My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1306 Unaware of Blessings in Blessings (Two Chapters in One)

On the second floor of the flower shop, pots of ordinary potted plants that had just arrived were transformed into spiritual plants by the light of life, and the concentration of free spiritual energy in the air on the second floor slowly increased.

"'s finally done." Lin Fei transformed the last ordinary potted plant into a spiritual plant, and then put away his abilities.

"Step, step, step..."

There were footsteps coming from the corridor entrance, Lin Fei turned his head and found that it was Bai Xi.

"Boss, there is a customer who wants three pots of Clivia." Bai Xi said.

"I've already done it, you can take it down!" Lin Fei said, pointing to a row of shelves stacked with Clivia.

"En." Bai Xi nodded, walked to the shelf, and picked up a pot of Clivia that had turned into a spiritual plant in each of her left and right hands. Just as she was thinking of picking up the third pot, Lin Fei at the side said, " Let me get it for you!"


Afterwards, Lin Fei and Bai Xi went downstairs with the Lingzhi needed by the guests.

"Ding dong."

"The payment is 5997 yuan."

"Walk slowly, Mr. Liu, welcome to come again next time..." Chen Peipei smiled and sent the shoppers out, and when she came back, Lin Fei said to her, "Chen Peipei, school will start in a few days! "

"That's right! Boss, I won't be able to continue to work part-time at that time." Chen Peipei said with some reluctance. After all, working here is not only a good salary, but also very happy.

"On weekends after school starts, if you want, you can continue to work part-time in the flower shop." Lin Fei learned from Bai Xi that Chen Peipei's work performance is very good, so he said so.

"Is this really possible?" Chen Peipei said in surprise.

"Of course, I'm the owner of this flower shop!" Lin Fei laughed.

"thank you boss!"

"Hehe, well, I'll go first..."

Lin Fei, who had replenished the store, turned and left. When he reached the door, he stopped, turned his head and said to Bai Xi and Chen Peipei, "I put a lot of fruit on the third floor, you can eat it in the store or take it home It’s fine to eat, uh... I suggest you take some more home to share with your family.”

"Yes." Bai Xi and Chen Peipei nodded.

After Lin Fei left, Qin Shiyu, who was entertaining the guests, came over. There were no customers in the store, so the three of them suddenly became free.

"Bai Xi, Sister Qin, I'll go to the third floor to wash some fruit to eat." Chen Peipei said.

After a while, Bai Xi and Qin Shiyu saw Chen Peipei coming down the stairs with a fruit plate containing all kinds of fruits in her hand, and she had a dull expression on her face.

"Chen Peipei, what's wrong with you?" Qin Shiyu asked upon seeing this.

Chen Peipei put the fruit plate on the cash register, picked up a peach, and said, "The boss put a lot of fruit on the third floor."

"Didn't the boss let go of a lot of fruit before?" Bai Xi said, picking up a grape from the fruit plate.

"A lot of fruit, the point is a lot, this time is different from before, this time there is a lot more than before." Chen Peipei said.

"Huh?" Bai Xi and Qin Shiyu looked at each other.

"Oh!" Seeing that the two still hadn't reacted, Chen Peipei said immediately, "This time the boss put 10 times as much fruit on the third floor as before. You can even set up a small fruit stand."

"Huh? The boss gave you so much fruit this time?" Bai Xi was also stunned this time.

"That's right! There are several big watermelons, big durians, and a lot of other kinds of fruits... The boss went to the fruit wholesale market to buy fruits..." Chen Peipei guessed.

Qin Shiyu at the side picked up a guava and took a bite. She didn't say anything, she was really surprised.

After all, he was a researcher before, so his knowledge is naturally far better than that of ordinary people like Bai Xi and Chen Peipei.

She had heard from Bai Xi that Lin Fei had a space spirit weapon before. She was surprised that Lin Fei had such a rare spirit weapon, but she was only surprised for a while.

But now, Chen Peipei said that there are a lot of fruits on the third floor, and they can be taken out to set up a small fruit stand. taken out.

According to the information I have learned so far, there is no such a large-capacity space spirit weapon in the world. I didn't expect it to appear on my boss. It's incredible...

"No wonder the boss suggested that we take some home to share with our family when he left just now." Bai Xi said to himself.

"The three of us can't finish eating so many fruits. It would be a pity not to spoil them all by then. When we go home today, we have to take some back." Chen Peipei said.

"Boss Wu from the fruit wholesale market called again and told me that there is a large batch of fruit again, and the price is cheaper than last time..." Lin Fei came out of the flower shop, eating ice cream while thinking about whether to buy it Go buy another batch of fruit.


As the sun went down and night fell, the hot Rongcheng began to cool down slowly.

After leaving Wang Zheng's house, Luo Song returned to the Ability Management Bureau with the information he had registered.

After handing over the materials to colleagues in the relevant departments, he stayed in the bureau for an afternoon.

This afternoon was relatively calm and didn't require him to go out and perform some errands.

When it was time to get off work, he went to a movie theater.

During lunch, he made an appointment with Tao Bihong to watch a movie together in the evening.

I found a restaurant next to the cinema, and after eating together, the two went to the cinema to watch a movie.

Luo Song lined up to get tickets, Tao Bihong lined up to buy popcorn, and the two met at the ticket gate.

"Senior, how many rows did you buy?"

"Second row."

"Is it that far ahead?"

"The tickets in the back row are all sold out."

What the two of them were watching was a martial arts movie that was just released a few days ago. Tao Bihong likes to watch this kind of movie.

Robbing the rich and helping the poor, punishing evil and promoting good.

Because it is summer vacation, the business of the movie theater is very good, and this movie is considered to be a hit, most of the seats in the theater are full, and most of the audience who came to watch the movie today are young and young couples.

As we all know, young couples like to choose the seats slightly behind when they come to the cinema to watch movies, but they leave the front empty.

In some corners, there are almost couples sitting in pairs.

"These people!" Luo Song couldn't help sighing when he noticed the young lovers in the corner doing something secretly.

Afterwards, he turned his head to his girlfriend Tao Bihong, feeling a little moved in his heart.

Tao Bihong didn't seem to notice what the young lovers sitting in the corner were doing secretly.

She focused on the seat number on the movie ticket, and led Luo Song to find a seat.

After sitting down, Luo Song handed him popcorn, watched Tao Bihong hold the popcorn bucket in one hand, and ate the popcorn in the other, thinking that his plan to hold the other's hand seemed to be impossible.

When Luo Song was disappointed that his plan to hold hands was shattered, Tao Bihong, who was concentrating on watching a movie, noticed something abnormal in him.

So she turned to Luo Song and asked, "Senior, what's wrong with you?"


"Then why do I feel that you are so preoccupied? Did something happen when you went out to perform the mission in the afternoon?"

"No, the task in the afternoon is easy...I...I was thinking, should we hold hands?" Luo Song whispered to Tao Bihong, afraid that others would hear.

"Huh?" Tao Bihong was taken aback immediately after hearing Luo Song's words.

"I saw those couples sitting in the corner watching movies holding hands." Luo Song explained.

Tao Bihong didn't expect Luo Song to ask to hold hands, she said happily, "Senior, let's hold hands!"

After speaking, she stretched out her hand to Luo Song, and then the two held hands together.

This movie is called Supernatural Heroes, and it is the only martial arts movie this year. After becoming an investigator, the things Luo Song came into contact with were much more thrilling than those shown in the movie, so he was not interested in this kind of movie, but Tao Bihong watched it. Have relish.

The fighting in the movie became more and more intense, but Luo Song didn't pay attention to the movie, but felt the little hand he was holding.

"The movie is going to end so soon?" Luo Song, holding his girlfriend's hand, felt that time passed quickly.

With the side of good winning, the film finally ends.

At the end of the movie, the lights were turned on to disperse the darkness. Tao Bihong slowly turned her head and looked at Luo Song, the shyness flashed across her face. It seemed that when she was watching the movie just now, some of her thoughts were still on Luo Song body.

"Senior, the movie is over, let's go out!" Tao Bihong said.

"Okay." Luo Song nodded, not intending to let go, and Tao Bihong didn't take the initiative to ask Luo Song to let go.

The two got up, left the theater holding hands, and walked towards the bathroom.

There is often a queue in the women's restroom, and that's exactly what happened. Luo Song quickly came out of the men's restroom, while Tao Bihong just entered the women's restroom.

He stood waiting not far from the door, observing the surrounding situation, which was a habit he gradually developed after becoming an investigator.

Most of the people who watch movies today are couples. Almost all the people walking by are couples.

The girls are all holding the hand of their boyfriends, or holding arms, more or less like a little bird.

"Senior, let's go!"


Tao Bihong stepped forward, took Luo Song's arm like other girls, and walked forward together with him, and asked in a low voice, "Senior, are you not used to me like this?"

Luo Song was stunned for a moment, then said, "No, this is very good."

"Yeah!" Seeing what Luo Song said, Tao Bihong didn't let go of her hand.

The two walked forward in the crowd, and after a while, they left the movie theater. Just as Tao Bihong was about to say that he would go to a milk tea shop to buy a cup of milk tea together, Luo Song beside him suddenly broke away from her hand, and his whole body was like a sharp arrow. Generally shot.

"Senior???" Tao Bihong, who didn't know why, stood there blankly.

"What are you doing? Let go quickly." The middle-aged man who was grabbed by the wrist scolded Luo Song.

The passers-by around looked at Luo Song one after another, at this moment Luo Song frowned, and exerted a little force on the other's wrist.

"Oh! You fucking let go." The middle-aged man felt the sharp pain from his wrist, and immediately screamed.

"What is this person doing?" The passers-by around talked a lot.

"Miss, check to see if the phone is still in the bag." Luo Song pointed to a girl and said.

"Ah?" The girl named by Luo Song was taken aback for a moment, then quickly checked her bag, "My phone is missing."

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man whose wrist was grabbed by Luo Song. He immediately raised his right hand and punched Luo Song in the face.

"Ah!" The people around shouted loudly, and Tao Bihong in the crowd also told the seniors to be careful.

Although Luo Song has only been an investigator for a few months, he has seen quite a few gangsters. This kind of sneaky thief is the least lethal kind of gangster in his eyes.

Turning his head slightly, his fist brushed against the ends of his hair, and before the middle-aged man could make any further moves, Luo Song raised his right foot and pushed his knee forward.

"Ah!" The legs of the middle-aged man who had been hit hard in the abdomen immediately softened, and he lost the ability to resist in an instant.

With a backhand, Luo Song pressed him to the ground, reached out to touch the opponent's pocket, and took out a current latest smartphone from it.

"This is my mobile phone." The girl who lost her mobile phone before said, looking at Luo Song gratefully. This mobile phone cost her a lot of money. If she lost it, she would want to die. .

Luo Song got up and handed the phone back to the other party. At this time, the security personnel patrolling nearby also came over.

After they understood the situation, they immediately controlled the thief caught by Luo Song and waited for the security guards to arrive at the scene.


"Senior, you looked so handsome when you caught the thief just now!" Tao Bihong looked at Luo Song with admiration.

Luo Song, who was drinking milk tea, smiled and said, "That's an ordinary thief, and it couldn't be easier for me to catch him.

It's not like I haven't encountered a gangster who is several times more vicious than him, and I haven't been arrested by me. "

"I really envy you practitioners, if only I could practice too, if I could practice, I would definitely become a very good practitioner..." Tao Bihong, holding Luo Song's hand, couldn't help thinking.

"Didn't the Institute of Psychic Energy tell the public before? Now, as long as you keep exercising, you will be able to awaken your spirituality in a few years.

After awakening spirituality and obtaining spiritual power, as long as you continue to exercise, you still have a good chance of becoming a practitioner. Luo Song thought for a while and said to Tao Bihong.

After Tao Bihong heard Luo Song's words, she paused and said, "It will take several years! It's too long."

"You are living in blessings and don't know blessings. If a person cannot become a practitioner before the eruption of psionic power, then he will not be able to become a practitioner in this life.

Now, as long as everyone keeps working hard, they all have the opportunity to become practitioners. Even if they can't become that kind of particularly powerful practitioners, they can become ordinary practitioners, and they will be much happier than those people before. "

Luo Song thought for a while, and repeated to Tao Bihong what Senior Wu An had said before to persuade the newcomer to persevere in cultivation.

Tao Bihong heard the words and said with a smile, "Hee hee, what the senior taught me is..."


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