My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1224 Clues (two chapters in one)

Lin Fei looked at the saleswoman and repeated, "Give me 10 packs."

"Uh..." The young female salesperson swallowed hard, feeling a little blank in her mind.

Since she joined the job yesterday, she has been asking her seniors humbly. According to what the seniors said, like this store where she is, the new dry pet food is expensive, so it would be good to sell one or two packs a month.

The store mainly sells relatively low-end products, with prices ranging from several hundred to one thousand yuan, and only dozens of packs are sold a month.

The results of it! Now I actually sold 10 packs of the most expensive dry pet food at one time, which is almost a month's turnover in the store.

"This... I'm not dreaming, am I?" The young saleswoman asked Lin Fei in disbelief, "Sir, are you sure you want 10 packs of the latest dry pet food? Do you want to know more about it?"

Lin Fei shook his head and said, "No need, I learned about this new product from your family online before I came here, please pack it for me quickly! I'm in a hurry."

Lin Fei's meaning was very clear, but the young saleswoman was stunned.

She looked at Lin Fei, and her heart began to beat violently, thinking that she might have met a rich second generation who was not short of money, so maybe this order of hers would really work out?

As soon as she thought of completing this order, the performance cut would be equivalent to one month's salary, the young female saleswoman looked into Lin Fei's eyes, and immediately became eager.

This newcomer is too unskilled in business! I'm still rushing to Wangyue Mountain Forest... Lin Fei looked at the young saleswoman in front of him who was not familiar with the business, he frowned and tapped on the counter lightly.

The young saleswoman was startled awake, and quickly apologized to Lin Fei, "Excuse me, sir, please enter the VIP room, and I will pack and pay for you right away."

With that said, the young salesman quickly walked out of the counter and led Lin Fei into the VIP room.

In the VIP room, there are bills and credit card machines ready.

After Lin Fei sat down, the young saleswoman turned around and brought the receipt and the credit card machine, and returned to Lin Fei.

After that, she filled out the form carefully, handed it to Lin Fei, and said, "Sir, please sign."

Lin Fei took a look at the receipt, and then signed his name.

The young salesman took it, tore off half of the file, and handed the other half to Lin Fei, and then she picked up the credit card machine. At this moment, she paused and asked Lin Fei, "Sir, how do you pay the bill? Do you pay by card? Or mobile payment?" ?”

Lin Fei glanced at the credit card machine in the opponent's hand, and suddenly remembered that there was still some cash in his dimensional space, and he hadn't used the cash for a long time, so he might as well take this opportunity to use up some of the cash.

"Cash!" As he said, Lin Fei stretched out his hand in front of him, and ten stacks of hundred-yuan bills appeared out of thin air, stacked on the table.

The young saleswoman was dumbfounded at the large pile of cash that appeared out of nowhere on the table, and exclaimed in her heart, "How can anyone bring so much cash to buy things now?

No, my focus is wrong, the money appeared out of thin air, this guest is a practitioner, he either awakened the storage space ability, or he himself has a space spirit weapon.

Hmm... I watched a program about introducing practitioners before. The host had introduced this aspect. There are very few practitioners who have awakened storage space abilities, and the price of a space spirit weapon is at least over 100 million. There is a price but no market. "

Lin Fei pushed the money in front of the young saleswoman and said, "Here is 100,000 yuan, please count it quickly and see if the amount is right."

"Gudong." The young female saleswoman looked at the pile of money and swallowed, "Okay, please wait a moment..."


After a while, Lin Fei left the VIP room with empty hands, leaving only the young saleswoman in the store, staring in a daze in front of 10 stacks of hundred-yuan cash and the banknote detector.

Lin Fei walked out of the VIP room, where the two old saleswomen were still chatting.

Seeing Lin Feikong set out to come out, the eyes of the two salesmen flickered with disdain, thinking that their judgment was right again.

The two of them silently exchanged their views on Lin Fei through mouth-to-mouth, and they probably knew what it was without guessing. It was just that if you don’t have money, you should stop shopping in luxury stores.

The two chatted for a while, and one of the old salesmen suddenly realized that she asked, "By the way, where is Xiao Wu?"

Xiao Wu is the young new salesman.

Another old salesman was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Xiao Wu seems to be still in the VIP room?"

"Why is she still in the VIP room? Don't tell me something happened?"

Thinking of this, the two exchanged glances, and then walked quickly to the VIP room.

Knocking on the door of the VIP room, one of the salesmen said, "Xiao Wu, are you okay? Why don't you come out?"

Saying that, the two pushed open the door, and then they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Because there are 10 stacks of cash neatly arranged on the table in the VIP room.

The two salesmen asked in surprise, "Xiao Wu, what's the matter? Why is there so much cash on the table?"

The young female saleswoman was awakened by the sound of the door opening. She raised her head and said something in a daze.

"Sister Li, Sister Zhang... The gentleman just now paid all the shopping in cash, and bought 10 packs of dry pet food for 9999 yuan at one time..."

The two salesmen who had always been ignorant of Lin Fei's words immediately looked at each other after hearing what Xiao Wu said, and they could see the unconcealed regret in each other's eyes.

If they had taken the initiative just now, the commission of this business would have been theirs.


After leaving the luxury dry pet food store in the department store, Lin Fei walked to a distant corner where no one was around, while recalling the dry pet food advertisement video he had seen on his mobile phone yesterday.

After sending Zhouyue home yesterday, he used the space teleportation ability to return to his home.

Because he forgot to promise Han Xue to go to the Wangyue Mountain Forest to do the investigation, so he decided to go to bed early, get up early the next day, and go to deal with the matter.

After washing up, he went to bed, but unfortunately he couldn't fall asleep while lying on the bed, so he picked up the phone on the bedside table and started watching short videos.

After swiping, I saw an advertisement about pet dry food. This video advertisement was shot very well, and it boasted this dry pet food with spiritual plants.

The only disadvantage of dry pet food is that it is a little expensive. Of course, this amount of money is nothing to Lin Fei.

Thinking of going to Wangyue Mountain Forest for investigation tomorrow, and then going to see Xiaobai and his greedy Timberwolves, Lin Fei decided to buy some of these spirit-added plants before going to Wangyue Mountain Forest. dry pet food.

At the corner, retracting his thoughts, Lin Fei used his space teleportation ability while there was no one around.


In the lush and green ocean-like Wangyue Mountain forest, a white light suddenly appeared, and then a figure appeared in midair.

Lin Fei looked up at the scorching sun in the sky, he reached out and took out a pair of sunglasses from his own dimension to put on.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a coordinate locator from the dimensional space, turned on the machine, and entered the coordinates sent to him by Han Xue.


The coordinate locator beeped, indicating the specific location for Lin Fei.

"The location is in the north-east direction! It's very close to the northern area of ​​the Wangyue Mountain Forest, and a little further forward, it should pass the area ruled by Xiaobai."

Lin Fei glanced at the data displayed on the coordinate locator, muttered something in his mouth, and then stepped on his right foot symbolically in mid-air, and his whole body, like a sharp arrow, shot towards the direction indicated by the coordinate locator out.


Lin Fei's flying speed was getting faster and faster, and he produced a huge roar like a supersonic plane flying.


Because it was flying at a low altitude, the roar produced frightened the birds in the forest along the way.

Sensing that his flight was affecting the birds in the forest, Lin Fei immediately raised his flight altitude.

When Lin Fei's figure was gone, several birds and beasts with psychic fluctuations flew up from the forest. They flapped their wings and looked at the direction of Lin Fei's departure, chirping and discussing something.

"That's human!"

"How could human beings appear in the depths of the Wangyue Mountain forest?"

"Human beings are too bad, there must be no good to appear here."

"Go chase that human, and I'll report this to Lord Red-Eyed Owl."

"How to chase after him! He flies so fast, he has long since disappeared."



At the junction of the northern area and the eastern area of ​​the Wangyue Mountain Forest, there is a tributary of the Li River. Han Xue told Lin Fei that the target location is not far from this tributary of the Li River.

Lin Fei found many footprints of alien beasts at the scene, and the number was staggering.

Afterwards, Lin Fei began to search to see if he could find the group of strange beasts with an astonishing number based on the footprints of the strange beasts that had already been discovered.

After more than half an hour of searching, Lin Fei found nothing and sat down on a rock on the bank of a tributary of the Li River.

At this time, the sun has climbed into the sky, and the shadows of the trees on both sides of the tributaries of the Lijiang River are vaguely covered on the water.

The mountain wind blew, the shade of the trees swayed, and the light spots mixed in it seemed to surge like waves.

Sitting on the rock, Lin Fei looked at the beautiful scenery in the distance, and listened to the sound of the wind, insects and birds in his ears.

Nature is an excellent mood calmer. Lin Fei felt that his mood became very peaceful. He stood up, came out from the shade of the tree, went outside, jumped up from the bank, and jumped directly over the Lijiang River, which is more than ten meters wide. tributary.

After many places, Lin Fei walked towards the dense forest in the distance.

As it gets deeper and deeper, the light in the forest is getting darker and darker. It is very quiet here, and occasionally there will be a cooing bird call, coming from an unknown corner.

The soles of the feet stepped on a thick layer of rotten dead leaves, making a creaking sound, and what the tip of the nose smelled was a strange smell of fermentation.

He clearly knew that he was strong, but in such an environment, Lin Fei still inevitably felt a little 'fear'.

"Hey... It's not that I'm not worried about alien beasts attacking head-on. The main reason is that if ordinary bugs with a very low sense of existence land on me, it will be disgusting."

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Fei set up a telekinetic barrier for himself. Because he was afraid that he would be bored, he made a few small holes in the telekinetic barrier, and even made a large ice cube to float beside him. Cool yourself down.

Walk forward slowly, focusing on perceiving the surrounding environment.

If ordinary people were in the depths of such a dangerous and unpredictable big forest, they might be shocked as long as there was a small sound, and immediately looked nervously towards the place where the sound happened.

Lin Fei, who was slowly groping forward in the forest, only encountered a few inexplicable small animals during the period, and did not encounter any strange beasts, or anything like bugs falling on his body.

After walking for about five minutes, some changes appeared around, and many white spider webs appeared on many trees.

These spider webs are a little broken, and they should have been made a long time ago.


After walking forward for a while, Lin Fei heard a faint voice coming from the front.

The sound stopped from time to time, as if someone was stirring the leaves with a long stick.

"What's wrong with me recently? Is there a fate with spiders? It's nothing more than encountering spider beasts in the elf world, but I met spider beasts again on Blue Star."

Lin Fei looked at the huge figure in the distance, and exhaled lightly. He really couldn't like this kind of creature.

It was a huge, fluffy spider monster that slowly appeared in the darkness, and the other party didn't seem to notice Lin Fei.


Rongcheng, East District.

"Okay, I'll be right there." Luo Song hung up the phone, went to the cabinet to find a set of t-shirts to put on, went downstairs, and rode out on the bicycle he had just bought.

In midsummer, the sun is frighteningly hot, and there are very few people on the street, some of whom are wearing parasols and wearing sunglasses on their faces.

Luo Song rode his bicycle and walked all the way to the shade of the trees on the side of the road. He was not exposed to the sun much, but he started to sweat after riding a long distance.

Fortunately, after riding for a while, he entered a road section close to the Lijiang River. The air here is humid, and there are trees planted on the bank. Riding in the shade of the trees, and the river breeze blowing in, it is slightly cool.

More than ten minutes later, Luo Song came to the door of a cold drink shop. The business in the shop was not very good today. There were few people sitting in the shop, mainly young couples.

Luo Song parked his car under a tree on the side of the road and walked into this cold drink shop.

"Welcome, sir, would you like something to drink?"

"Don't order for now, my friend has already reserved a private room." Luo Song greeted the waiter, then went straight to the second floor, and pushed open the door of a private room.

At this moment, the air conditioner is on in the private room, the TV hanging on the wall is playing the current hit drama, and the girl from Yorosong is sitting on the chair.

This girl is very beautiful. She is holding a bottle of juice, and there is a plate of iced watermelon in front of her that makes people move their index fingers.


PS: Thank you for the 5,000 points rewarded by "The Way Comes from the Heart and the Heart Has No Way".

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