watched Shen Wufeng, who was using supernatural powers, disappear around the corner of the street on a bicycle, muttered to herself, and continued to walk home slowly.


In the East District, a small private warehouse near the flower and bird market.

"Mr. Lin, please sign this form." After the chocolate factory delivery man unloaded the goods, he took out a form from his pocket and handed it to Lin Fei.

"Okay." Lin Fei took the form from the other party, signed his name, and the deliveryman put away the form and reminded Lin Fei kindly.

"Mr. Lin, your warehouse doesn't have refrigeration equipment, and the temperature in summer is relatively high. If you don't transfer these chocolates to other warehouses with lower temperatures as soon as possible, I'm afraid these chocolates will melt and lose their shape."

"Thank you for your reminder." Lin Fei would always thank others with a smile for their kindness.

After the deliveryman from the chocolate factory left, Lin Fei immediately walked into the warehouse and used his dimensional power to put away all the chocolates that had just arrived.


Pulling down the rolling shutter door of the warehouse, Lin Fei took out a bar of chocolate weighing 20 grams from his pocket. He tore open the paper packaging wrapped in the chocolate, thinking in his heart while eating the chocolate.

"The cost price of this kind of chocolate I customized is 50 cents per piece, and it costs three yuan per piece in the elf world, um, that's three copper coins, isn't that too much!

After deducting the cost and the profit distributed to the partner, I earn 2 copper coins for each piece of chocolate. This time I wholesaled 2 million pieces of chocolate, and sold them all to make a net profit of 4 million copper coins. If it is calculated as gold coins, it is 400 gold coins. If it is a stone, it is 80 spirit stones.

Uh... only 80 spirit stones, which is a bit small! What a small business..."

"Beep ring..."

The cell phone in his pocket rang, pulling Lin Fei back from his thoughts.

"Bai Xi?" Lin Fei looked at the caller ID on the phone screen, and then connected the call.


"Good morning boss!"

"Good morning."

"have you eaten breakfast?"

It's almost nine o'clock now... Lin Fei said, "I've eaten, what's the matter?"

"Boss, it's like this. The business in the store has been very good recently. We are a bit busy, so I think..."

"Do you want to hire someone else?"

"No, I want to hire a part-time job."

"Part-time job? Since you are too busy, just hire another person."

"Boss, there is no need to waste this money. I think it will be a bit busy during the summer vacation. After that, it will not be as busy as it is now, so it is enough to hire a part-time job in the summer vacation."

You are the only worker who thinks of the boss all the time... Lin Fei muttered in his heart.

Then he said to Bai Xi, "Okay! From now on, you can handle this kind of thing by yourself, and you don't need to call me for instructions.

Well, there is another thing... I have something to do in the past two days. When I finish my work here, I will treat you to a big meal. "


In Lin Fei's flower shop, Bai Xi put away the phone after finishing the call, and Qin Shiyu, who paid the customer, looked at Bai Xi and asked, "Bai Xi, what did the boss say?"

"He let me decide by myself." Bai Xi said helplessly.

"This boss really doesn't look like a boss. I feel that if you don't call him, he might forget that he still has a flower shop that is open..." Qin Shiyu joked.

Bai Xi smiled slightly and said, "Qin Shiyu, tell your friend's cousin! Ask her if she can come to work in the store tomorrow."

"Okay." Qin Shiyu sent a WeChat message to Chen Peipei on his mobile phone, and within a few seconds, the other party replied quickly.

"Bai Xi, she said yes."

"Yeah." Bai Xi nodded, then turned to a customer not far away who was picking potted plants for spiritual plants in front of the shelf.


In the hall of Lin Fei's home in the elf world, Lin Fei, who had already put the wholesale chocolates into the warehouse, said to the old housekeeper, Tea Tu, "Tea steward, I have put the chocolate in the warehouse, please notify over there as soon as possible." Let's pick up the goods!"

The old housekeeper who was shocked by the mountain of chocolates came back to his senses at this moment, and quickly nodded in response, "It's the boss, I'll arrange someone to notify the other party to pick up the goods."

After the old housekeeper Chatu left, Lin Fei looked at his accountant, Jing Jiu, and said with a smile, "Jing Jiu, are you still used to working here?"

"Well, I like this place very much." Jing Jiu, who had already gotten along well with the maids in the mansion, had a happy look on her brows.

"Step, step, step..."

There were hurried footsteps outside the living room, and the elf maid Luqi hurried into the hall, panting and said to Lin Fei, ", the envoy of His Majesty the King has arrived, and he is waiting in front of the flower bed outside the house. You enter the palace together."

It seems that His Majesty the King and his ministers should have discussed the results... Lin Fei got up from his chair and left the hall.

After more than 20 minutes, Lin Fei walked into the study of the elf king Lenke. He was greeted by the other party and sat down where he had tea and snacks last time.

"Your Excellency Lin Fei, please drink some water..." Ling Ke said, and helped Lin Fei pour a glass of boiled water. This time he did not pour Lin Fei scented tea like last time. He should have learned from his daughter Ling Lan that Lin Fei didn't like scented tea very much.

"Your Majesty, is there something you sent someone to find me this time?" Although Lin Fei had some guesses in his heart, he was not too sure.

"I said before that I would buy a batch of high-quality spirit weapon long swords from you. After discussing with my ministers in the past two days, the result has already been reached." Lenke said.

Sure enough, as I guessed... Lin Fei said with a smile, "Your efficiency is quite high! Then how many spirit weapon swords are you going to buy?"

Ling Ke pondered for a moment, then stretched out two fingers and said to Lin Fei, "2000!"

"Okay, when do you want it?" Lin Fei, who was happy in his heart, asked calmly.

"Is it possible now?" Lenke said.

"Of course." Lin Fei got up from the chair and said to Lenke, "The 2,000 spirit weapons and long swords take up space, can I put them in the open space outside the study?"

"Yes." Lenke nodded and said, and then he and Lin Fei walked out of the study together.

"Your Majesty." The palace guards waiting outside the study saw Lenke coming out of the study, and they hurriedly saluted together.

"You all stand aside." Lenke pointed to the open space in front of him on the right, and said to the guards.

"Yes." Although the guards were a little puzzled, they obeyed the order and immediately gathered in the open space indicated by His Majesty the King.

After more than a dozen guards stood up, Ling Ke said to Lin Fei, "Your Excellency Lin Fei, please."

Lin Fei let out a "hmm", walked forward a few steps, and waved his hand at the space vacated by the guards.


"Jingling jingling..."

A bunch of spiritual weapons and long swords appeared out of thin air, and fell on the open space with a dense sound.

"This..." The guards opened their mouths wide in shock at the mountain of spirit weapons and long swords in front of them. Some guards even thought they were dazzled, so they rubbed their eyes with their hands.

Not to mention the guards, Rao, the lord of a country, Lenke, saw so many high-quality spiritual weapons and long swords piled up in front of him, his heart was also stirred up.

After taking out 2000 spiritual weapons from the dimension space and putting them on the ground, Lin Fei turned around and said to Lenke, "Your Majesty, all the 2000 spiritual weapons and long swords you bought are here, please arrange for someone to count them !"

"You don't need to count, I believe His Excellency Lin Fei's character." Lenke said grandly.

"It's better to count the number, in case I counted the wrong number!" Under Lin Fei's insistence, Ling Ke ordered the stunned guards to count the number of the spirit weapon long sword.

"one two three……"

"One hundred and one, one hundred and two, one hundred and three..."

In the open space outside the study room, the counting sounds of the guards echoed. Some guards got too excited and counted the numbers wrong, so they had to do it all over again.

After a long time, Lin Fei finally managed to count the guards.

"Your Majesty, there are exactly 2,000 spirit weapons and long swords here." A guard came to report to Ling Kehui.

"Okay." Lenke said to the guard, "You go and ask the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to remove these spiritual weapons and long swords, and ask them to bring 400,000 spirit stones here."

"400,'s Your Majesty." When the guard heard that he was going to bring 400,000 spirit stones here, he almost lost his composure in shock.

"Go quickly! Don't keep His Excellency Lin Fei waiting." Len Ke said.

"Step, step, step..."

The guard turned and left, and quickly ran towards the location of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Your Excellency Lin Fei, it will take some time for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to transport the spirit stones. Let's go back to the study and sit for a while!" Ling Ke smiled at Lin Fei.

"Okay." Lin Fei and Ling Ke returned to the study room, leaving the guards outside the door drooling as they looked at the mountains of spirit weapon swords piled up in the open space.

These guards have cultivation bases from the beginning of the second stage to the peak of the second stage. When counting these high-quality long swords, they all tried these long swords with spiritual energy.

The results of the hands-on trial shocked them greatly. The energy consumption of these long swords is very low, which is many times better than the royal spiritual weapons they are using now.

"I don't know if it's our turn to use these spirit weapon long swords." Looking at those spirit weapon long swords reflecting dazzling light under the gaze, a guard murmured softly.

"'s not our turn to use it!" Another guard responded.

"This should be equipped for the army guarding the world passage...We can use the weapons we have on hand." An old guard said to his companions.


Four hundred thousand spirit stones is not a small number! After receiving Lenke's order, the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs spent more than an hour to prepare the 400,000 spirit stones.

"Your Majesty, here are 400,000 spirit stones." The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported to Ling Kehui.

Lenke nodded, and said to Lin Fei who had been waiting for a long time, "Your Excellency Lin Fei, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

You also know I'm sorry! Now that I decided to buy it, I didn't know how to prepare the spirit stone sooner. The flowers I've been waiting for are almost withering... Lin Fei smiled and said, "It's okay."


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