My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1187 The Evil Guest Comes (Two Chapters in One)

Lin Fei saw that Zhang Yurou mistakenly thought that he had arrived with suet white jade, and explained with a smile, "No, Miss Zhang, I don't have jade on hand for the time being, and there are some chocolates that I wholesaled."


Zhang Yurou was stunned for a moment, and Lin Fei said, "Recently, I changed my career to do chocolate wholesale business, would you like some chocolate?"

"Thank you, I'm going to work in the store soon, I don't like chocolate." Zhang Yurou shook her head, and at the same time she looked at Lin Fei with surprise, feeling very puzzled.

"Mr. Lin has operated a business worth tens of billions before. How could he suddenly switch to a small business like chocolate wholesale? Besides, the jade business and the chocolate business are too different, right?"

"Miss Zhang, I'm going to be busy, so let's do this first! Let's talk later when we have time." Lin Fei smiled, and then he turned and walked into the warehouse.

Zhang Yurou opened her mouth, although she wanted to chat with Lin Fei for a while, but she didn't know what to say.

"Hey..." Sighing slightly, Zhang Yurou turned back to her sports car. After getting in the car, she took another look at Lin Fei's warehouse, then started the car and drove towards her home shop.


In the world of elves, the "tree of life" of the white elves stretches its branches and leaves, protecting the entire "capital" as always.

The west area of ​​the 'Capital City' is considered to be the worst economic area among all urban areas. Most of the people living here are ordinary people, so this area is also called the civilian area by everyone.

A certain commercial block in the civilian area that was not very lively, in recent days, because of a certain shop, this commercial block has been bustling with people and traffic, even dignitaries who rarely pay attention to the civilian area have some came here.

At seven o'clock in the morning, before the shops on both sides of the commercial street opened for business, some servants from the families of high-ranking officials were sent to line up in front of a certain store on this commercial street.

"It's open, it's's finally open for business."

At eight o'clock in the morning, with a "click", the waiter in a shop removed the door panels of the shop one by one.

"If I don't buy that chocolate again today, the miss will definitely be even more unhappy, and I will have to suffer." A servant at the front of the line stared intently at the busy waiter, and said Said to himself.

The shop that lined up early in the morning was called Baiweitang, and it was a shop specializing in snacks. The owner of the shop was an old friend of Lin Fei's old housekeeper, Cha Tu.

Originally, the business of this Baiweitang located in the downtown area was mediocre, but since it started selling chocolate, a snack that has never been seen before, the business of the store has become extremely hot in an instant.

It has now become the best shop in the entire street, and even in the entire civilian area.

"Guests, please." After the waiter of Baekweitang raised all the door panels, he began to greet the customers who had lined up outside the store early in the morning.

"Everyone, slow down, don't worry." The waiter saw some people hurrying towards the store, and quickly greeted them.

The atmosphere at the scene was very lively. If there were not waiters in the shop to maintain order, these eager customers would definitely rush forward, causing some accidents that no one wanted to see.

"Da da da……"

More than half an hour after Baiweitang opened for business, a large wooden carriage pulling goods appeared on the street and headed for the location of Baiweitang.


As the coachman pulled the rein in his hand, the horse stopped sensibly.

After the carriage stopped, a beautiful elf girl with dimples on her face got out of the carriage.

Yesterday evening, I received a notice from the owner of Baiweitang, saying that there were not many chocolates left in the store, so early this morning, the old butler Chatu arranged for a manpower to take out a batch of chocolates from the warehouse in the manor and load them into the carriage. Order people to send to the city.

And Jing Jiu is the accountant. In order to check the accounts, she came with the coachman.

Seeing a large truck parked outside the door, the shopkeeper Mo in Baiweitang hurried out with the shop assistants.

The hot business in the past few days has made the shopkeeper Mo who is in charge of this shop, the smile on his face never diminished.

When he came to Jing Jiu with a few shop assistants, although he knew in his heart that the other party was here to check yesterday's account, he still said kindly and smilingly, "Miss Jing Jiu, please go all the way Deliver it to us!"

"The shopkeeper Mo is out of touch. We are partners. These are the things I should do."

Although Jing Jiu is young, after all, she has received professional training in the royal bank before, so she will not appear very unfamiliar when facing an experienced person like shopkeeper Mo.

The two parties exchanged a few pleasantries, and then started to get down to business. Shopkeeper Mo arranged for someone to get the account book for Jing Jiu to check, and at the same time instructed the shop assistants to unload all the chocolates from the carriage and move them to the storage room in the shop. .

After a while.

Shopkeeper Mo of Baiweitang glanced at the long queue outside the store, and said to Jing Jiu who had finished checking the account book.

"Miss Jingjiu, there are a lot more customers today than yesterday. If this situation continues, the customers will soon buy out the goods, so please ask the tea steward to arrange delivery after you go back. A batch of chocolates is coming to the shop."

When Jing Jiu heard what shopkeeper Mo said, a look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on her face.

Over the past few days, the buoyant Baiweitang has sold batch after batch of chocolates to the outside world. Of those chocolates that Lin Fei kept in the warehouse, as of today, only this batch is left.

Just when Jing Jiu was about to tell shopkeeper Mo the truth, there was a sudden loud noise from the long queue outside the store.

"Go away, all of you, don't block my young master's way."

"This road doesn't belong to your house, why should we make way for you!"

First there was an annoying voice, and then there were loud shouts and curses.

Jing Jiu and shopkeeper Mo in Baiweitang came out of the store immediately after hearing the movement outside. They saw a man in gorgeous clothes leading a group of servants blocking the door of the store.

At this time, they want to disperse the people queuing up to buy things and prevent those customers from entering the store to buy things.

Shopkeeper Mo, who has a lot of experience, can tell from the opponent's posture that he is the son of a high-ranking official. He is just an ordinary shopkeeper, but he can't afford to provoke such a person.

So he hurried forward and said to the man, "Guest officer, do you need to buy something? I'll help you pack it."

The noble boy was watching his servants confront those civilians, and when he heard someone talking behind him, he looked back.

Seeing that it was the shopkeeper, just as he was about to speak, he suddenly noticed Jing Jiu standing behind the shopkeeper, his eyes lit up in vain, and there was a dirty smile on the corner of his mouth.

Jing Jiu, who was just a fledgling, didn't notice the meaning of the other party's smile. Being stared at by the other party, she just felt uncomfortable.

The experienced shopkeeper of Baiweitang instantly saw the evil intentions in the other party's smile, he sighed slightly in his heart, and then moved his body to block the other party's gaze.

The son of the rich and powerful who was blocked from seeing frowned immediately, and wanted to scold shopkeeper Mo, but then he thought that he came to this civilian area today to do business, so he said it.

"I heard from a friend that your store has a unique snack called chocolate, which is very popular with everyone. I want to buy some to try today. Go and get some for me."

The shopkeeper nodded, and then motioned to the shop assistant to get a piece of chocolate.

The arrogant and powerful kid took the chocolate from the clerk, tore open the package and tasted it. He frowned slightly, then his eyes lit up, and he spoke in admiration.

"Yes, the taste is really unique. No wonder the girls were full of praise for it when I went to the banquet last night."

"As long as you like it." Shopkeeper Mo said politely to the arrogant son of the rich and powerful.

"Shopkeeper, I want all the chocolates in your store, pack them for me quickly! Oh... By the way, give me 10 small portions, I want to give them away." The rich and powerful son ate the chocolate in his hand. Finished, and then said to Shopkeeper Mo.

The shopkeeper Mo with a smile on his face was embarrassed when he heard that the other party said that he would buy all the chocolates in the store.

At the same time, the group of guests who were stopped by the servants of the rich and powerful children immediately quit when they heard what the arrogant and powerful children said.

"You are so unreasonable! We came out early in the morning to queue up to buy chocolates, and you, who came later, jumped in line, and now you have to wrap all the chocolates in the store as soon as you come up, so what shall we do? "

"Yes, yes, this is too bullying, isn't it?"

"It's amazing to be rich!"

"First come, first served, don't you know?"

The words of the rich and powerful son aroused everyone's anger, but the people present were very restrained, they just glared at him and did not directly attack him.

"It's great to be rich. I don't have to buy all the chocolates, as long as one of you is richer than me." Man, his face is full of disdain.

The words of the rich and powerful children immediately seemed to add fuel to the fire, and instantly detonated the anger in the hearts of the people who got up early in the morning to line up for shopping, and their anger became louder.

Although the rich and powerful are willing to pay for the chocolates in the store at one time, this is very good for the store, and they don't have to deal with customers one by one.

But shopkeeper Mo of Baiweitang is not a short-sighted person. The most important thing in business is integrity. He arranges the customers to line up and buy in order.

Now if people who jump in the queue are allowed to buy all the chocolates in the store, so that the customers who queued up before can't buy anything, then Baekweitang's business will not need to be done in the future.

Just when shopkeeper Mo was in a dilemma, Jing Jiu, who was standing aside, said, "My customer, you should first come, first served. If you want to buy chocolates, please line up first!"

"What did you say? You told me to queue up?" The arrogant and powerful son looked at Jing Jiu, his eyes narrowed, and there was a dangerous aura on his body, which shocked Jing Jiu, who was outspoken.

"Master, don't be angry! She was joking with you." The servant at the side understood his master's temperament and quickly persuaded him in a low voice.

Some people in the surrounding crowd are practitioners. They immediately sensed the psychic energy fluctuations revealed by the rich and powerful just now, and someone said in horror, "What a strong psychic energy fluctuation, this person is a practitioner at the beginning of the third stage. .”

"How is it possible? He is actually a cultivator at the beginning of the third stage?" Everyone looked at the arrogant and powerful kid in disbelief, and they all thought in their hearts, "This kind of trash man can also practice at the beginning of the third stage." , It's really unreasonable."

Shopkeeper Mo, who only had a high level of cultivation, and Jing Jiu, an ordinary person who didn't even have a cultivation level, were stared at by the children of the rich and powerful, and felt trembling in their hearts, unable to speak.

Because of the strength of this arrogant son of a rich man, all the current discussions have disappeared at this moment.

Shopkeeper Mo, who was in a dilemma, thought for a while, and finally decided to do as the other party said.

He sighed heavily in his heart, and was about to order the guys in the shop to pack up all the chocolates that had just arrived and hand them over to this arrogant son of a rich man.

"It seems that chocolate is very popular, there are so many people around here." A voice suddenly sounded in this quiet scene.

When Jing Jiu heard this familiar voice, she turned her head to look sideways and shouted loudly, "Boss, why are you here?"

Lin Fei, who came out of the crowd, came to Jing Jiu, ignored the arrogant son of the rich and powerful, and said to Jing Jiu with a smile.

"When passing by here, I remembered that you told me that our partner sells chocolates in this place, so I stopped by to have a look."

The arrival of Lin Fei made Jing Jiu's tense nerves relax.

"Is this person from the Black Elf family? It's not like that! The color of the eyes is a bit different from the ears." The arrogant son of the rich and powerful carefully looked at Lin Fei's appearance, and stopped thinking about it if he couldn't figure it out, and put these things first. A poop.

Then he urged shopkeeper Mo, "Shopkeeper, don't waste my time, go and move out all the chocolates in the store! I have to hurry to do other things!"

Although shopkeeper Mo had never met Lin Fei, he could guess from Jing Jiu's words just now that the man in front of him who looked similar to a member of the Black Elf family should be the one who provided the chocolates. Partner.

Urged by that arrogant son of a powerful man, Shopkeeper Mo immediately looked at Lin Fei. He was just a commoner, hoping to get help from Lin Fei.

Because shopkeeper Mo heard from his employer that this person who cooperated with him cured Her Royal Highness's terminal illness not long ago.

He was considered the princess' savior, and with such an identity, if this partner was willing to stand up and say a few words, that arrogant son of the rich and powerful would give him some kind of sympathy and stop embarrassing them.


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